
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1676 to 1700 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Lynne Holbrook

    I wish to see Manston reopen as an airport for the followings reasons: * rejuvenation of the local area, which is currently socially deprived * attract other businesses to the area * jobs created... Read more

  • Malcolm Kirkaldie

    I sat on the MACC [Manston Airport Consultative Committee] and KIACC [Kent International Consultative Committee] for the Manston Airport Group [MAG]. The same issues that plagued the local area at... Read more

  • Malcolm Leslie Sadler

    As a resident,born and breed in Thanet. Mansion Airport has been and should continue to be a working Airport. For jobs and as a national part off aviation infrastructure. The proposed Cargo hub is... Read more

  • Mark Coulthwaite

    I wish to express my strong disagreement with the application by River Oak Strategic Partners to reopen Manston airport for mainly cargo flights because of the following: • There will be... Read more

  • Martin English

    The airport will ruin the tourism potential of Ramsgate which has risen dramatically over the last few years. This will lead to the closure of many new businesses resulting in the loss of many jobs... Read more

  • Martin O'Hara

    I would like to register my strong opposition to the Manston DCO application, there are so many red flags this application raises that 500 words is insufficient, so here are but a few:- A business... Read more

  • Mary Parbuono

    * Manston would bring much needed employment to Thanet * We do not have the infrastructure to support the amount of housing proposed for this site by SHP. * It would release airspace at the... Read more

  • Mary Sharrock

    I have been a Ramsgate resident for well over 30 years. Most of them living under the flight path of planes from Manston. I write as a concerned community spirited resident, mother, teacher and Youth... Read more

  • Matthew Gee

    Dear Sir, I would like to add my support for the use of Manston Airport for aviation, for use as an international freight and passenger hub. Airport capacity in the south-east is in scare supply... Read more

  • Matthew Weston

    Manston has a real opportunity to be turned into an aviation hub not only for jobs but other matters such as becoming a world class training facility with everything related to aviation together with... Read more

  • Michael Corris

    I live in Herne Bay directly under the extreme east to west proposed flight path. I object to the application because:- The applicants intentions regarding night flights is not clear, worst case... Read more

  • Michael Foley

    I am opposed to the Manston DCO as I do not believe that the proposed plans for a freight hub are bona fide. There is no real evidence that a freight hub would be commercially viable due to the... Read more

  • Michelle Moss

    I am deeply concerned about the expansion of the airport due to the noise and pollution that it will generate. I live close to the seaside town of Herne Bay and a cargo airport will destroy the town... Read more

  • Michelle Thomas

    I am against the airport. Noise, pollution, job losses. Fledgling tourism industry destroyed.

  • Mike Harris

    Manston is needed for GA flying as well as cargo operations.

  • Mike Morrison

    I am writing on my behalf,[Redacted], to state that I am opposed to re-establishing Manston Airport as an airport for freight because: 1. At a time when extra housing is desperately needed, this site... Read more

  • Mike Rowney

    I believe Manston should re-open as an airport because: 1: An active airport would provide much needed local employment opportunities. 2: It would attract specialist businesses to the area, such... Read more

  • Moyra Derby

    As a resident of Ramsgate on the flight path of Manston Airport I am deeply concerned about the Riveroak proposals. Ramsgate is a small residential, seaside town that will be severely impacted... Read more

  • Mr Christopher Milne

    i am a resident in Harbour Street, Broadstairs and am deeply concerned about the detrimental effects that the development of Manston may have. Whether this is be an airport for passenger or cargo... Read more

  • Mr Graham Thompson

    I would like to raise a question with the inspector regarding the validity of information contained in the Azimuth report, volume 1-4, document TR020002/APP/7.4, which is used to underpin a variety of... Read more

  • Mr Ian Nassif

    POSITIVE REASONS FOR KEEPING MANSTON AS AN AIRPORT. 1. Existing airport facilities. 2. Infrastructure. 3. Water 4. Use as diversionary airport 5. Local employment and education. 6. ... Read more

  • Mr Matthew N Cumber

    I'd like to put forward my representation because there has been a parallel process of public consultation and the DCO application. I have my concerns that the public consultation did not... Read more

  • Mr Shaun Morris

    I have lived in the area for fifty five years and operate a business locally employing seventeen people. I have numerous concerns regarding the airport proposal by RSP, too many to go into in any... Read more

  • Mrs Annie Cull

    [Redacted] and I are very much against the proposed airport at Manston, Ramsgate, for the following reasons We have been residents in beautiful Ramsgate for over 22 years, it is a great seaside... Read more

  • Mrs Caroline Gillard

    The proposed opening of Manston Airport is a disaster for Thanet.The previous owners were not permitted to undertake night flights as the terrible noise of low flying aircraft would disturb residents... Read more