
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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  • Paul Craven

    I live directly under the flightpath to Gatwick airport. The noise from existing flights is already unbearable. An additional 100000 flights per annum would be miserable.

  • Risa Lynne Greenstein

    It is beyond a doubt that air pollution is a major factor in lung and breathing illnesses. Adding yet more pollution is simply unacceptable. It is completely contrary to the pledge to give priority to... Read more

  • Sacha Kevin Carey

    I fully support the Northern runway at Gatwick, it will be good for jobs economy and for air travel in general it won't make a massive difference as they are already using the Northern runway

  • Simon Latham

    It'd a vitally needed infrastructure project that benefits all of South East England. Not only in terms of business & employment opportunities, but travel too. Gatwick is one of the best connected... Read more

  • Tamsin Townly

    Feel that our quality of life is negatively impacted already by Gatwick airport and an additional runway would only compound this. We try to ignore the noise from over head planes but this is... Read more

  • Christine Edwards

    Already we have to keep our windows closed due to airplanes coming over our house every 3mins we are unable to have a chat in the garden can you move the flight path to the right of Lingfield only... Read more

  • Darren Shapland

    We think the project should be refused Hever is already impacted by Gatwick air noise and pollution Hever is a historic village in the green belt and an AONB Expanding Gatwick will significantly... Read more

  • Europa Gatwick (Europa Gatwick)

    The company are very for this project, it will enhance the local business commuinty greatly and by increasing business , we will be able to offer more employment

  • Jane Vogt

    This is a new runway and as such should go through the proper planning process. Not a DCO. The proposal is for the emergency runway to be rebuilt north of it's current position. The emergency and main... Read more

  • Joe Rees

    Its needed, Its called progress.

  • Julian Greenfield

    Gatwick’s plans make a mockery of the Government’s consultation process, which concluded Heathrow was the best option for new runway capacity. The facts have not changed.

  • Mrs Moyra Farmer

    The northern runway was built as an EMERGENCY runway. How can it no longer be necessary to have an emergency runway when there will be TWICE the number of aircraft taking off and landing ?

  • Peter William Ariel Lake

    Noise issues Height of Aircraft over AONB Pollution issues

  • Andrew Peterkin (Andrew Peterkin) on behalf of Peterkin Family (Peterkin Family)

    This is an application for a new runway as Gatwick does not have two active runways that can be operated concurrently. Therefore it is not correct that it complies with policy. There will be an... Read more

  • Gerard Michael Ryan on behalf of Ryan Family (Ryan Family)

    Vastly increased Aircraft Noise (we are on the flightpath) Reduced Safety (loss of standby runway)

  • Saj Amin

    100% for development

  • Sarah Lloyd Jones

    I do not think that airport expansion should be allowed in the current circumstances, mainly because flying creates too many carbon emissions, but also because planes are still much too noisy. When... Read more

  • Aaron Bassett

    I think Gatwick’s plans will bring growth to the area and create a number of jobs for people. The success of Gatwick has a clear impact on the local area and this plan only improves that

  • Alex O'Dell

    On aircraft noise impacts: I oppose this development based on increased noise at my location, particularly at night. The information presented on the 'Aircraft Noise Viewer' requires reference to Ch14... Read more

  • Jeff Arnold on behalf of Bower Properties (Bower Properties)

    We would like to Register our strong objections against the proposed Gatwick airport planning Application to build an additional runway and increase the number of flights - noise -pollution Emissions... Read more

  • Candace Caddick

    The noise from airplanes flying over our house is continuous, seven days a week, from 4 a.m. to 11 p.m. I'm already at breaking point with this, and anything that adds even one more, large airplane to... Read more

  • Charlotte Larsen

    Against this project. Traffic and construction will increase and will devastate the countryside. Noise from more planes and traffic increase through the village will be catastrophic. This should NOT... Read more

  • Clare Gilbert

    Constant Noise disturbance in tranquil rural area- more than we are already experiencing

  • Deborah Anne Fitzgerald

    Gatwick proposal will result in: - 1. 70% Increase in Passenger numbers 2. 37% Increase in Aircraft movements over our heads, more noise pollution, more visual pollution 3. CO2 emissions up over 50%;... Read more

  • Elizabeth Wade

    I live directly under the flight path. The increase in flights, every single one of which will go over my house if they are landing in the normal direction, will be intolerable noise nuisance. The... Read more