
London Luton Airport Expansion

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  • Mandy Bromwich

    This will have a massive impact on the surrounding area . The noise levels will be above what is acceptable and it will also cause greater pollution. [REDACTED] and along with the affect on wildlife... Read more

  • Mark Russell

    The extra noise and pollution from the increased air traffic. The Increased strain on local infrastructure.

  • Megan Donaghy

    This will have such a positive impact on the whole town.

  • Melanie Arnold

    Noise - the noise levels have increased to an unreasonable level where you can’t talk in your own back garden Frequency - the planes are coming in lower and more frequent so much so that the air... Read more

  • Miranda Folds

    As a landowner of a field in the area of the proposed expansion of the airport, I strongly object to the development. Our field has been owned for two generations of our family and is a meadow... Read more


    There's enough planes on our direct flight path and going out also dumping fuel as well over our homes also to many coming in through the night and they are coming to low you hear the thrust as well... Read more

  • Mrs Louise Browne

    Noise Pollution Impact on my life and my family life

  • Mrs Natalie Carter

    I believe this expansion is not required. The airport has steadily expanded several times in the last 20 years. In a town which already has the scientific distinction of having the worse pollution for... Read more

  • Nicola Kentish

    I am against the expansion as it will cause a huge increase in excessive noise over my property

  • Oliver Renwick

    I am against the project as it will cause a huge increase in excessive noise over my property

  • P Ramsay

    I very much appreciate the opportunity to have a voice about the proposed development and how it will impact my home life and property.

  • Paul Andrew Dyett

    I'm interested in the social impact of the airport provided by Luton Rising to build better lives in Luton as well as the benefits of the jobs at the airport and the local supply chain.

  • Peter Appleyard

    Although I can appreciate the need to expand LLAL, the proposed plans will lead to: Increased Polution (I can already taste aviation fuel on some days in Wigmore) Increased Air Polution Increased... Read more

  • Peter White

    That the initial consultations were conducted using response documentation that did not give the public the opportunity to simply say they opposed the development. The questions were constructed that... Read more

  • Philip Anthony Smith

    • There would be bound to be an increase in carbon emissions. At this time of climate crisis we should be seeking to reduce emissions and nothing which could lead to an increase should be considered.... Read more

  • Philip Wamuth

    Noise, pollution, carbon footprint, noise

  • Rebecca Wilcox

    This will massively impact the surrounding areas and inhabitants. It is going to destroy a huge amount of green space/trees/shrubs which is necessary to life. Climate change is a major factor, this... Read more

  • Richard Guy Nettleton

    All the reasons for expansion and its potential benefits relate to the local communities and not address the global need to reduce non-essential flights. Increasing Luton's capacity will create an... Read more

  • Rodney Anthony

    I want to know what planned, due to the proximity of my property.

  • Rosemary Billett

    More flights will havea huge impact on my life. Already have planes fly over at 800-900 ft above my house! Plus freight!

  • Rosemary Bradley

    Too big for a residential area. Too noisy especially when trying to sleep. Local infrastructure cannot support expansion. Pollution from increased vehicle volume. Studies show children are suffering... Read more

  • Samantha Owens

    Number 1 impact: Our health and the health and well-being of our community & children. My child is woken up frequently due to plane noise. Please think about the community and those trying to live a... Read more

  • Sheila chaney

    Planes coming over every 3 mins, noise levels is horrendous, keeping me awake till 2am when it quietens down and is affecting my mental health. It has never been this bad in the 30 years I have lived... Read more

  • Shirley Anne Crosbie

    I am concerned about the current level of noise pollution and the frequency of flights over our property. The expansion will only make this worse. I am also concerned about pollution from the aircraft... Read more

  • Sian arthur

    I object to the proposed expansion as it will impact me daily