
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 1551 to 1600 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Eva Glaeser

    i hereby object this proposed project as it will increase pollution and therefore increases health risks, the traffic increase which the rural roads can't cope with and the devaluation of the local... Read more

  • Fabian Brandner

    I live close to the airport in Horley and I support this project, primarily because of the economic benefits that such a large project would bring. I would expect an economic uplift initially... Read more

  • Gary Cowlard

    I see this as a positive for the airport and following that, the nearby community. The decision to award the new runway was flawed. Gatwick needs it, Heathrow doesn’t

  • Georgina Dove

    I object to the additional runway at Gatwick airport. It will cause more air and noise pollution where I live.

  • Gerald Brown

    The main issue is the noise that the airport expansion will cause and not just during daylight hours as we already have to tolerate flights late into the night and early morning. Gatwick regularly... Read more

  • Glyn Balmer

    Fully support the proposed expansion of Gatwick if it generates more local employment. Like many others we have aircraft flying over our house at times but they do not have an adverse impact on our... Read more

  • Govia Thameslink Railway ( G T R) (Govia Thameslink Railway ( G T R))

    GTR original response to Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) consultation raised concerns regarding capacity of the Brighton-Gatwick-London railway (Brighton Mainline BML) that have not been addressed. The... Read more

  • Graham Ewens

    This project will undoubtedly create more pollution, and raise noise levels. Due to the fact that I live nearby, I must strongly object to this expansion. The railway station, despite upgrade is... Read more

  • Graham Pattison

    Regular user of Gatwick Airport. Second runway long overdue to improve resilience of airport and reduce delays particularly during peak season. Will improve overall safety by providing the opportunity... Read more

  • Graham Roberts

    We’ve already as a race almost destroyed this planet, this rate of pollution has to stop!!!

  • Harley Wenman

    It needs to happen

  • Helen Gumbley

    I object to the proposals on various grounds: 1. How can we justify any further airport expansion when we are trying to reach our legally binding 2050 Net Zero targets? 2. Gatwick is predominantly a... Read more

  • Helen Margetts

    I am a local resident to Gatwick and also work out of the airport so would like to have my say .

  • Ian Slaughtern

    Unsustainable development harmful to the environment, the local infrastructure and making the population even more over dependant on gatwick. Noise, pollution, traffic - all will be worse

  • Ian Vaughan

    HM Government commissioned and Independent enquiry at a cost of circa £20 million pounds. This independent enquiry deemed Gatwick was not right for expansion. Ever since the publication of this report... Read more

  • Irene Needham

    Object to this proposal to increase Gatwick Airport due to increased noise, increased climate pollution due to increased flights, and increased traffic on roads in the south east.

  • Jacqueline Hall

    At present planes fly over at low altitude every 90 seconds, to open another runway will make the noise level totally unacceptable

  • Jacqui Jepson

    Noise pollution I live under the flight path and noise is already very bad you can't hear your self.the flights are all night long. Also air pollution. Construction impacts.

  • James Collingridge

    I object because Gatwick expansion will lead to further noise pollution above Tunbridge Wells and surrounding areas, which are already negatively impacted by the airport.

  • James Dean

    I welcome more runways for Gatwick. More Jobs and more flights. Helping the the local economics.

  • James Michael Gambles

    Increased noise pollution, lack of sleep, damage to health and environment, constant circling. Tunbridge Wells suffers enough as it it’s. An increase of 35% insane.

  • James O'Brien

    This should not be allowed, more aircraft flying over our local villages with fuel pariticals being dropped, effecting the health of my young family. The value of my home will descrease massively with... Read more

  • Jan van der Zanden

    The expansion of Gatwick airport will bring more air and noise pollution over the area. Tunbridge Wells is the turning point for the approach to Gatwick when the wind is blowing from the West. This is... Read more

  • Jane Scotchmer

    I am opposed to the 2nd runway at Gatwick. It will add to pollution and overcrowding in this part of the UK which is already over intensively developed.

