
Manston Airport

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Showing 376 to 400 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Peter Trow

    Its becoming clear that the best way to cause the minimum environmental damage is to move stuff around by air. The road system is overloaded already and is about to get worse In areas such as Kent,... Read more

  • Phillip Lee

    this is a wonderful opportunity for kent and especially for thanet for me its a bit late in my life as I am born and bred in thanet and when the MOD moved from the location I was a younger man hoping... Read more

  • Raymond Burns

    Having lived here for 31 years under the flight path (approx 1.5km from the runway) I am appalled that this is even being considered. When planes previously flew over it was impossible to have a... Read more

  • Reverend P R Brown

    The re-development & re-opening of MANSTON AIRPORT is to be encouraged & enabled. It’s a national resource well worth retaining. Thanet does NOT need the site for housing. Its re-opening,... Read more

  • Rita Scully

    I want Manston to reopen as an airport, personally the journey to Gatwick or Heathrow from Kent is a nightmare, being a non driver it is so much less stressful to travel to Manston as I did in... Read more

  • Robert Neve

    I believe we need the airport as an airport not housing we don’t have enough doctors or nhs staff even if they built a brand new hospital on the site we don’t have the people to staff it. All the... Read more

  • Russ Large

    There is nothing more disturbing than waking from deep sleep to the sound of a screaming engine, or engines 200 feet above your bed in the pitch black of night It’s not fun living with unexpected 100... Read more

  • Sarah Skinner

    I have lived in Kent for much of my adult life, although am currently in the US. My father lives in Birchington, which I know and visit often. I have seen the area in and around Thanet become more... Read more

  • Stephen Byrne

    I am not satisfied with the following aspects of the airport plan: - the business plan including flight numbers, market share and job creation - the environmental assessment including air... Read more

  • Tracy Laurence

    I am in favour of Manston remaining an airport. We need work and the country needs all of the large airports it's got. It would be a massive loss to the area, if Manston was lost to housing. I have... Read more

  • Andrew Local

    1) How can a site that has never successfully operated as an airport, despite many hundreds of thousands of pounds investment, ever be classified as a site of National Strategic Significance? When... Read more

  • Andrew Davies

    Please reopen Manston airport. The area can not support the SHP plan, there is no serious inferstructure enhancement plan to support it. We do not want London overspill in Thanet anyway. Please see... Read more

  • Ann Stanton

    I would like to see it back open to take transport off of main roads, and reduce congestion towards Gatwick. It would be very handy for the people in the south east to use. It would create jobs for... Read more

  • Carol Dyer

    manston as an airport is badly needed in the wider thanet community. any other use of this land would cause a serious imbalance . the runway and surrounding land is a national asset and could provide... Read more

  • Christine Heath

    Manston Airport site should remain an airport. it would provide a valuable asset to the area, taking the freight from Heathrow/Gatwick would free up more space at these airports for passenger travel,... Read more

  • Diana Bourne

    Does the applicant really have financial backing for this project? Is it ‘real’ money? How is the money going to be guaranteed? Will the investors be made to pay/take out some sort of financial... Read more

  • Enrique Castro Sanchez

    I intend to focus on the health impact of the proposed development, for several reasons. I am a nurse with 20 years of experience in clinical work, plus 8 years as researcher in public health. I am... Read more

  • Georgina Rooke

    I own a house on West Cliff Road Ramsgate, which is approx. 3.5 kilometres from the disused runway at the former Manston Airport and directly under the proposed flightpath. I bought the house in 2015... Read more

  • Jason France

    I wish to make known my concerns regarding the negative effects of the proposed 24/7 cargo hub airport on the health and economic wellbeing of the residents of Ramsgate. As an already challenged... Read more

  • Jill Sterry

    My mother, who is 90 next year, and I moved to Herne Bay five years ago. We wanted a quiet life after living all our lives in busy London. We knew that there would be the occasional noisy flight over... Read more

  • John Gisbey

    I support the site of Manston as an airport. I believe it will bring employment to Thanet and the surrounding towns. Nearby in Sandwich the Discovery Park can accommodate related business expansion.... Read more

  • Keith Hewish

    I would look forward to the re-opening of Manston as an airport, this will in my view bring with it much needed quality jobs to the area both within the airport and supporting it making a brighter... Read more

  • Lee Herapath Bates

    Manston has been an airport for many years and has one of the longest runways in the country. It is close to mainland Europe and has been used in the past for emergency landings. The area of Thanet... Read more

  • Lynne Skevington

    I do not want night flights ruining the peace and beauty of living here. I do not want the airport at sll. We need the housing, jobs and infrastructure planned for maston not this nonsense of another... Read more

  • Mary Dianellou

    Having lived in Kent most of my 78 years, it is so important that our airport is re-opened. It provided a much needed service especially to those in the community that find it hard to travel to... Read more