
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 3226 to 3250 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Deanna Coutts

    Our beautiful village should not be impacted by such a proposal

  • Deborah Claire Smith

    Air pollution exacerbating climate crisis. Inadequate infrastructure, road network M23, M25. A 217 already very busy with current levels of traffic, much of the time.

  • Denys Eyre Bower Bequest (Denys Eyre Bower Bequest)

    I write on behalf of The Denys Eyre Bower Bequest, a private charitable trust, which operates as a business at Chiddingstone Castle, Chiddingstone, TN8 7AD. The Chiddingstone Castle business is a... Read more

  • Dr Sarah Beeson

    The world is in a climate emergency caused by global warming. A second runway will cause a significant increase in carbon dioxide production from additional flights; this is in flagrant disregard of... Read more

  • easyJet (easyJet)

    Gatwick Airport Northern Runway DCO application – easyJet’s submission easyJet carries 46% of the traffic through London Gatwick (LGW) and as a result easyJet’s passengers will be most impacted by... Read more

  • Eleanor Staples

    - Huge environmental impact and detrimental to quality of life

  • Elizabeth Elgar

    I have concerns about the increase of noise and the effects on our way of life including that of animals. The effect on rural life will be impacted by the increase in traffic and building. I had... Read more

  • Elizabeth Lucy May

    In 5 years the air traffic in that short time has increased 10 fold. Used to be 2 planes a day that might be bothersome but now they are every 5 minutes and all through the night, waking residents up... Read more

  • Emily Jane Medway

    The noise impact of more aircraft due to of any expansion would be my main concern. Particularly how any increase of night flights might impact our sleep quality. We have previously made a complaint... Read more

  • Emma Mason

    Impact on the environment would be devastating with increased air pollution, noise, flood risk and traffic congestion. Local communities and the countryside are already subjected to high levels of all... Read more

  • Emma Usher

    Living in Betchworth our road is already used significantly for a route to the airport, with many cars speeding. Concerns over our green belt environment locally, and the impact it will have within... Read more

  • Erica Wilson

    Effects on climate change. Added environmental pollution. Money should be spent on sustainable transport.

  • Felicity Danby

    Increasing flights by100,000 per annum will have an adverse environmental impact specifically increased traffic congestion and accompanying CO2 emissions affecting a large populated area. Noise... Read more

  • Frank Riddle

    Gatwick airpots plans to expand are completely contrary to what is needed for Climate Change stabilisation. The noise increase is unacceptable. All short haul flights should stop in favour of rail and... Read more

  • Frederick Davey

    The runway is unnecessary. Heathrow is close by with enough capacity It will create lots more noise and air pollution Additional traffic and congestion in the area will add to already congested roads

  • Frederick Delasalle

    Flight path over residential areas Overload of traffic on local infrastructure. Noise limitations Routes for construction traffic. Air pollution. We already get aerofuel ‘rainbows’ on wet days.

  • Fredi Cavander Attwood

    Aviation is one of the activities which causes the most harm to our climate, partly because emissions at altitude have a significantly greater heating impact than those at ground level. We will all... Read more

  • Gabrielle Norman

    Concern on environmental grounds about the proposed expansion of Gatwick airport

  • Gatwick Airline Consultative Committee (Gatwick Airline Consultative Committee)

    The Airline Consultative Committee (ACC) exists to represent airline community views into GAL, the CAA and wider community as appropriate. It ensures that via the regulatory framework that GAL... Read more

  • Geoffrey Brunton

    The impact on the rural area where I live of aircraft noise from Gatwick air traffic overflying the area is already very significant and damaging to the tranquility and mental wellbeing of residents;... Read more

  • Gillian Barnes

    My main concerns are as follows: - congestion and transport, already the roads around Gatwick are heavily congested and a wide area becomes gridlocked if any issues occur on the M23 or M25 -Flooding... Read more

  • Gladys Kariuki

    I vehemently oppose Gatwick Airport's expansion plans, including the Northern Runway extension. I live in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, cherishing my peaceful Kent countryside home. Yet,... Read more

  • Grace Sophe

    Gatwick is already busy and can not currently cope with the volume of flights. Roads, trains, parking, hotels etc are already inadequate. 2nd runway with more flights could mean an accident which the... Read more

  • Graham Bishop

    I am concerned that this proposal will require a blanket block out to the already highly restricted GA air movements in the South from east to west. We have already experienced such a phenomenon with... Read more

  • Guy McLelland

    Expanding operations at Gatwick will have the following detrimental effects on our neighbourhood and beyond: 1. An increase in audible noise 2. An increase in visual noise 3. An increase in negative... Read more