
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1326 to 1350 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Rex Goodban

    Decline in self sufficiuency in food and air cargo capacity in the UK limited there is aneed for new capacity. Very limited number of potential sies available for the future. Requirement for qualty... Read more

  • Rosalyn Campion

    I wish to strongly oppose the DCO application that RSP have submitted to yourselves, and you have agreed to examine. My concerns 1. RSP have still NOT proved any PROOF of funds, or details of... Read more

  • Russell Francis White

    Application by Riveroak Strategic Partners for an Order Granting Development Consent for the Manston Airport. I am totally opposed against the RSP proposal for a freight hub at Manston. Very... Read more

  • Sandra Harris

    I am for the cargo hub it will be a good thing and will keep the airfield in use. I have live in cliffsend for over 40 years and we had lots of plains coming and going over the years, my late... Read more

  • Sean Corrigan

    Manstom should be be reopened as an airport as the intended use of the airfield in lines with the local plan is for aviation use. There is s shortage of airports in terms of demand for air travel... Read more

  • Stephen Bruce Carey

    This airport started as an RAF fighter station to meet the nation's war needs during WW2 and the land was compulsorily acquired by War legislation at that time. It continued to be used as a military... Read more

  • Stephen R Wicks

    I am a resident of the Thanet-Canterbury area in East Kent. I am a flight instructor and author of technical textbooks for aviation training. I am an emeritus professor of the University of... Read more

  • Steve Agolini

    Manston airport is a major asset to the south east and Kent in particular. I learnt to fly there and so did my son. We have also been on many commercial flights from here

  • Susan Carroll

    I disagree that with the Application’s statements that consultation with residents of Herne Bay was adequate: 1) All households under the flight path did not receive delivered postcards. Only 0.225%... Read more

  • Susan Murray

    I oppose granting a DCO for a Freight Hub at Manston for the following reasons: 1. Claims that any operation of this type located in the extreme south east of the country could be of national... Read more

  • Terence Murphy

    We live directly under the (old) approach flight path, which produced too much noise even given the relatively few flights that used to operate. With the volume of flights now proposed the noise... Read more

  • Teresa Sharp

    I am a resident of Belting living very close to the sea, I am concerned at the proposal put forward by RSP. The points I would like the examining authority to examine are, The claims RSP have made and... Read more

  • Terry Dr Vere

    I do NOT want Manston to re open as an airport for the following reasons : 1: noise pollution 2: air pollution 3: it will not provide that many jobs 4: it WILL affect tourism and WILL especially put... Read more

  • The Residencts of the Foster Household (The Residencts of the Foster Household )

    We write to OPPOSE River Oak’s proposal for Manston Airport. Just some of our reasons for this opposition are highlighted below. Ramsgate, and the Thanet area in general, has undergone something... Read more

  • Tony Martin

    Thanet needs a uality job development oppourtunities and needs to accept trade offs to get these. Areas with airports see inward investment which economically a d socially lifts the whole area.

  • Adrian C. Williams

    As a resident of Herne Bay for some 28 years I am firmly of the belief that the re-openning of Manston Airport is essential to the future deveopment and economic prosperity to the region which is... Read more

  • Alexandra C. Sutton

    I am concerned about the environmental impact, present and future of the development of Manston either as a commercial or cargo airport. I have lived here for 39 years and remember the noise impact on... Read more

  • Andrew Allen

    I live directly beneath the flight path of the proposed nights flights. I have attended a number of meetings including a purported consultation by RiverOak which have filled me with dismay about the... Read more

  • Annmarie Robertson

    I oppose the granting of permission of a DOC for a freight hub/passenger airport on the former Manston airport site. As a resident of Ramsgate, I ask you to thoroughly consider the location and... Read more

  • Anthony John

    Manston Airport must be returned to being an airport and must not disappear under housing. The revived Manston Airport will: Provide relief for the overcrowded London airspace even if it only takes... Read more

  • B S packman

    No night flights

  • Benjaman Cardozo

    I do not want a 24/7 major cargo hub airport on our doorstep, flying over our the house. This would mean significant noise day and night, it would be a risk to our health, it would bring harm to our... Read more

  • Cathy Thompson

    Plames=jobs. Cargo planes free up aircraft from other aiorts. The money is available to get airport up and running. If passenger fights available all well and good. Mansion needs planes.

  • Christabel Bradley

    1 The case for Manston reopening as an NSIP is dangerously flawed. The site on the old Isle of Thanet is flanked on three sides by sea, an hour from the M25 and 60 miles from the Dartford Crossing on... Read more

  • Christopher Brooke-Taylor

    I feel that if consent is not given for the airport development an extremely valuable asset will be lost for ever. As well as the benefit to the local, regional and national economy of an air freight... Read more