
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 626 to 650 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Brendan Hudson

    Delays to passengers at Gatwick are getting much more frequent. The airport needs the concurrent use of a second runway to make it more resilient in the face of increased air travel, drone attacks,... Read more

  • Claire Da Re

    The noise and pollution impacts are my two main concerns. There have been flight path changes in recent years which means we are already impacted late at night and early in the morning with flight... Read more

  • David Robert Laidlaw

    I think that the balance between growing the economy, expansion of national infrastructure and the citizens right to enjoy the peaceful environs of the rurual countryside is not being correctly... Read more

  • Diana Heald

    We live in the village of LEIGH which previously has not been overflown - the flight paths were changed without sanction and we suffered terribly from noise pollution … this has recently been improved... Read more

  • Fiona Davies

    The increase in air traffic over my property is not acceptable. Resident here since 1987, the emissions and aircraft noise are getting worse. A better way of meeting net zero targets would be by less... Read more

  • James Alexander Gear

    I wish to object unless there is an vast improvement in infrastructure and prevention of vehicles using villages to cut through to access what will be a huge expansion of traffic and people if this is... Read more

  • James McInroy

    On behalf of residents in the KCC Division of Tunbridge Wells West, I appeal for the utmost consideration to be taken with regards to minimising noise pollution over the built-up areas of Royal... Read more

  • John Cooper

    I would like to register my objection to the rebuilding / expansion of the emergency runway at Gatwick Airport as a second runway on the basis of, amongst other things: (1) the resulting increase in... Read more

  • Marilyn Sylvia Holmes

    I and my husband have owned and occupied (Redacted) since 1979. This house is at the West end of the LGW airport runways and slightly to the North. We will be severely adversely impacted by the... Read more

  • Matthew Hopkins

    I object to the proposals as the northern runway development will increase air pollution, noise pollution and traffic pollution. We already have to cope with a lot of aircraft noise between the hours... Read more

  • Mr Antony Paul Shipton

    Noise level to above our property Night flights which Heathrow don’t have Low flying aircraft No financial help or infrastructure to accommodate problems this will impact our property Traffic amount... Read more

  • Mrs Linda Shipton

    Noise level 24/7 plus night flights Volume of traffic Potential decrease in value of our property Infrastructure to back lanes/roads etc Traffic chaos on lanes where only wide enough for single cars... Read more

  • Oscar John Holmes

    I and my wife have owned and occupied (redacted) since 1979. The house is at the West end of the LGW airport runways and slightly to the North. We will be severely and adversely impacted by the... Read more

  • Paul Chandler

    My main concern is the impact on climate change from the carbon emissions produced by additional flights and passengers travelling to Gatwick as well as the construction and operation involved at the... Read more

  • Quickshift UK Ltd (Quickshift UK Ltd)

    I support the proposal as I believe it will be good for the area & the economy & will help with sustainable jobs for years to come. It will also be of benefit to my business & the industry I work in,... Read more

  • Rachel Hayes

    Concerns about increased noise disturbance traffic and pollution

  • Robert Weddell

    Increased air traffic will place an intolerable burden on the local infrastructure - requiring more homes for workers, increased rail and bus services (which are already overstretched), more shops and... Read more

  • Roy Bliss

    Noise pollution, air pollution, increased traffic. Blight on local residents property. There are better alternatives to flying

  • Sarah Dawe

    I strongly object to the proposals for the Northern Runway at Gatwick. They will lead to significantly increased air traffic, which will result in intolerable and almost continuous aircraft noise in... Read more

  • Stella Hill

    It will greatly increase pollution where I live. It will greatly increase traffic through our village and the surrounding villages which are already rat-runs for traffic cutting through to Gatwick.... Read more

  • Stephen Jones

    This application is misleading in that the present ‘second’ runway is in fact an emergency one which is too close to the runway and never used at the same time. This application will have a grave... Read more

  • Tina Sullivan

    The impact on the environment, including the increase in noise pollution will be significant and detrimental to the surrounding area.

  • Tony David Hellard

    I would like to support the project as it will have good effects on the National, local economies and work opportunities for the younger population.

  • Cuneyt Atacan

    This is a fantastic development which will add value to the local and national businesses.

  • Fiona Bramwell

    I wish to register my objection to the plan. The government has already supported airport expansion in the south east via a third runway at Heathrow. This is an attempt by Gatwick to get extra... Read more