Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
The increase in flights will be profoundly damaging - in terms of air pollution, noise pollution and carbon emissions.
We already notice and increase of air traffic over our property and the surrounding villages. We feel that there is misinformation about the nature of this application, making it sound like the...
Darllen mwy
I object strongly to the expansion of Gatwick airport for the following reasons. Allowing Gatwick to expand sends ridiculous mixed messages from politicians. What is the point of the London Ulez if...
Darllen mwy
I am opposed to the Gatwick Airport New Runway Plan for the following reasons The application is in fact for a new runway. The existing emergency runway is to be relocated. Presently the emergency...
Darllen mwy
Noise pollution as a result of increased overflights & intensity of operation. Flight path changes to accommodate the propsal have adversly impacted quiet enjoyment of dwelling and surrounds, and the...
Darllen mwy
Main impacts would be the increase on the number of planes in the sky along with noise, congestion and the volume
Totally support the project.
We need better rail/buses not more planes. We cannot cope with existing traffic - damage to roads. Never mind more traffic to the airport. It will necessitate a bypass which will destroy homes and...
Darllen mwy
At a time when we are fighting climate change and dealing with its effects on the entire world, we should not be expanding any of our airports until they can operate with zero air polluting fuels....
Darllen mwy
My family and numerous neighbours oppose Gatwick’s plans to make their emergency runway into a second runway. Opposing the plans to expand the emergency runway at Gatwick Airport is essential to...
Darllen mwy
Concerned about increased noise and fumes as I am on the flight path.
We wish to strongly object to the proposals on the following grounds: - Climate change impact from all aspects of the development - Wider environmental impacts including noise and air pollution, not...
Darllen mwy
A new runway at Gatwick is a terrible idea. Already we have far too much airplane noise disrupting our daily lives. When I'm outside I have to pause mid-conversation to wait for planes to fly...
Darllen mwy
Zero Carbon Guildford statement on airport expansion Every major UK airport has plans to expand, with many hoping to double passenger numbers by 2030. This includes airports around Guildford – notably...
Darllen mwy
I fully support the expansion of Gatwick with a second runway so long as rail and road infrastructure is upgraded at the same time
I am concerned about the significant impact of the increased traffic on aircraft noise in our area and the impact on the environment from the increased aircraft movements.
Gatwick needs to grow for prosperity and jobs
I think the project should go ahead as it will provide many jobs and bring prosperity too the region.
Environmental impact: The main arguments for this project are focused on economic growth and job creation. At a time when there is more focus than ever on the environmental impact of our actions, I...
Darllen mwy
I am concerned about the increase of flights over my home, with no proposals for further mitigation and the consequent increase in traffic in our rural roads, with no proposals for maintenance or...
Darllen mwy
Communities Against Gatwick Noise Emissions (CAGNE) RELEVANT REPRESENTATIONS 1. Introduction 1.1. CAGNE is the umbrella aviation and community group for Sussex, Surrey, and Kent formed...
Darllen mwy
I believe the environmental impact in this area is bad enough this would just compound the pollution even further!!
The proposal is counter intuitive. As countries seek to reduce their carbon footprint, especially from domestic aviation, they are developing their transport infrastructure, particularly high speed...
Darllen mwy
International air travel is one of the major causes of the catastrophic changes to our environment which we are currently experiencing. The effects are disproportionately felt by the poorest countries...
Darllen mwy
As a local resident impacted by this development. I support the use of the north runway on the belief this will benefit the local economy by attracting investment and tourism. And boosting employment.
I feel the growth of Gatwick is good for the surrounding economy, and will other employment opportunities.
Current high air pollution that already impacts on community’s health from aircraft and road traffic. Skin and lung issues. Aircraft noise that causes disturbed sleep and poor mental health from April...
Darllen mwy
Obviously Gatwick airport’s latest proposal would be very detrimental to our lovely peaceful countryside and AONB in terms of noise, pollution and the environment in general so I am opposed to their...
Darllen mwy
The key issue is one of a greater impact on noise and air pollution for the surrounding villages which are already adversely affected by Gatwick operations. This will generally increase the risk of...
Darllen mwy
I oppose the Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway for the following reasons: Principally because It s a new runway – and so it obviously does not comply with current government policy or...
Darllen mwy
Very supportive of the project
We need this expansion for local jobs and it will benefit the local economy,
My concerns about increased air traffic are the detrimental effects of air quality and noise to the surrounding villages.
A great development and improvement of existing infrastructure, bringing more jobs into the local area and improving airport facilities.
Strongly Support. This is much lower impact than the plans for Heathrow’s third runway, which doesn’t seem to be breaking ground in the foreseeable future anyway. It’ll also be good to keep Gatwick in...
Darllen mwy
Enhancing the present emergency runway to one which is used on a regular basis at the same time as the present permanent runway will amount to creating a totally new runway. This therefore would not...
Darllen mwy
Strongly support development at Gatwick as it improves job opportunities for those in this and surrounding counties and positively contributes to the local economy.
I am for Gatwick 2nd Runway .I have worked at Gatwick for 25 years and live stone throw away. I do not see a problem .It will bring moer employment .
It will bring in large amounts of money and business including employment, new travel destinations and improvements in local infrastructure to roads, rail connections to London and the surrounding...
Darllen mwy
Reject - no need for it. Extra noise and pollution
The noise and disruption for local residents is going to be awful. It's bad enough as it is with low flying, high frequency planes over Reigate.
Increased air traffic and car traffic
I know it bring jobs to. Gatwick but against new Runway
I wholeheartedly support the use of Northern Runway.
I support the expansion at Gatwick airport because it brings prosperity to the area as well as jobs which is needed
I oppose the construction and use of a second runway at Gatwick. My reasons for this are: 1) the current runway is only fully used in the mornings. 2) increased noise. 3) increased pollution...
Darllen mwy
Further extension of flight paths over our village; Air quality; Over-development of East Sussex; Gatwick has already shown that it cannot operate well with its existing facility, I dont rate its...
Darllen mwy
Would be good to have another runway and anything else that would help the Airport.
It’s absurd to approve a proposal that will contribute countless GHG emissions. The project is scheduled to be finished very close to the UKs 2050 net zero deadline, so there is no way of allowing...
Darllen mwy
I am against the project