
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1651 to 1675 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Jayne Garrett

    I am against Manston reopening as an airport. The constant cargo flights will be detrimental to the local area. My family live in the flight path which will affect our quality of life/health and... Read more

  • Jean Ebberson

    1. I'm in favour of the airport. 2. Good for local area will provide long term employment. 3. The cargo flights into Manston will relieve pressure on the hub airports and allow more... Read more

  • Jeanette Griffiths

    My name is Jeanette Griffiths I was born in Ramsgate and have lived here for 57 years. My address: [Redacted] I live under the flight path 2km for the runway. The main points I would like to ... Read more

  • Jeni Butler

    I am concerned that if this application is successful, there will be significant impact on my health, my income and employment prospects and my quality of life. I live in the Eastcliff area of... Read more

  • Jenny Dawes

    1 RSP’s submission appears riddled with contradictions, mis-representations and inaccuracies: among other things, it ignores the realities of location, road infrastructure, and demographics and... Read more

  • Jenny Moyse

    My main points are that Thanet will benefit greatly from Manston Airport being developed by RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd because:- It will give local people opportunities of local, skilled work... Read more

  • Joann Rhodes

    The proposed cargo hub at Manston will cause irreparable damage to myself, my business, my 2 school-age children and my family life: wealth, health and happiness. Below I outline the main... Read more

  • Joanne Humphreys

    Manston airport has had a long and proud history serving Kent and Thanet. This area is deprived and right now it needs the jobs that the airport can provide, as well as the badly needed infrastructure... Read more

  • John Randall

    Environmental standards at UK airports are pushing ahead with lower noise quotas, restrictions onnight flights and airlines being fined for noisy aircraft and thats when there isn't a town with 50,000... Read more

  • John Strange

    Manston airport should be a functioning airport for both freight and passenger traffic. It will provide a much needed means of travel from and to the South East of UK. It will provide a much needed... Read more

  • John Wallace

    I oppose establishing an commercial passenger or freight airport at Manston. Our house is in effect close to the end of the run way. We would move away if it opened, because of the noise and... Read more

  • Julian Jennings

    I object to the proposal to reopen and develop Manston airport into a cargo hub airport because it will have a significant detrimental impact to the quality of life of residents affected by the flight... Read more

  • June Kelly

    I believe it is important to the future of Thanet for Manston Airport to be reinstated as a workable airport for freight and eventually passenger. The infrastructure in Thanet would not be able to... Read more

  • K.Crowhurst

    London airports running at near capacity,Manston Airport could go some of the way to help ease freight movents or passenger movements or both. Airport will give people jobs either directly or... Read more

  • Kai Toenjes Stringed Instruments & Claire Dugué Hurdy-gurdies (Kai Toenjes Stringed Instruments & Claire Dugué Hurdy-gurdies)

    As residents of central Ramsgate for the last 17 years we have experienced the impact of the airport and particular night flights at first hand. Unlike many of the vocal proponents of the airport we... Read more

  • Karen Constantine

    I write as an individual resident, and as a District and County Councillor for Newington and Ramsgate. Manston has never been a successful airport. It has failed repeatedly. Several recent reports... Read more

  • Katie Newham

    I do not believe that a full environmental report has been issued or completed. There is no report on the air pollution from the flights and how it will affect the area for future generations, nor the... Read more

  • Mrs A P WEBSTER on behalf of Kenneth Anthony Webster (Kenneth Anthony Webster)

    I wish to retain Manston as an airport and I support RSP's plans. I list my reasons and main points below. Employment Apprenticeships Encourage tourism Against Housing

  • Kent Mathews

    1. Viability. RSP have no experience running an airport. Many studies have been commissioned all of which concluded it was not economically viable. Its failure will leave a further blight on a town... Read more

  • Kevin Spencer

    I am firmly in support of the application to return Manston Airport into a working air/transport hub. The proposal will generate many jobs not just locally. Employment comes before housing. No point... Read more

  • Leanda Hilton

    We need jobs here in the Southeast of England. Thanet has lost its port and cannot afford to lose an airport. Manston is in the perfect position to accept cargo as aircraft do not have to be... Read more

  • Lesley Elizabeth Chater

    As a resident of Ramsgate living within the flight path for Manston, my family and I have direct experience of the detrimental impact of aircraft operating from the former airport. The aircraft noise... Read more

  • Lisa Vagnarelli

    Grew up right next to Manston while it was active. Planes flying overhead and listening to rhem I absolutely loved. So angry at the thought of it being replaced for houses. No way! More people, more... Read more

  • Lorna Dallas-Conte

    I have three major personal concerns that impact on my ability to live and work in the area: The lack of accommodation in the plans for the pace of change through innovation in technologies,... Read more

  • Lyle Shepherd

    I am against the opening of a cargo hub at Manston Airport. Ramsgate is a picturesque sea side town that needs money injected into it to boost tourism. Not to have low flying planes over it's sea... Read more