
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 676 to 700 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Mr. Antony Emptage

    From: Antony Emptage [Redacted] Sent: 13 September 2018 22:06 To: Manston Airport Subject: Manston Airport reopening. Dear Sir, as a Ramsgate resident whose house is directly under the... Read more

  • Mrs Julie Forrest

    I am worried about pollution. I am worried about noise. I am worried about bird and sea life. I am worried about the economic future for Ramsgate. We need to live in a clean living environment... Read more

  • Mrs Karen Payne

    This area is out on a limb and relies very heavily on road links. We have a ready made airport, that needs proper investment, on our doorstep, which would encourage european & international travel &... Read more

  • Robert Farrant

    A Local resident that will be affected adversely by this development

  • Robin Willi

    I am the owner of [Redacted] and affected by the potential compulsory acquisition orders in conjunction with the opening of the former Manston airport facilities for cargo and other traffic. The... Read more

  • Ron Corkhill

    I am concerned about noise levels especially night noise levels in Cliffsend which is just south of the main Manston Airport runway

  • S.Stillman

    the idea that manston airport will reopen as a cargo hub is I feel a non starter, it will ruin the lives of everyone living near or under the flight path, I have lived here all of my life and in... Read more

  • Sion House Management Company Ltd (Sion House Management Company Ltd)

    Manston DCO - Register as an Interested Party Sion House is a block containing six flats occupied by mainly retirees. It lies directly under the flight path of aircraft approaching Manston Airport... Read more

  • Terence Coleman

    Manston never has and never will be a commercial success. Many have tried and inflicted misery on the local population with their noise and pollution. The most recent being the mighty Dutch national... Read more

  • Andrew Hurst


  • Anne Fallis

    I grew up in Thanet and still have family living there. I hope that residents, and the government don’t allow the prospect of a valuable asset that could bring new life to the area to pass them by. It... Read more

  • Barbara Parsons

    I object to the proposed application to reopen Manston as a airport This will result in unacceptable night noise resulting in a risk to health and well-being through sleep deprivation Increased... Read more

  • Carol Alston

    I object to the planning application for night flights from Manston. There will be Significant noise,day and night. Significant risk to our health, day and night. Harm to our children’s education. A... Read more

  • Chris Mullin

    To whom it may concern, I am a resident in Ramsgate that lives in the flight path of the airport with my young family. The proposal to reopen the airport at Manston as a cargo hub is something that I... Read more

  • Cliffsend Parish Council (Cliffsend Parish Council)

    Cliffsend Parish Council have considered the status of Manston Airport many times, as the airport adjoins the Northern border of the village and has provided employment for village residents for many... Read more

  • Dave Ford

    The Airport would be a disaster for Ramsgate. The Noize and pollution would be very bad. It would deal a massive blow to tourism in the town who would come to have planes every few minutes. I... Read more

  • David Frankel

    I am very concerned about the current plans for the use of Manston Airport as a cargo hub, especially in respect of the proposed night flights. I have lived in central Ramsgate, under the airport’s... Read more

  • David Jennings

    I believe there are better uses for the Manston Airport land that would generate more jobs, of higher value, that are more sustainable. Moreover, these other uses could also leave space to relieve the... Read more

  • David Neiles

    I live right on the flight path, my wife is retired and I'm coming up for retirement, we have an extended family with children, gran children and great grand children, all of which live in Ramsgate,... Read more

  • Elaine Flower

    I grew up in Thanet & it used to be a brilliant place,but over the years it has declined to such an extent that when I had my family we moved away to where there was a chance of a meaningful life for... Read more

  • Graham Ralph

    I have lived in Ramsgate 59 years and feel I have a good understanding of the impact Manston has had on the town and the potential damage to people’s lives if it is allowed to open again. Noise -... Read more

  • J C Davies

    Riveroak’s Major Accidents and Disaster Assessment and Mitigation Plan (TR020002/APP/5.2-3) fails to address the following risk factors adequately – (i) the proximity of Ramsgate (population 40,000)... Read more

  • James Flower

    Mansion airport would provide an economic boost to the area, by making use of a site already set up to take commercial airlines there is a golden opportunity to do the right thing. Secure local... Read more

  • Janet Prue

    The re-opening of Manston Airport would have a detrimental and devastating impact on the town of Ramsgate and its surrounds. Ramsgate is a unique area of Georgian and Victorian architecture, with its... Read more

  • Jean Cumbers

    I want Manston to return to being used as an airport. The ongoing planned improvements will bring much needed long term work into the area providing a future for any resident in the proposed areas for... Read more