
Manston Airport

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Showing 226 to 250 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Ben Copeland

    The airport will bring much needed jobs to the area, put back an airport that has been there since the world wars and support the museum.

  • Capt J Garwood

    I have properties on the flight path (approach to runway 28) of the proposed development I am therefore concerned about the following. Noise Pollution. Air Pollution. Night Flights. The number... Read more

  • Christopher Lucy

    I feel very strongly that Manston should re-open as an airport for the following reasons: History. The site is an important piece of UK aviation heritage and to lose it as such would be a... Read more

  • David Norris

    i completly support the reopening of manston airport as soon as possible this is very much needed in this area

  • David Rudge

    My wife and I have lived in this area for over 45 years and found the provision of a working airport at Manston very convenient, particularly as this obviates a long tedious and expensive journey to... Read more

  • Dennis Winch

    I believe that an airport in this area is a vital link for the south east with initially freight. The other airports in the South East area are clogged with flights and relieving them of a lot of... Read more

  • Donald Shaw-Case

    I would like to express an interest in the success of the DCO application made by RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd. Having lived in Ramsgate for over 30 years and having been a regular user of the... Read more

  • Gabrielle Griffiths

    Manston Airport has been a working airport since 1916 and should remain so. It will bring much needed employment to the area in the long term, many of which will be skilled engineers etc. There will... Read more

  • Graham Silsbury

    Impact of the proposal in regard to location of my property and issues of access within the area affected by the prososal.

  • Hannah Gunton

    I would love to see the airport back in Thanet as it would be great for the community and provide long term jobs.

  • Jan and Rob Jeffery

    Thanet needs employment and we believe that the reopening of Manston will give much needed employment to the area as a whole. Much needed freight and in time passenger facilities to take the... Read more

  • Jan Hirst

    1. The Isle of Thanet is a high unemployment area and sustainable jobs are required urgently. If an estate of houses were to be built on the land incorporating Manston Airport there would be jobs... Read more

  • Jean Muslun

    Would generate employment Open up the South East to the tourist trade Take the pressure off Heathrow and Gatwick for freight and tourists Keep Heathrow and Gatwick open when aircraft have... Read more

  • Jeremy Scarlett

    Manston Airport Manston airport MUST be reopened for passenger and freight use and as soon as possible – ideally as LONDON MANSTON and turned into significant hub fast, to match, for example,... Read more

  • John Jones

    I feel the resource of Manston airport must not be lost to this area of Kent, which can be a great opportunity for employment for the area and with improved transport links can assist the UK in the... Read more

  • John Norris

    Re-opening Manston as a major cargo and passenger hub will free up space in the other London airports that are already running at capacity. There is a growing need for airspace and airport facility... Read more

  • Katy Tearle

    I have lived in Ramsgate my whole life a really feel the loss of the airport. i have lived right under the flight path for 25 years it has never been a problem for me, even late at night when the big... Read more

  • Keith Jones

    Manston airport is in an area of high unemployment. Manston airport can seriously contribute to the national economy. Manston airport can alleviate congestion at Heathrow and Gatwick. Thanet is not... Read more

  • Keith Wyatt

    I worked within the aviation all my life . As such could see the benefits of an airport brings to a community are Eminence so many local jobs related to the airport. in an area like Thanet which... Read more

  • Kenneth J Sisk

    The RiverOak proposals for Manston Airport should be allowed to progress as: 1) There is a need to provide increased airport capacity in the south east of the UK. Despite the proposal for an... Read more

  • Kevin Lewis

    The idea of opening the airport as a Cargo transport Hub would affect us as residents of Nethercourt dramatically, the noise and pollution caused by aircraft flying over the estate would be... Read more

  • Manyweathers Properties Ltd (Manyweathers Properties Ltd)

    Manyweathers Properties Ltd are building a flagship industrial employment site of 350 units and are the preferred builders of both the KCC and Thanet district council on the Manston International... Read more

  • Marie-Louise Curtis

    I am totally against the reopening of Manston as an airport. Having lived in Spencer Square in Ramsgate during the time when cargo planes came over, i can report the noise was deafening. In addition... Read more

  • Michael Grantham

    Prior to its closure I was a frequent user of Manston Airport for international travel. Since its closure it has cost my business many thousands of pounds in additional travel costs and accommodation... Read more

  • Michael Pearce

    i am looking for manston to reopen so that we can have some long term jobs here in Thanet not short term house building jobs that will leave another 4000 people looking for work. The so called... Read more