
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 451 to 500 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Gillian Stephens

    My Main issue is with Air Noise for both departing and arrivals at Gatwick. I consider the current noise level to be above SOAEL, in the recent hot weather I was unable to have my bedroom windows open... Read more

  • Heidi Fitch

    Noise pollution effecting my mental health and well-being

  • Hever Parish Council (Hever Parish Council)

    Hever Parish Council object to the Gatwick proposed project application and the significant damage and impact it will have on the Parish and beyond. There are great concerns regarding noise and... Read more

  • Jeremy Knowles

    My objections to this proposal cover the following principal areas: 1) The massive increase in aircraft noise disturbance 2) The detrimental effects on the local and global environment 3)The massive... Read more

  • John Knightley

    My main concern is the impact on the environment and potentially on my family of the emissions from planes flying over my house when coming in to land at Gatwick. Whenever planes are landing from the... Read more

  • John Prior

    Unless the 100,000 extra take-offs and landings every year by the additional aircraft using the second runway will: a) not increase the noise disturbance currently suffered by those currently living... Read more

  • John Williamson

    Whilst broadly supporting the application and the economic benefits for the region and the local community. I do have concerns over the additional traffic coming into the area. My main concern relates... Read more

  • Jolyon Adam-Smith

    The idea of a runway to the north does not provide value for money. What the airfield needs is a runway to the south to allow parallel operations. The best way to achieve this and increased... Read more

  • Julie Shorland

    Expansion of 2nd runway is a positive thing and much needed

  • Kathleen Foster

    I have registered as I will be directly affected by any increase in air traffic due to an additional runway at Gatwick. I do not think any further expansion of Gartwick is justified.

  • L Joseph

    I am concerned about any environmental impacts and the lack of infrastructure to support this expansion. People living in the rural areas surrounding Crawley desperately need investment in sustainable... Read more

  • Margaret Jennings

    Whilst the public are being told of the possible consequences of global warming, caused in large part by increased CO2 emissions it seems disingenuous to consider increasing airport capacity. What is... Read more

  • Mrs Georgina Eason

    Visual and audible impact of so many more aircraft taking off and landing-already at an unacceptable high. increased volume of traffic, particularly taking alternative route to airport to avoid A217... Read more

  • Nicholas F. Zambuni

    The world is in crisis with climate change. We need to reduce flights not increase flights as infrastructure and services around Gatwick is already at it's limit.

  • Niels Spekking

    The proposed second runway at Gatwick will have a detrimental effect on the social and natural environment. Global climate change requires to focus on alternative, less polluting ways of travel. The... Read more

  • Pamela Gilchriest

    We dont have the infrastructure to cope with the extra traffic that this will create, and I oppose the new runway because of the 'environmental madness' it will cause, the additional flights would... Read more

  • Peter Clymer

    Noise pollution low altitude flights flights over townships

  • Ray Ebbs

    Why are aborted landings turning south across populated areas as low as 1700 ft. This never has been the case. I have been a resident for over 35 years and am worried one day a plane could come down.... Read more

  • RBC Brewin Dolphin (RBC Brewin Dolphin)

    Our concerns are about the potential impact upon the us. We are one of the leaseholders based at Firstpoint, Buckingham Gate. The disruption envisaged to our business operation will be to our... Read more

  • Richard James Andrews

    We are already adversely affected by flights directly overhead. Mobile phone calls cut out, and normal conversations become impossible when planes are overhead These flights also affect the lettings... Read more

  • Richard Mason

    I’m impacted living under the flight path

  • Robert Eggleston

    I am concerned about the impact of the environment and the infrastructure of areas in the vicinity of the airport by an expansion of capacity and want to know what mitigation will be provided to... Read more

  • Simon Coyle

    My name is Simon Coyle I own a property called (redacted) on Ifield road I do not agree with this new runway to give planning to at Gatwick airport I have quite a few reasons why one is the airport... Read more

  • Susan Davidson

    Airport expansion in general is not compatible with the Government 's commitment to net zero. As far as Gatwick expansion is concerned, there are a number of issues, which seem to have been ignored.... Read more

  • The Woldingham Association (The Woldingham Association)

