
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Mark Alder

    There are many reasons why this is the wrong thing to do both morally and factually. Examples of the latter are listed below: The damage to the site will be totally unacceptable (paraphrasing... Read more

  • Mark Elson

    The project has seemingly not investigated other options to stop this desecration of a sacred landscape with World Heritage status. Notwithstanding the damage to the archaeological structure of this... Read more

  • Martin Abram

    I object to the A303 Stonehenge tunnel. My main objection is to the destruction of the landscape. Many years of construction will ruin this World Heritage Site and then we will be left with two... Read more

  • Martin Redfern

    Disturbance to rare birds / other wildlife. Traffic speed increasing will increase noise. Serious adverse affect to the WHS and it's archaeology - UNESCO describe it as a landscape without... Read more

  • Martyn Tucker

    I am very concerned about native fauna and flora and the visual vista of a world heritage site.

  • Mary Burk

    Registry my opposition to the freeway plans in and around Stonehenge the world heritage site - please do not build this out.

  • Mary Moxham

    I strongly object to the proposal on the grounds that it will remove the opportunity for everyone to see this magnificent monument at a distance from the road. The citizens of this country have been... Read more

  • Matthew Wetton

    I am objecting for the reasons below: 1./ There will be excess noise caused by the faster road traffic. 2./ The shear lack of alternatives to the proposed that would not damage the World Heritage... Read more

  • May Cadman

    I am very concerned that the historic site will be irreparably damaged. It is a World Heritage site, and I believe that the WH do not think that the current plan for the road is acceptable. I think... Read more

  • Maya

    The proposed plan will ruin the natural landscape and destroy a great heritage site.

  • Michael Moran

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Mike Dando

    Any tunnel should be of sufficient length to avoid any ground breaking within the WHS. It is particularly concerning that the proposed design will cause damage to a mesolithic site. Furthermore, the... Read more

  • Mike Kear

    I object on the strongest terms to this application. It will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. It goes against... Read more

  • Milo Maguire

    I am writing to object to this proposal on the grounds that it would cause irreparable damage to the site.

  • Mr Ralph Tillier

    I object to the A303 Expressway on grounds of damage to unique Mesolithic archaeology (some avoidable damage has already been done at Blick Mead) and danger to rare bird species (Stone Curlew and... Read more

  • Mr Tom Logue

    I am objecting to the proposal because I think that it will seriously damage the nature and integrity of this World Heritage Site. There are areas surrounding it which have not yet been subjected to... Read more

  • Mr. Ian Amderson

    It is my opinion that any further traffic alterations to the surface traffic around the relic that is known as Stonehenge, will only result in more movement of the earth surface covering the area... Read more

  • Mrs A Beardon

    Stone Henge is a renowned World Heritage Site, and its importance stretches far beyond its locality. Considerations important to all such sites should be taken into account, not just local... Read more

  • Mrs Jacqueline Gaze

    I am objecting to the potential loss of the view from the road. The need to pay to see the Stones in the future is a step to far in my opinion. Some of us are too infirm to hike for a glimps of our... Read more

  • Mrs Kathleen Murphy

    As an archaeologist and previous History teacher of forty years, I condemn these planning processes as they conflict with our national heritage values in many ways. The historical environment must be... Read more

  • Mrs Sonia Allen

    I first set eyes upon Stonehenge when I was in my twenties.... and that sudden view from the A303 absolutely stunned me. I could hardly believe I was actually seeing this marvellous site right in... Read more

  • Mrs. Jennifer Rogers

    When I was a child we would go to Stonehenge, at a time when we could wander amongst the stones, sit on them and feel part of the extraordinary landscape. I remember later the frightful tourist... Read more

  • Nell Aurelia Admiral

    I object to this, as it will irrevocably damage this heritage site. I believe it would constitute wanton damage to an irreplaceable part of our history, landscape and culture. Other options have not... Read more

  • Niall Mcguire

    Please reconsider damaging a national heritage site of such importance, alterations done in haste and misjudgement cannot be undone. Many a heritage site has been lost due to this ignorance and... Read more

  • Nigel Sheldon

    More options should be considered to safeguard this WHS its Archaeology , Landscape and rare Flora and Fauna , and also the Blick Mead Mesolithic Site and Setting. UNESCO'S International Advisors ... Read more