
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 4551 to 4575 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Katy Stuart

    I have no objection

  • Kavisha Thabrew

    I fully support this proposal

  • Keep Southwater Green (Keep Southwater Green)

    1. The uninstrumented emergency/relief “northern runway” at Gatwick Airport is not a functioning operational runway and GAL’s application to make it one is therefore inconsistent with the Government’s... Read more

  • Kelly Dibbert

    Noise Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed are... Read more

  • Kelly Robinson

    The growth of London Gatwick is vital to reinvigorate and protect the regional and wider UK economy for many years to come. It will create more capacity for visitors to spend money in the UK, provide... Read more

  • Kent County Council Green and Independents Group (Kent County Council Green and Independents Group)

    Kent County Council’s Green and Independent Group Response to Gatwick Airport’s Expansion Transport We would emphasise the importance of providing sustainable access to the airport for staff and... Read more

  • Kent Massey

    The new flight path is completely unacceptable. The trail has been very disruptive. If existing flight paths could be used so much the better. You can not just put a new flight path over someone’s... Read more

  • Kevin Dauvergne

    UK airports are congested. After Covid, the growth of commercial aviation needs the industrial actors to invest for the commercial demand. It is not acceptable to use only one runway for takeoff and... Read more

  • Kevin Patrick Fox

    I completely support it!

  • Kim Hill (Kim Hill)

    Cannot be supportive toward any project which contravenes environment and climate change.

  • Kim Thurloway

    Pollution Environment Infrastructure Real need for additional capacity

  • Kine Hong, Ten

    New infrastructure is always good as will be able to benefit the community. I do not have further comments and are willing to sell off the land to benefit the future development.

  • Kristian Stringer

    I strongly oppose Gatwick airport’s intention to massively increase capacity by converting its emergency runway for regular use. My first objection is the huge increase in carbon emissions that this... Read more

  • Kristin Sjovorr

    I am extremely concerned that the increase in the number of flights generated by this proposed expansion of Gatwick airport will make it impossible to achieve the government’s stated objective of... Read more

  • Krzysztof Nowotny

    Im happy for Gatwick to expand and grow.

  • Laura Wareing

    - plans for the expansion of Gatwick do not include improvements and additions to local infrastructure like much needed secondary schooling, and hospital provision which is struggling anyway with... Read more

  • Laura Wynes

    At a time when the world is facing a climate crisis and the UK is on a trajectory to reduce its C02 carbon emissions, it seems absurd to be considering the expansion of air traffic at Gatwick and... Read more

  • Lawrence Leather

    Dear Planning Inspector, I am very grateful at the opportunity to comment on this proposal. As a previous member of the South Downs National Park Authority's Policy and Resources Committee I... Read more

  • Leah Carleton


  • Leda Schiltz

    I object to this proposal on the basis of: climate change, air pollution and harm to health, increase risk of flooding, noise pollution from increased air traffic, severe objection to increased night... Read more

  • Lesley Richards

    Dear Secretary of State Please reject the application for a Development Consent Order to effectively give Gatwick Airport a second runway. The proposals will mean unacceptably increased noise for... Read more

  • Leslie Edward Hart

    This is effectively a second runway which was previously rejected by the government in favour of Heathrow. The use of the second runway at Gatwick would increase pollution (including noise) to the... Read more

  • Lewes District Green Party (Lewes District Green Party)

    Lewes District Green Party strongly with the proposed expansion in aviation at Gatwick Airport which is wholly incompatible with action to achieve net zero, and we would like to register as an... Read more

  • Lewis Macsween

    I work at the airport and feel this will be beneficial to the airport, airlines and surrounding areas

  • Lilias Cheyne

    The pollution caused by all these proposed extra flights is a worry, and because of so many flights, the risk of collisions in the air must be substantially increased. Frightening !