
London Luton Airport Expansion

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  • Steven Low

    The noise over Caddington is becoming at times especially when there is a low cloud base a lot higher than it should be there should be more monitoring sites than at present this would show this to be... Read more

  • Susan Lee

    The proposed near doubling of capacity at Luton Airport will have significant adverse quality of life implications for all of us who live in and around Harpenden and Luton Airport due to : 1.... Read more

  • The Harpenden Society (The Harpenden Society)

    The Harpenden Society is a membership organisation of about 900 members. Growth a Luton Airport will significantly impact our community, villages nearby and our members directly, most notably through... Read more

  • Tomas Jones

    - Environmental impact - more planes means more harm. Greener planes and fuels are not ready to scale. We can’t commit to expansion until we know it can be done without harming our planet. - Noise.... Read more

  • Tricia Beavis

    Increase in passenger numbers on the proposed scale could lead to almost continuous overhead flight noise, 24 hours each day. Quality of life will be seriously impacted, particularly during summer... Read more

  • Victor Meakes

    Why does a small airport such as luton need to have the facility for so much night traffic.The aircraft fly only 200 feet above our property but we are not thought to have any input to any comments... Read more

  • Victoria Folds

    I'm concerned about the environment, particularly the areas in the flight path

  • Victoria Malone

    Already the frequency , noise and pollution from aircraft’s over our village is unacceptable.. as shown by the noise monitors . I do not agree to expansion on these grounds

  • Whipsnade Parish Council (Whipsnade Parish Council)

    The civil parish of Whipsnade lies underneath the flight path for aircraft landing to the east at Luton Airport runway 07 with approaches of landing aircraft at heights approximately 2,000 ft. above... Read more

  • Woodside Park Residents Association (Woodside Park Residents Association)

    Aircraft fly over Woodside Park day and night, causes severe noise pollution and preventing the residents from quiet enjoyment of their homes and gardens. In the curent hot weather having our windows... Read more

  • Amanda Rankin

    Very concerned about increase traffic , particularly on Wigmore Lane which is already a very busy Rd Loss of green area and trees Pollution increase

  • Anthony Higgins

    At face value, the proposed 80% increase in passenger capacity means: 80% more flights 80% more noise 80% more pollution 80% more congestion in road and rail travel to the airport. . I strongly object... Read more

  • Clive Gordon Page

    I think the main impact on local residents, including me, will be the greater frequency of night flights. The noise limits are too high. The WHO guidelines for community noise recommend under 30 db(A)... Read more

  • Daniel Downing

    I support the plan to expand the airport as it provides a good opportunity for mass employment to people in the local area securing the future of the town and its residents.

  • Daniel Swaile

    The expansion is not consistent with our emission reduction aims and works against all our climate change goals. Air quality is goi g to be damaged and this is proven to damage people’s health... Read more

  • Dawn Hardy

    I object most strongly to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport, chiefly because of the serious noise disturbance which is already excessive. Almost doubling the number of passengers will also have... Read more

  • Derek Langley

    Climate change will affect everyone as well as the ecosystems on the planet. Expanding Luton airport will only add to carbon emissions and will therefore warm the planet further, causing yet more... Read more

  • Elaine Moore

    Expansion of the airport may secure jobs for people but will increase noise pollution for residents living on flight paths Expansion will increase air pollution at a time when UK is already missing... Read more

  • Emma Armitage

    Main issues - disruptive sleep - noise - pollution

  • Franco Angella

    Worried about increased noise and air pollution Even more night time flights?!!

  • Gordon Glen

    In the current climate change environment I am deeply concerned that this level of aviation expansion is being contemplated. I believe that it should be rejected solely on these grounds. In addition... Read more

  • Greig Toyer

    Devastation to the countryside. Taking away a beutifull park located in Bedfordshire and moving it to Hertfordshire. Extra traffic.. Luton is as bad as londondon with regards to the amount of traffic.... Read more

  • Heather Connor

    Main issue is aircraft noise already driving me crazy. Also environment issues.

  • Helen E Haran

    I am concerned about climate change and its impact on my family and all those I love, especially grandchildren. I have a deep interest in wildlife and fear for the survival of many of the plants I see... Read more

  • Helen Greensmith

    . Unacceptable noise levels of aircraft passing directly over my house at low levels . Noises levels persistently greater than 90Db . Noise levels constantly disturb sleep as they frequently fly after... Read more