
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1301 to 1325 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • John Laven

    I have taught in a beautiful, light, top floor classroom in [Redacted]since 2002, situated in Chatham Street, central Ramsgate. In November 2004, I flew from Barcelona to Manston and was amazed to... Read more

  • Karen Roper

    The Public had understood that a full and thorough Consultation process was the condition of a Planning Application being accepted for consideration by PINS. As the 3,200-page document upon which we... Read more

  • Kenneth Wildon

    Sirs You will read elsewhere a number of very valid and well researched objections to RSP's application to open what is in fact a new air freight cargo hub on the site of the old and now defunct... Read more

  • Lorraine Pullman

    I am a resident of Nethercourt Estate in Ramsgate and I am against RSP’s DCO application to build a cargo freight hub at Manston due to the health and environmental impacts it would have on the area... Read more

  • Margot Bandola

    I have lived in Ramsgate, 2km from the Manston runway for 10yrs and under the flight path so have experienced the effects of cargo planes 150metres above the house. Kerosene can be smelt and seen in... Read more

  • Mark Bandola

    I am a musician living in Ramsgate for 10years and under the flight path merely 2km from the airport - Manston unique in it's proximity to a town and without planning permission. I have experienced... Read more

  • Martin Wise

    1. Thanet District Council is reducing services as budgets are cut or reduced. Services to residents are noticeably poorer - street cleaning, graffiti removal, floral decoration, grants to community... Read more

  • Mr David Mancini

    A proven fact is that all previous companies have failed in running Manston as a viable airport. The Manston site is well known in the industry as all the major airlines have used Manston in the past... Read more

  • Mr Ian L Connor

    Regarding the most appropriate use of the Manston Airport site it is important to examine the “Best Use” of the site. Whilst it would be possible to develop the site for housing and other industrial... Read more

  • Mr Phourikwadh Lim

    Registering as an interested Party in respect of the re-opening of Manston Airport DCO: As a resident who will be directly affected by the potential re-opening of the airport, I am writing to... Read more

  • Mrs Jeanne Smythe

    1> I support the Manston Airport revival, and I reject the decimating house building alternatives. 2> The Airfield site and its historical significance will be lost for future generations, in... Read more

  • Mrs Valerie Smart

    I would like to bring to your attention as to why I disagree with the proposed opening of Manston Airport. I am 72 years of age and not in good health, my husband is [Redacted] and we have small dogs.... Read more

  • Mrs. J Allen

    I utterly disagree that Manston airport should be reopened for night flights. The noise from the large cargo planes will be unbearable. The price of properties will plummet. As a T.A in a local... Read more

  • Myra White

    I am very concerned about the quality of life for my family and residents of Cliffsend and Ramsgate. Noise pollution will affect us day and night with so many proposed flights Health risks from air... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Natural England has been working with RiverOak Strategic Partners Limited to provide advice on the Manston Airport NSIP since April 2016. At this stage there are several nature conservation issues... Read more

  • Neville Redvers-mutton

    I am concerned about the suitability and viability of RSP's planning application for the former airport at Manston to become an active freight hub airport. The financial case for it seem to be flawed... Read more

  • Nick Curtis

    I am strongly against any night flights from Manston Airport in Kent. This would bring disruption to my well-being, by being woken up by the noise of cargo planes coming to and from Manston Airport.... Read more

  • OAPs against a24/7 freight Hub (OAPs against a24/7 freight Hub)

    OAPS against a 24/7 freight hub. I am writing to you today as I represent many of the pensioners on the Nethercourt estate, where we live which is directly under... Read more

  • Terence Murphy on behalf of Pamela Murphy (Pamela Murphy)

    We live directly under the (old) approach flight path, which produced too much noise even given the relatively few flights that used to operate. With the volume of flights now proposed the noise... Read more

  • Pamela Todd

    1. Employment 2. Locality 3. Future need

  • Patricia Donovan

    Thanet needs Manston airport and the jobs it will create. Manston has one of the longest runways in the country. Some years ago a 747 bound for Heathrow was unable to land there and diverted to... Read more

  • Patrick Murray

    I oppose granting a DCO for a Freight Hub at Manston because of the unconvincing assessment of the applicant of the economic benefits from the proposed freight hub compared to the proven benefits of... Read more

  • Peter Brown

    I am most concerned about the nuisance from noise from aircraft flying overhead. I live in St. Nicholas-at-Wade, which is directly under the flight path of aircraft, particularly those coming in to... Read more

  • Peter Hewitt

    The wartime history alone should ensure the airports existence also this area needs jobs. The need for housing is a nationwide problem and more houses on industrial land only makes the unemployment... Read more

  • K M Donnithorne on behalf of Reeds Close Community Group (Reeds Close Community Group)

    Manston Airport Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR020002 Your representation: I am opposed to the reopening of Manston Airport because of: a) Air Freight uses very noisy, very large old... Read more