
Manston Airport

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Showing 701 to 725 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Kaye Nightingale

    I believe that reopening Manston airport would be beneficial to local residents by providing much needed employment . It would also be beneficial to Gatwick and Heathrow which are both at full... Read more

  • Lawrence Potter

    Most UK cargo flights are night flights. Apparently the runway and 19 stands at Manston are capable of handling 83,000 Air traffic movements annually. Manston would have no cap on flight numbers ... Read more

  • Matthew Savidge

    I’m a Ramsgate resident and affected by the proposal for a cargo hub airport at Manston because whatever it's fortune, it will ruin the town and community where I live. And destroy the area's... Read more

  • Michael Sharpe

    I am absolutely opposed to mansion site being used as a cargo airport.

  • Miss Caroline Knott

    I have lived in Ramsgate for about 22 years and remember the noise and disruption from flights during the day and night when Manston was open. At this time it used to sound like planes were going to... Read more

  • Mr Paul Bugg

    I have lived in Thanet most of my life and Manston airport has always been an important part in our islands history. Thanet has always had big unemployment problems and it is important to create jobs... Read more

  • Nicholas Howard

    I have lived directly under the flight path to Manston Airport since 2000 and remember well the noise and fumes made by cargo planes on their final approach to the airport before it closed. The... Read more

  • Norman Sangster

    I was previously employed at Manston with the fire service and latterly, with the engineering department( civils). I would quite like to go back to work, before I'm too old, and resume my duty as a... Read more

  • Paul Buckingham

    The plan to develop Manston Airport as a cargo airport will cause the following problems: 1. Whilst daytime noise is an inconvenience, I am totally opposed to the disturbance from night... Read more

  • Paul Luxmoore

    I am the Executive Headteacher of Coastal Academies Trust, consisting of five schools in Thanet: Dane Court Grammar School, King Ethelbert School, Hartsdown Academy, Cliftonville Primary School and... Read more

  • Paul Spickett

    Manston Airport must be opened again as a airport Locally for jobs the local economy and of national importance as a airport I have lived in Ramsgate all my life and am not a recent resident whom in... Read more

  • Richard Seaman

    I have grave concerns about the effects on health and quality of life any return of Manston to a cargo airport would have on the Ramsgate residents.Pollution, noise and environmental impact would all... Read more

  • Sara Mcguigan

    I moved to Ramsgate in 2000 from London to escape the noise and pollution to bring up my children. The town has been an idyllic and peaceful place to do this not withstanding my memories of the cargo... Read more

  • Sheelagh Deller

    I live in Kent for 50 years and recently moved to Ramsgate to be in a seaside town in an area of natural beauty. However Kent does have particularly worrying transport problems. Ramsgate used to... Read more

  • Simon Beck

    I have children and live directly under the flight path, I whole heartedly am against the flights.

  • sophie Fowler

    I moved to the beautiful town of Herne Bay 15 years ago as it’s a wonderful place to bring up a young family. When I moved down here only around 4 planes a day would fly over which I thought was fine.... Read more

  • Tina Seaman

    I have grave concerns over the potential negative impact on health and quality of life if cargo flights are allowed to fly over Ramsgate. Also I have been a Thanet resident for over 20 years and have... Read more

  • Brian White

    I am very anxious for the airport to reopen - years have been wasted. It will be a must for the economy and provide much need employment opportunities in this area. It will also provide a very... Read more

  • Bryan Manning

    I moved to Ramsgate with my wife some eleven years ago. We came from the Medway area because of the peace of this seaside town. The plans to have a 24/7 transport hub here will destroy that peace... Read more

  • Chris Hopson

    as a local person I am 100% behind it opening as an airport. Speaking in general in the area most locals feel the same. unfortunately we have a lot of dfls here who do not want it but my view is do... Read more

  • Christopher French

    I do have serious concerns regarding the competence of Riveroak Strategic Partners (RSP) to undertake the project. RSP's director / aviation expert is [Redacted]. Allegedly, [Redacted] is a... Read more

  • Colin Ellison

    Night flights

  • Colin Parsons

    I consider Manston Airport runway is a national asset which should be retained for and as its original use. The flight paths are primarily over water and therefore do not impose noise on surrounding... Read more

  • David James Webb

    With regard to re-opening Manston Airport for aviation I list below the main considerations in my view: Thanet will benefit from an airport at Manston as local jobs will be created in a high... Read more

  • Ellen French

    My name is Ellen French and I am representing myself. I have lived in Ramsgate since 2010 and can remember that there were a few planes flying into Manston airport that flew very low directly over my... Read more