  • Janet Robson

    Plane noise over our house has got louder and more frequent over the years. Planes go over past midnight and sometimes as early as 4am disturbing my sleep pattern, leading to unsettled days and... Read more

  • Janet Russell

    How an expanded Gatwick Airport will impact on the environmental and economics of my community. Increasing noise, congestion, air quality and light pollution. The increase in traffic on rural roads... Read more

  • Jason Michael Thorne

    Massive, unacceptable impact on the environment. Further loss of greenbelt, noise pollution, excessive emissions, years of upheaval, infrastructure will not be able to cope. Consultation process with... Read more

  • Jason Whitaker

    It’s a very good idea to build this new runway

  • Jayne Orviss

    I am concerned about the impact on the environment by the expansion of Gatwick airport. Environmental pollution impacting on health especially those with asthma or are vulnerable. The beautiful rural... Read more

  • Jennefer Selway

    The aeroplane noise is already very intrusive and disturbing. It often wakes me in the night. At times it makes me want to sell up and move away it is so unpleasant

  • Jennifer Joy Barnett

    No more polluting our airwaves.

  • Jennifer Mary Chettle

    I feel we have so many planes already. I was in Newchapel yesterday and planes were going over every five minutes! If the Northern Runway is also used, it will mean planes will be coming over even... Read more

  • Jill Green

    The flight path is over Lingfield and our house. This year I have had at least one plane dump fuel coming into land. There is the noise problem - which is drifting past midnight already at peak times... Read more

  • Jill Munro

    We live on Ashdown Forest, an AONB. It is increasingly affected by noise pollution from Gatwick aircraft, affecting protected ground nesting birds and other wildlife, as well as residents. Any... Read more

  • Jo Marchant

    Main comments are continuous noise during the day and especially at night! Heard planes up to 3am then again at 5. Changed to narrow flight path so non stop planes. Extra problems with extra traffic... Read more

  • Jody Jiskoot

    Aside of the first line environmental issues over noise and pollution caused by the additional aircraft, the additional infrastructure and passenger processing makes the prospect of travel... Read more

  • John Cashen

    I certainly believe the 2nd runway proposals is a fantastic opportunity for Gatwick and those who live nearby and work there.

  • John David Tilly

    A new runway at Gatwick will substantially increase noise and pollution in an already busy flying area. Lower banking and longer hours have already increased over the past 2 years.

  • John Gibson

    My objections are as follows: a) Increased noise pollution due to 1) the frequency of flights over Broad Oak, since we are already on the landing flight path to Gatwick, and another runway would make... Read more

  • John Leslie Connor

    I am very concerned about the impact of 35 per cent increase in flights especially when at the the moment there is no curfew of night time landings which already has an impact on my health and... Read more

  • Jonathan Driscoll

    This project brings much needed connectivity and jobs to the area.

  • Jonathan Hammond

    *Concurrent use of the redundant runway is not possible. The application intentionally *misinterprets policy and is *contrary to government aviation strategy. To allow the use of a redundant runway as... Read more

  • Jonathan Lendon

    I VEHEMENTLY oppose this. I live in Dormansland, where the aircraft noise is already punishing for most of the day and night with aircraft coming in on final approach (circa 2000ft) and taking off... Read more

  • Judith Felton

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway

  • Julia Waddington

    Hugh impact on small villages that already have to deal with constant flights low over houses not to mention increased traffic and lorries

  • Julie Sampson

    Outwood was drastically affected when Gatwick started using the unauthorised Route 4, the once quiet and tranquil Outwood become noisy and at times unbearable, if the airport proposals go ahead then... Read more

  • Juliet Stirrat

    I am concerned about the increased noise and air traffic in the local area as well as the damage to the environment and the health of the local population from the resulting noise and air pollution. I... Read more

  • Justin Augustine Mervyn Anthony

    I am against the proposed Gatwick expansion because of the increased noise, increased damage to health and environment in the area. I thought Heathrow won the deal for an extra runway so one is not... Read more

  • Kathleen Hancock

    The air quality is bad now and expansion of Gatwick will make it worse apart from the constant noise of aircraft taking off and landing.

  • Katy Madkins

    We live directly under the flight path. There is already an unacceptable amount of flights disrupting our daily lives. It is not acceptable to increase this number. The emergency runway should be kept... Read more