    The Woldingham Association was set up over 100 years ago to promote and conserve the character of Woldingham and its surrounding countryside. We oppose this project for the following reasons: - Its... Read more

  • The Wynn Family (The Wynn Family)

    1. Climate Emergency. There is a pressing case not to expand any airport anywhere. Government policy needs to reflect this in what is permitted. 2. Effects on health of noise and air pollution: heart... Read more

  • Zaheer Uddin Khan

    The CEO of Gatwick Airport should be removed as co-chair of the Aviation Council as it provides him with privilege access to the Aviation Minister at a time when his company seeks mass expansion. I... Read more

  • Andy Huggett

    Gatwick needs to expand to keep up with world travel , also be good for the local economy and job creation

  • Bryan P Hoare

    Use of the main runway is well overdue. For safety reasons this runway is imperative. Progress is inevitable,

  • Callum Johnson

    I have nothing to say against the planning as I strongly believe it is beneficial for all involved

  • Damian Lecourtois

    Absolutely 100% support the proposal to bring the North runway into active use for smaller aircraft. Brings many benefits and investment to the local area with the expansion at Gatwick. No issues seen... Read more

  • Darren Holloway

    I live under the flight path for Gatwick and extremely close to the airport. The decisions made for this extra runway will greatly effect myself and my family, therefore I am extremely interested and... Read more

  • Glyn Woodage

    I believe if we are serious about the climate emergency we cannot continue to expand this type of infrastructure. Encouragement should be given to sustainable recreation. The management of Gatwick... Read more

  • Hoveblend Ltd trading as The Corner House Hotel (Hoveblend Ltd trading as The Corner House Hotel)

    This is a well over due expansion for Gatwick and the area has been gearing for this to happen for some time.

  • Howard Witt

    The proposal will place our house directly under the flight path, this will devalue the property, cause noise, and increased dirt and house contamination. We currently have a level of noise and no... Read more

  • Jan Williams

    My concerns are: impact on environment, over loading of local roads and facilities which are already at capacity, increase in noise levels, detrimental affect on lives and health of those living under... Read more

  • Janet Huson

    We live in a AONB but are blighted by aircraft noise daily. If aircraft take off towards the east, they then swing round over our area & are usually at about 4,500 to 6,000 ft. If they depart to the... Read more

  • Jennifer Winifred Robinson

    The upgraded North runway will move the flight path much nearer my address. I am therefore concerned about more noise and pollution from the planes.

  • Judith Musgrove

    Again, after the last proposal, We live under the flight path, which is the big problem, but extra housing to cater for the extra workers will put more strain on the already strained sewage system

  • Julie Hulbert

    I object for the following reasons. Increase in aircraft noise, impact on climate change, decline in air quality, extra traffic, more cars being left parked on all the roads near the airport while... Read more

  • Mark Smith

    I am concerned about the increase in pollution from an expanded Airport from more plans to more traffic and how this will affect the surrounding areas. I grew up in Horley and we would regularly clear... Read more

  • May Chew & Associates (May Chew & Associates)

    the expansion plan will contribute to excessive noise and air polution to surrounding areas

  • Michael Francis Chivers

    We have ENOUGH facilities: we should be adressing NOISE, POLLUTION, CLIMATE CHANGE

  • Paul Briden

    The extra traffic and pollution this will bring to the town beggars belief.

  • Robin Lightwood

    My concern is about the lack of infrastructure to support a second runway, in particular the local roads which are already over used and the impact of increased noise on residents.

  • Susana Sueldo de Ecclestone

    I look forward to seeing more infrastructure strategies that facilitate travel for people outside of the immediate london area. We fly through Gatwick very often and a sustainable, sophisticated and... Read more

  • Trevor Madel

    I believe that the expansion can only be a good thing for the South. As a local business man working in road haulage, the increase in cargo that will hopefully follow will bring more haulage to the... Read more

  • Virgin Atlantic Airways (Virgin Atlantic Airways)

    Virgin Atlantic is registering an interest as a slot holder at Gatwick Airport and an employer based near to the site.

  • Alessandra Bacis

    It will only improve the infrastructure in the area

  • Alexandra Page

    Increase in aircraft noise. Increase in pollution when we should be reducing pollution. The inside of my windows and windowsills during the summer when the windows have been open more are black from... Read more