
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 1601 to 1650 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Kees Tol

    I am full heartedly AGAINST expansion of Gatwick Airport. We have enough noise pollution as it is and the airport is big enough as it is.

  • Keith Newell

    Personally I am already affected by air traffic noise, mainly for London Heathrow every 5 minutes. I am also affected less frequently by noise from jets and prop aircraft from Biggin Hill. Over the... Read more

  • Kieran McAlea

    Fully supportive of Gatwick Expansion

  • Kim Evans

    The main concern is the the noise pollution only in this last year it has increased & I possibly couldn’t consider staying here if it increased: Also the position we are in we are in the main line &... Read more

  • Laura Leggatt

    I am in favour of the project as long as there are off sets for the environment and favourable communal pathways for cyclists and footpaths from Horley & Crawley to get to the airport.

  • Laura Woodruff

    I strongly oppose the development of Gatwick airport. As a local resident I am already negatively impacted constantly by the airport. The main issues are: 1) Regularity of flights - there is a... Read more

  • Lawrence Storer

    I that Gatwick is causing too much environmental damage, and to increase it’s size will create more and also cause more global warming. It will also be a huge burden on the sewage and water... Read more

  • Lawrence w Kidman

    We have lived in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, for nearly 70 years. The pollution from traffic, both ground & air has massively increased in that time. This massive increase in chemical & noise pollution... Read more

  • Leanne Perry

    - noise pollution will increase - unsightly planes when landing very low - health concerns due to the increased pollution

  • Lee Gary Martin

    As a permanent resident of Crawley of 15 years who has investigated and discussed this proposal locally with individuals and organisations that will also be affected, I have major concerns regarding... Read more

  • Lee Hardy

    I fully support the regular use of the second runway I fully support the project

  • Lee Steven Manzi

    I am against the proposal to expand Gatwick. We need to be limiting the number of flights, not increasing them, due to the climate crisis. Its imperative we reduce fossil fuels, NOT increase them. I... Read more

  • Lesley Ann Frewer

    I am concerned about increased air traffic noise, pollution and increased road traffic.

  • Lesley Nicholson

    The detrimental impact of the proposed extra runway on the local areas. These include:: Adverse affect on climate when country trying to lower carbon emissions Noise pollution- aeroplanes flying... Read more

  • Linda Davies

    I am concerned about impacts of increased air traffic emissions on climate change and our net zero carbon commitments as well as more local noise and air pollution and associated environmental impacts... Read more

  • Linda O’Connor

    Happy for new runway to happen I am happy for this runway extension to happen to improve the local economy. We have recently noticed airplanes now flying directly over our house/property which has not... Read more

  • Lisa Swan

    I have concerns about the increased noise and pollution levels. If this expansion is allowed to progress this will also have a negative impact on the value of my property. With all the current changes... Read more

  • Liza Sadovy

    there’ll be an extra 101,000 flights a year. This will increase carbon emissions, road traffic, noise and air pollution. To be specific: These plans will increase the release of greenhouse gases,... Read more

  • Louise Charman

    I object to the Gatwick expansion as it will create much more noise and air pollution, CO2 etc plus congest the roads around Gatwick.

  • Maddy Halliwell

    I object to the Gatwick expansion plan because of the huge increase in noise pollution and extra road use in surrounding villages.

  • Madeleine Stuart

    Ingreased noise. Increased damage to the envionment adverse impact on peoples health and well being

  • Maisie Cuthbert

    I believe that the added noise pollution will be extremely detrimental to Hever Castle. The estate is a stunning place to work and the added noise will seriously disrupt the area as well as affect the... Read more

  • Malcolm Day

    Increase in pollution and environmental impact, Increase in noise levels, Impact on social and mental health, increase in traffic and already overcrowded environment.

