
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 751 to 775 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Clive Cobie

    I’ve been living in these ancient woodland for twenty three years, the flight noise has gotten worse over the years, I am very concerned about the flight emissions as I have noticed a lot less... Read more

  • David Knevett

    The infrastructure around Gatwick is already under strain - the railway line, M23, A23 and the smaller feeder roads are already stressed. Crawley has a shortage of reasonably priced housing and little... Read more

  • Dennis Upfold

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Dorking Climate Emergency (Dorking Climate Emergency)

    1. Net zero will obviously not be reached in aviation by 2050 and this is a further step away from our legally binding target. 2. Despite the low percentage of people who fly, the industry is heavily... Read more

  • G.M.Bloor

    Additional noise levels, at present we cannot have the doors or windows open due to noise levels blocking out listening to tv or radio, this was not the case when we moved here 40 years ago when the... Read more

  • Gary Swindle

    This proposed project is extremely damaging to the environment and to the health of the people of south east England. The pollution, carbon emissions, greenhouse gasses and noise should not be... Read more

  • Georgia Pritchard

    We object to the airport expansion as this will have a huge increase in noise pollution and carbon emissions impacting greatly on the environment, wildlife and climate change in a time which we need... Read more

  • Ian Campbell

    I feel moved to record my objection to this application as: - The is a NEW runway and should be treated as such in the planning process. LHR were chosen for airport expansion not LGW - the Gov't never... Read more

  • Ian Peter Wortley

    A second runway will impact adversely on the environment in terms of noise, pollution, increased traffic flows, loss of green space and so on. It will encourage air travel at a time when, because of... Read more

  • James Angus

    No to 2nd runway at London Gatwick, currently we are inundated with aircraft flying low over local villages in the Gatwick area and an increase of flights will create more noise and CO2 pollution and... Read more

  • James Ernest Bonner

    Currently we have flights over our house, very low and noisy during the day and sometimes right through the night, waking us up. They can be so loud outside that you cannot hold a conversation!... Read more

  • Jane Sollory

    This expansion will be a massive disruption to the local area, increase in noise and air pollution and be detrimental to the local environment. It cannot be permitted.

  • Jane Thornton Higgs

    I understand that we have benefited from a changeable approach path system so that the villages share the noise of incoming aircraft. I hope this is not going to be removed as it seems to have worked... Read more

  • Jennifer Myers

    I oppose Gatwick Airport's application for a northern runway because: - there will be an increase in aircraft noise with the huge number of extra flights. I live in a generally peaceful rural area... Read more

  • Judith Nesbitt

    Gatwick expansion is unwanted by local people who are fed up with having a motorway in the sky above their heads night and day. Incessant plane noise is detrimental to mental health and the... Read more

  • Karen Leigh Franklin

    I am horrified to hear the proposed routine use of the Northern safety runway at Gatwick for multiple reasons. 1.Safety - another smart motorway disaster in the making! 2. Purely a money making... Read more

  • Keith Masters

    I object to the proposed Gatwick Airport 'Northern' Runway. 1.Gatwick has one runway, plus an emergency runway. An emergency runway is for emergencies. 2.There is a climate change emergency being... Read more

  • Marie Pritchard

    We object to the airport expansion as this will have a huge increase in noise pollution and carbon emissions impacting greatly on the environment, wildlife and climate change in a time which we need... Read more

  • Michael Jefford

    There is absolutely no need for a second runway at Gatwick. The UK aviation sector has missed 98% of its climate targets to date, and extending capacity at Gatwick will just make the situation even... Read more

  • Michael Walker

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – · Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Outwood Parish Council (Outwood Parish Council)

    There are a number of concerns regarding both economic benefits and disruption to the local community. It is not clear that the expansion can even be justified on economic grounds. The estimates given... Read more

  • Paul James Longley

    The plans will have a negative impact on air quality in my area as well as the sleep patterns of my family. We are already kept awake by aircraft noise late into the night only to be woken up again... Read more

  • Richard Myers

    I would like to object to the proposal to expand Gatwick Airport. We live under the current flight path and we suffer intolerable noise and air pollution, especially during the summer months. I fear... Read more

  • Robert Hayter

    We oppose the proposed expansion of Gatwick in the strongest possible terms. We live 15 miles to the west of LGW, have lived here since 2002, just north of the flight path for runway 08R. With the... Read more

  • Sharon Harris

    We have too many planes going over our house as it is, the run all day and through the night, it disturbs us during the night as the planes are extremely low and loud. Trying to work during the day... Read more