
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Ian Frolic

    I object to the A303 Road alterations and furthering damages in the vicinity of Stonehenge, a site rated as without parallel by UNESCO. Without anymore investigation we will not know what the... Read more

  • Ian Scrimgeour

    I simply feel that digging a tunnel beneath an historic site could potentially damage the protected structure and once done, could be incredibly expensive to repair.

  • Imogen May

    It is vital to protect our history, alternative methods of transport should be key, not bigger and faster roads. They will soon be filled with more cars, and more roads will be needed to accommodate.... Read more

  • Jack Hanbury

    hmg's proposals seem to prejudice the world heritage status.

  • James Burden

    I am objecting because the road will cause: • Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ • UNESCO’s international advisers say... Read more

  • James Button

    I strongly object to this A303 Expressway plan. It will cause irepparable and permanent harm to unique archeological sites. There are other ways to achieve your goals without causing such avoidable... Read more

  • James Flinders

    Despite reassurances from those involved I have concerns about the long term harm to this site. Stonehenge is one of our oldest and most treasured heritage sites and I'm not convinced that this work... Read more

  • James McAndrew

    Very simply, Stonehenge is to Britain what the Pyramids are to Egypt. They are one of the man made wonders of the world and a critical part of British heritage. There is no justification whatsoever in... Read more

  • James Roberts

    I wish to clearly state my objection the pending threat to the World Heritage Site known as Stonehenge. I cannot allow any threat to this truly unique and mysterious wonder which has long held... Read more

  • James Thomas

    The immediate area of Stonehenge and its wider surroundings form a single whole which is nationally and internationally recognised as of unique historical and cultural importance of the highest order.... Read more

  • Jane McCullen

    This proposed scheme would cause unparalleled damage to the World Heritage site & is not supported by UNESCO. The ancient & beuriful landscape would be damage beyond repair & belief & there is a huge... Read more

  • Jane Walker

    In its present form, the scheme will cause damage to a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it's setting in a unique landscape. Archaeology we don't yet understand would be permanently lost. UNESCO advise... Read more

  • Janet Marks

    I am concerned that changes to the A road passing near to Stonehenge will disturb significant evidence of neolithic people who lived in this area and contributed to the large-scale development of the... Read more

  • Janet Prior

    I object to this scheme on the following grounds:- In the first week of Dec 2018 archaeologists said a 6,000-year-old site near Stonehenge was 'damaged' by Highways England engineers monitoring... Read more

  • Jaqueline Turner

    This treasure of ours has sat in the landscape for thousands of years-the ancient road way that runs by it is part of it's history and must not be damaged. The henge is MEANT to be seen from this... Read more

  • Jasper Selwyn

    The current scheme aims to save money by having a relatively short tunnel. This will result in a dual carriageway road, including a major junction, being built within the World Heritage site. Unesco... Read more

  • Jay Foote

    I am concerned that the proposed work will cause irreparable damage to this major archaeological site, which is recognised by UNESCO as of international importance

  • Jayne Cooper

    The proposed scheme to tunnel under Stonehenge will desecrate a unique prehistoric site, impair future archeology, threaten its WHS status. Surely the latter should alert us to the folly? A scheme... Read more

  • Jeff Evans

    My personal views are as follows: It will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting. The site has been described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’Additionally... Read more

  • Jeff Piper

    This road plan not only restricts views of Stonehenge from the road but it threatens so much more. The whole area is a World heritage site. This road would cause irreversible damage to this area of... Read more

  • Jenny Grey

    I am seriously concerned about the current plans for bypassing Stonehenge, because I understand that, according to the UNESCO World Heritage organisation, the plans as they currently exist now... Read more

  • Jill Hallett

    I am desolated that the general population will no longer by able to view their nation treasure in its' natural surroundings without payment.

  • Jo Lockyer

    I believe that this ancient structure should be protected without interference from the modern world. It has stood for thousands of years without this road and is not necessary now for a simple... Read more

  • Joanna Burnett

    I am deeply troubled by the inevitable and irreparable damage to the archaeological heritage of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, in opposition to UNESCO's recommendations. This should be illegal... Read more

  • John B Davies

    My primary objection to these works is that they will permanently damage the world heritage site of Stonehenge. This site in fact is more extensive than is generally realised and the proposed works... Read more