
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Chris Bryan

    SH is a world heritage site of incredible importance, not only to this nation, but to the nations of the world. UNESCO describe it as landscape without parallel. It would be the height of arrogance to... Read more

  • Christine Conway

    This site is a WORLD HERITAGE site.Completely irreplaceable,I fail to see how Highways ENGLAND has the right to decide to destroy & desecrate such a valuable,historic WORLD Treasure even if it is a... Read more

  • Christopher Dando

    As many eminent experts have explained, the proposed scheme will irreparably damage this historic monument, the surrounding sacred landscape and its status as a World Heritage Site. We must think of... Read more

  • Damien Coles

    Modifying land this close to a world heritage site, especially to the degree of planned modifications is gross negligence at best, and malicious greed at worst. Increased traffic efficiency should... Read more

  • David John Weale

    This is a unique area, the monument and surrounding area should be maintenained as it presently stands. Its intrinsic value outways any economic gain aimed to be achieved by the proposal and should... Read more

  • David Powell

    The scheme as currently proposed will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Debbie Crabb

    I'm extremely concerned about the building and demolition surrounding the Stonehenge site. Wildlife needs to be preserved and the fact the site will be hidden from the road is awful. Stonehenge... Read more

  • Debbie Wiles

    It's my understanding that the proposed route will potentially be very harmful both to a World Heritage site and to local wildlife, just to knock a minute off the journey time, while also denying most... Read more

  • Debby Muir

    Why oh why should we have to PAY to see the stones! that is an absolute disgrace and an extortionate cost, now you want to cause irreparable damage to this wonderful WHS, the loss of archaeology would... Read more

  • Derrick Coffee

    I object to the 'short tunnel' option for the following reasons: It is an large scale intrusive measure which degrades the setting of the ancient monument thus creating a low benchmark which as a... Read more

  • Dominic Russell

    My primary concern is that any new road scheme preserves the historic passing views of Stonehenge, enjoyed by travellers since records began. Any removal of these historic views, open to any member of... Read more

  • Dr Christopher Chippindale

    Christopher Chippindale BA PhD MIFA FSA Reader Emeritus in Archaeology, University of Cambridge Contribution offered to the Stonehenge A303 inquiry January 2019 In 1983 I published Stonehenge... Read more

  • Eric Fitch

    The road plan is archaeological vandalism of the highest order. Any tunnel should begin and end OUTSIDE the World Heritage Site, which could lose its status if the planned tunnel goes ahead.

  • Gareth Read

    The proposed tunnel construction appears to be too short. This is a one and only chance to construct a longer tunnel that will permanently solve the traffic problem for this unique place. A longer... Read more

  • Gary Richards

    I am concerned that the damage to the word heritage site and the surrounding countryside, flora and fauna will be damaged to such an extent that future generations will be unable to enjoy what should... Read more

  • Glen Davis

    I object to the building of the A303 expressway by Stonehenge. It will dwarf the world renowned and protected world heritage site. This expressway would and will cause untold and irreparable damage to... Read more

  • Harriet Thomas

    Damage to historic site.

  • Ian McKone

    I am against this development as it will cause irreparable damage to a UNESCO world heritage site. Disturb the habitat of rate birds (stone curlew and Great Bustard). Furthermore, UNESCO advisors... Read more

  • Ivo Van Sandick

    The mere suggestion to destroy invaluable irreplaceable archaeology to solve a very minor and local traffic problem is utter madness. Hundreds, no thousands of years from now people will look back on... Read more

  • Jenny Seagrove

    If this were to go ahead there would be: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the... Read more

  • Joanne Anderson

    - site should be preserved without disturbance for future generations how can we justify the irreparable damage That will be caused to its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape... Read more

  • John LeGrove

    As I understand it, the proposals for the construction of the A303 tunnel would be highly detrimental to one of the most significant and sensitive archaeological sites in Europe. I do not live nearby,... Read more

  • Karlia Bradley-Boddy

    I am against all major road development to the A303 within a 10 mile radius of Stone Henge.

  • Kate Cameron-Daum

    Stonehenge is one of the irreplaceable World Heritage Sites. The current plan would cause irreparable damage. Not only the Stones themselves but their entire locale requires sensitive management. It... Read more

  • Kate Freeman

    Contrary to Highways England's stated aims I believe that the A303 Stonehenge Expressway will not fulfil its cultural aim "to conserve and enhance the World Heritage Site and to make it easier to... Read more