
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Richard Sutcliffe

    I object to the A303 expressway through the Stonehenge WHS for several reasons. The Stonehenge WHS, including its famous archaeology, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’, will be... Read more

  • Robert Cook

    Something like Stonehenge , is truly unique and mystical. I know it belongs to a distant past, which we today can barely relate to? However going to all that effort, if nothing else warrants our... Read more

  • Robin Watson

    The proposed dual carriageway scheme would intrude into the UNESCO World Heritage Site, causing irreversible harm to the scenery, wildlife habitats, geology, and possibly destroy archaeological sites... Read more

  • Samuel Dale

    It would be a terrible shame in the eyes of history and of the world if this incredible monument were to be damaged in the interests of a building project which is likely to have a very limited... Read more

  • Sara Mills

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Simon Banks

    Hi, It’s simple - I am objecting the building of a road that will probably be in use for 100 years or less under and around a site that is world heritage listed and has been present for several... Read more

  • Simon Howell

    I am very seriously concerned by the proposal to push a tunnel through a registered site of such importance as the whole Stonehenge area. When a World Heritage site so famed as this is under clear... Read more

  • Sophie Wright

    I am concerned that the current plans will damage the World Heritage Site particularly the archaeology of the site as set out by the UNESCO report.

  • Susan Thomas

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without paralle

  • Susanne James

    1.Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ 2.UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Susie Thornhill

    Please reconsider this scheme as it currently is not recommend by UNESCO. Neither Does it give sufficient protection to rare birds. Thanks

  • Tim Schadla-Hall

    Apart from the damage that will be done to the WHS itself by the tunnel and other works, I remain convinced that insufficient work has been done on the long term sustainability of the tunnel in terms... Read more

  • Tracey Gunner

    I am very concerned to hear about the proposals for the area around Stonehenge. The damage that this would cause to the environement and wildlife at Stonehenge would be devistating. Once these changes... Read more

  • Veronica Cossanteli

    I am very concerned by the potential damage done to a unique World Heritage Site: one of the jewels in the United Kingdom's crown. As technology enables new, non-invasive methods of archaeological... Read more

  • Victoria Ridley

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site and must be respected as such. This means it needs to stay as original as possible--as it is now! History cannot be replaced. Noise, traffic, disturbed site lines... Read more

  • W.E. Dunn

    1/ The proposed development will cause destabilisation and irreparable damage to an archaeological 'burial' site 2/ Increased noise pollution from faster travelling vehicles 3/ The Stonehenge... Read more

  • Yvonne Dunn

    I object to the denial to everyone of the iconic view of a world heritage site that should belong and be available to us, the public, not hidden away for only those who wish to pay to visit.

  • Alfred Gliddon

    I am a UK citizen presently resident in France. I see this World Heritage Site as of inestimable value, not just for England, nor even Europe, but for the world entire. It is meaningless unless... Read more

  • Alice Nunn

    It would seem that the proposed road development could have a deleterious effect on a major World Heritage site, and quite possibly destroy important archaeological evidence. We are looking at a far... Read more

  • Alison Leonard

    I object because this proposal is against UNESCO advice, and while threatening irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site as a whole, does not offer alternative safer options. It may also cause... Read more

  • Amanda Allen

    It is inconceivable to ruin a World Heritage Site any more than it already has been. The construction of A303 Stonehenge Expressway should be avoided at all costs , there would be faster traffic,... Read more

  • Andrew Flint Shipman

    Stonehenge is a sacred site that is spiritually connected to the earth it is built on and no new roads should be built anywhere near it, beneath or above ground! The new road should be diverted far... Read more

  • Angela Gray

    I am objecting because: I consider this to be an act of cultural vandalism, the effects of which can never be reversed. Future generations will hold us culpable for the destruction of this unique... Read more

  • Ann Jones

    The values are all wrong. We need to care more about our heritage than the speed of traffic

  • Ann Williams

    1. Stonehenge is a site of international importance. 2. The entire landscape around Stonehenge is part of the monument; especially the Mesolithic site at Blick Mead. 3. Damage to the environment... Read more