
Manston Airport

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Showing 651 to 675 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Margaret Symonds

    The Government has said that it requires 17,500 homes to be built in Thanet, of which approximately 3,000 have already been built. Housing for rent in Thanet is expensive and usually only available... Read more

  • Mark Huttley

    I am for the reopening of Manston Airport as an airport/freight hub. This country is chronically short of freight hub space and there is talk of expanding Heathrow etc when there is already a fully... Read more

  • Mr Philip James Neale

    From the information I have gathered since moving to Ramsgate 5 years ago. There is absolutely nothing to suggest that a airport is viable at Manston especially when you offset the amount of people... Read more

  • Mr Roger Pittock

    1/ The resources we have in Thanet are stretched ,ie Doctors other services ,with the increase of 3,000 to 6,000 people thanet will be gridlocked. 2/ For any growth without hard ship there must... Read more

  • Mrs Janice Best

    The infrastructure needed to take freight to other places is not in place, worried about noise and air pollution as live right under flight path with planes only being some 400/500 feet above my... Read more

  • Neill Tickle

    I’m very concerned by the high volume of flights proposed. Having been local and seen many iterations of an airport try and ultimately fail the volume of activity required to sustain an airport will... Read more

  • Nina Taylor

    As a local resident, having had the opportunity in the past to fly from Manston, it would be preferable to use this means of transport in contrast to the current options. As a teacher, I welcome... Read more

  • Opensonics (Opensonics)

    Noise pollution causing total disruption to work.

  • P.G. Farndon

    Manston has an ideal location for an airport, where approaches can be made over the sea and being the highest point in Thanet does not suffer from fog or poor visibility. The rail connections can... Read more

  • Paul Howard

    Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR020002?   I wish to submit my views during examination which are evidence based in support of the Development Consent Order for Manston Airport in Kent and will be... Read more

  • Ray Beerling

    I have been a resident of Thanet for 66 years and witnessed its slow deterioration over many years. There is high unemployment with little prospect of improvement. Plans to build thousands of houses... Read more

  • Richard Tunnicliff

    This vast area is a one off and should not be used for housing.

  • Robin Cross

    I live very near the closed airport in manston Road and feel that it would be a extremely positive and constructive to re open the airport and totally agree with everything that river oak are... Read more

  • Roy Bonner

    Thanet area desperately needs job, need the ability to travel by the quickest possible way, needs the additional businesses that will come with the development of the airport. Development of the... Read more

  • Susan Hammock

    As I live directly under the flight path to Manston I am concerned about the night flights and the added noise and air pollution to my village. Our Village school is under the flight path too. I... Read more

  • Terry Smith

    Good afternoon, I have lived in Thanet for almost all of my 66 years.As a former teacher at a local secondary school, I have seen the gradual decline in the employment opportunities for our local... Read more

  • Tony Matthews

    Re-opening Manston as an airport or freight hub would bring industry and jobs back into the area. Mansion is easier to reach than Gatwick from a large part of Kent, and the basic airport facilities... Read more

  • A Burton

    Thanet is a deprived area seriously lacking in job prospects . Most people living in Thanet travel outside of it for work each day . To build more houses without the opportunities for work in the area... Read more

  • Andrew Doughty

    As a local resident of Ramsgate, who frequently travels west along the A299/M2/M20, I am concerned that the proposed River Oak Strategic Partners document has little viable , realistic traffic... Read more

  • Denis G. Holton

    1).Available airports for heavy freight aircraft are very few in the southeast of the UK. In fact, if one draws a line east to west across England based upon Gatwick, there is no other existing... Read more

  • Derek Peter Davenport

    Manston had been an operational airport or military base for over 100 years prior to its closure in 2014.The plan by RSP to re-open the airport as a freight hub,aircraft recycling centre and passenger... Read more

  • Jan

    The airport is sadly missed - it was a very friendly easily accessible airport and provided very useful travel together with employment for various other companies, such as training and repair shops.

  • John Forrest

    I am totally against Manston again becoming an operational airport, totally against night flights and the fact that local inhabitants will not have the opportunity to benefit from passenger flights.... Read more

  • Martin Hopkinson

    Thanet's economy depends heavily on tourism and on schools in which English as a foreign language is taught to secondary school children from abroad. Income from this provides a significant amount to... Read more

  • Mary Smith

    I support the re-opening of Manston Airport. The airport is a nationally strategic asset. It should be opened with aim of providing commercial, passenger and freight business. Opening Manston would... Read more