
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 726 to 750 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Zena Telford

    I am concerned regarding the environmental impact of increasing the size and volume of air traffic through Luton Airport. Not only is aviation so far behind the conversion to more sustainable... Read more

  • Bidwells LLP (Bidwells LLP) on behalf of A.T.O. Holdings Ltd (A.T.O. Holdings Ltd)

    A.T.O. Holdings are the owners of plot 7-44 comprising 15,271m2. In addition our client owns plots 7-18 and 7-20 and has an interest as Tenant in plots 7-28,7-33,7-34,7-35,7-30,7-37,7-45 and 7-46. Our... Read more

  • Alison Bourke

    I object to further expansion on the basis of pollution (both sound and air) and increased traffic.

  • Amanda Pearce

    I object to the proposal due to the following reasons: 1. Increase in noise disturbance at my home due to increased aircraft movements. Supposed insulation schemes do nothing to mitigate noise during... Read more

  • Andrew Kinzelmann

    Expansion of the airport will result in increased nights flights, impacting local residents sleep. Flights already take off and land between 22:00 and 05:00. This will impact the mental health of both... Read more

  • Andrew Spyrou

    I object in the proposal of luton airport expansion.

  • Barry Smith

    Airport expansion & development is good & beneficial to the town & local area I trust Luton rising & LLA to take the relevant environmental concerns into account. Having lived on the main flight path... Read more

  • Bedfordshire Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (Bedfordshire Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board)

    The Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (BLMK ICB) has a duty to protect and improve the health and wellbeing of the population within the Integrated Care System. As such, this... Read more

  • Bellrock Group (Bellrock Group)

    The sincere desire I have seen by the organisation to minimise and mitigate the environmental effects of the proposed growth by putting forward a unique Green Controlled Growth framework that will set... Read more

  • Brenda Ann Reintjes

    The proposed expansion is unacceptable in terms of increased pollution, noise, traffic and the loss of green space. People need uninterrupted sleep!

  • Bristol Airport Action Network (Bristol Airport Action Network)

    We consider that to expand the airport and to therefore emit considerable amounts of extra carbon in this time of climate emergency is wrong. It will also mean that it will be very difficult for the... Read more

  • Cambridge Friends of the Earth (Cambridge Friends of the Earth)

    Cambridge Friends of the Earth is deeply concerned about this proposal, which is being considered as a National Infratsructure Project even though the Government's own Climate Change Committee are... Read more

  • Carol Redgment

    The proposed expansion of London Luton Airport (LLA) to 32 million passengers per annum (mppa) from the current cap of 18 mppa (a 78% increase in throughput) will have a significant negative effect on... Read more

  • Christy Wright

    The increased noise, traffic and pollution that will be caused by the increase in numbers will be detrimental to the local community. It’s difficult enough now to enjoy summer in the garden or... Read more


    Living approx 3 miles from the airport, under the the flight path I am obviously concerned about increases in noise and pollution, the plans include a huge amount of additional infrastructure to be... Read more

  • Clifford Nigel Myers

    As a local resident I am concerned about several issues. The proposal lays claim to be "green" but conveniently ignores the millions of tons per annum of additional carbon dioxide produced by the... Read more

  • David Barnard

    Overflying our villages, increased airborne and ground polution. No adequate transport infrastructure from North Herts. Night flights will be necessary…. Noise, light polution, transport through our... Read more

  • David Day

    The proposed expansion of Luton Airport will have a negative impact on many local people’s ( including mine) health and well being and will obviously have a negative impact on the wildlife and fauna.... Read more

  • David Pearce

    I object to this project on multiple grounds: • Noise pollution and disruption to local residents' sleep and quality of life, and mental health; • Air pollution due to aircraft movements, road traffic... Read more

  • Elizabeth Merchant

    I am writing to voice my strong objection to the proposed Luton airport extension. While I understand the potential economic benefits, the negative impact on the environment and our daily lives simply... Read more

  • Farrah Somani

    Proposed development includes acquisition of land near my residential property to increase road infrastructure. Consequences include: - increase in vehicle pollutants and reduction in air quality,... Read more

  • Feroza Bartlett

    Proposed Expansion to Luton Airport 18 million to 32 million Passengers I wish to strongly oppose any expansion of Luton airport, especially the proposal to increase passengers to 32 million a year,... Read more

  • Fiona Duggett

    As nearby residents, my family and I strongly object to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport because of the detrimental effects on us, the local community and the environment. The noise we hear... Read more

  • Fiona Mayling

    Whilst the expansion of Luton airport may bring jobs to the area, it will also have a a negative impact on the health of people living around the area. There will, undoubtedly, also be negative... Read more

  • Garry Stubbs

    I already experience significant disruption to my home life as a result of aircraft noise - the level of expansion envisaged by this project will make life unbearable and massively diminish the value... Read more