
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1476 to 1500 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Mr Nigel Durrant on behalf of The Durrant household

    We have lived at Beltinge since March 2007. NOISE At that time and for the next few years, we experienced noise nuisance from the occasional flights from Manston that flew directly above our... Read more

  • The McNamara Family

    Personal Statement We have lived on the Nethercourt Estate for 32 years, the airport was then RAF Manston. We had no issues with the RAF until the 1990’s when began a gradual running down of the... Read more

  • Theresa Dodd

    It would of great advantage if Manston Airport was to re-open, bringing employment to the area and boosting tourism. Opportunities for the young people of Thanet to be able to seek employment in the... Read more

  • Tim Guest

    Quality of life for residents in the flight path will be severely damaged. Schools, care homes and large residential areas are directly under the flight path. Sleepless nights will be had by... Read more

  • Tricia Austin Hartley

    RSP Ltd argue that the country needs a new 24 hour freight hub and that this should be located at Manston, despite substantial evidence to the contrary. Such evidence includes: • the bulk of freight... Read more

  • Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd (Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd)

    Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd (VWPL) is proposing the Thanet Extension Offshore Wind Farm, 8km off the Kent coast in the vicinity of Manston Airport. The Thanet Extension Offshore Wind Farm DCO... Read more

  • Mr Paul Dorsett

    Thanet needs jobs not houses! We will see planes again at Manston. The £479 million DCO project says so, private money to fund central government compulsory purchase of Manston to build a cargo... Read more

  • Adam Rogers

    I strongly oppose the plans to reopen Manston Airport by RSP. I don’t see how a freight airport situated on a peninsular will succeed. Irrespective, I believe it would only harm the local area. ... Read more

  • Amanda Woolcott

    I’m writing as a mum,grandmother,Ramsgate resident, and small business owner, living/working in Ramsgate.I’m strongly opposed to the DCO. 1)Education-I’m concerned of how this would affect my... Read more

  • Andrea Slaughter

    I am opposing the granting of a DCO 24/7 Cargo Hub at Manston. Manston was once a small regional airport which has been closed for some years & is not of ‘national significance’. It has failed as... Read more

  • Anna Bitelli-Charles

    Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Anna Bitelli-Charles. I am writing on behalf of my Husband and myself as we live at [Redacted] We have lived in Ramsgate for 10 years. I am a nurse and my husband is a... Read more

  • Anna Blasiak

    I've lived in Ramsgate for over 5 years now and remember how disturbing it was when Manston Airport was still.operational. The planes flew so low, that the noise was really powerful and one had to... Read more

  • Anne-Marie Nixey

    I am extremely worried about the prospect of the current proposal and the effects that it will have on Ramsgate and surrounding area. Having tried reading through the material RSP have submitted, not... Read more

  • Anthony J Bingham TD Dipl Arch ARIBA MRTPI (Retd)

    I wish to submit evidence on the following matters: 1. Familiarity with the site. 2. History of the site. 3. Need for the proposed development. 4. Planning policy 5. ... Read more

  • Antoinette Girdler

    I consider Manston Airport to be:- * of national importance for future pilot and engineering training especially as so many airfield are being sold for housing development. There is a pilot shortage... Read more

  • Arion Aviation Ltd (Arion Aviation Ltd)

    Ref: Manston Re-Opening of Airport. Working at Manston Airport prior to its closure as an aircraft engineer I unfortunately had to relocate my business to Rochester Airport. I have now employed 5... Read more

  • Belinda Rankin

    Manston airport is a highly valued historical site that must not be turned into a housing estate. We do not have enough Road capacity, doctors, schools or jobs to support a large estate. We do... Read more

  • Bernadette Cunnnane

    I am against a cargo airport at Manston because I believe it would be disastrous for the people of Ramsgate. The noise and pollution would have a huge detrimental effect on health and wellbeing of... Read more

  • Brian Chapman

    I wish to object to the proposals of RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) to reopen the currently closed Manston Airport and to use principally as a cargo airport. my objections are based on the... Read more

  • Brian Sutton

    Mansion airport has the largest runway and was used by airlines for testing the larger vehicles. It is very close to the coast so very little disruption to local people. The history of Manston... Read more

  • Bryan Girdler

    My family has run an aviation business at Manston which my father started in 1983 after he left the Red Arrows. The business, TG Aviation, had to move to Lydd and Pent Farm when Manston closed. 4 of... Read more

  • Caroline Hamilton

    I am concerned about the application for personal reasons and for the greater needs and welfare of my home town of Ramsgate. 1. I moved to Ramsgate over 4 years ago for better quality of life. I... Read more

  • Charlotte Frorath

    I am from Herne Bay but now live in Ireland. From a short period of time there was an air service between Dublin and Manston which made visiting family very much easier and affordable. I believe that... Read more

  • Chris Parks

    As a person living under the flightpath I wish to object to this DCO in the strongest possible terms. The reasons are many but predominantly the number of night flights being proposed. RSP have... Read more

  • Chris Warner

    You have before you a DCO application to develop a freight hub on the disused Manston Airport site. Leaving aside the fact that the applicant’s credentials are largely unverifiable, could PINS be... Read more