  • Marc Kernick

    The case (and need) for airport expansion at Gatwick is not proven. The negative impact on the environment and local communities would be severe and the benefits lacking. The focus today and in the... Read more

  • Marilyn Chubb

    I object to this proposal as it will have a detrimental impact on roads and health in the area. Also, an emergency runway was deemed necessary for emergencies. It should not now be deemed unnecessary... Read more

  • Marisa Heath

    My concerns are focused on surface transport and the increase in car movements aligned to increased passenger numbers and more workers. This will undermine the net zero objectives set by Surrey County... Read more

  • Mark Hudson

    there is insufficient infrastructure in place for any increased activity at gatwick airport. road and rail are poor with no direct rail link to heathrow. An appalling road layout from the M23 that... Read more

  • Mark Robson

    Additional capacity will result in yet more noise from aircraft as they line up over Tunbridge Wells for approach to Gatwick. This increased noise from aircraft significantly impacts quality of life... Read more

  • Mark Welberry

    In agreement for the runway to be used

  • Martin Biermann

    Never mind the nation's carbon reduction obligations by 2050, the much bigger issue is survival of the world as we know it. Adding anything which will encourage air travel is dangerous nonsense as... Read more

  • Martin West

    Despite living within sight of the flightpaths in and out of Gatwick, I fully support the proposed expansion plans, as long as current night flight restrictions remain. Gatwick's location is well... Read more

  • Matt Hirst

    This will be so good for the local area.

  • Matt Phillpot

    I am hugely for the expansion of Gatwick. The development it brings to the area let alone increasing our competitiveness on the global scale is essential. I think this planning application can... Read more

  • Matthew Lowe

    There is no point building another runway at Gatwick because the skies are already full. Thousands of flights have had to be cancelled this summer due to capacity issues, this is going to be an... Read more

  • Mayfield & Five Ashes Parish Council (Mayfield & Five Ashes Parish Council)

    1. The Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not comply with policy, Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that... Read more

  • Melanie Catlin

    I object on several grounds. Mostly increased noise and air pollution. Also increased traffic in the surrounding area on what can only be described as insufficient road surfaces, and again creating... Read more

  • Metrobus (a trading name of Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company Limited) (Metrobus (a trading name of Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company Limited))

    Metrobus is the operator of local bus services to Gatwick Airport. Through a long term partnership with the airport and the supportive local authorities, bus use to and from Gatwick has grown... Read more

  • Michael John Crane

    I wish to raise a formal objection to Gatwick Airport's plan to commission and operate a second runway.

  • Michelle Anne MacGrath

    I strongly object to the expansion of Gatwick Airport by the creation of a new runway for the following reasons: I am already kept awake and at times also woken up by the planes flying to and from... Read more

  • Mike Turnbull

    Opposed. We should be discouraging travel by air, for environmental reasons, not pandering to pressure from commercial interests for unrestricted growth.

  • Mr Peter Wooster

    To avoid the imminent climate disaster all humans have to change their behavoir. This change of behavoir will have to be Government led. Government will have to ration the amount each human can use an... Read more

  • Mr Phillip Carlisle

    I strongly oppose the new Gatwick Airport Northern Runway as it will: 1. increase aircraft noise from its current high level 2. adversely impact climate change 3. adversely impact local air quality... Read more

  • Mrs Hilary Retamales

    This will add to air pollution in an area already overcrowded and with too many cars, etc. When they periodically change the flight path, the noise in Tonbridge increases perceptibly, especially in... Read more

  • Mrs K. Wilson

    I STRONGLY object to this proposed new runway (rebuilding a runway 12m north makes it a new runway, not an existing one) on the following grounds: • Pollution. The proposed expansion would very... Read more

  • Mrs Michelle Buckingham

    I have issue with the health impact on local people.

  • N A Jordan-Moss

    As a local resident of the Surrey Hills I am aware of the existing noise pollution effecting the area. In addition, having previously lived in West Drayton, under the Heathrow flight-path, I am very... Read more

  • Natalie Coe

    I object to 35% more air traffic noise and over 1 million tonnes of extra carbon pollution a year and the negative effect it will have on our environment. I fear for what my children are going to have... Read more

  • Natalija Isiukova

    We live right under the flight path, the noise from the planes and airport is already unbearable. We can’t enjoy the garden, watch TV.. It’s impossible to even have a conversation outside, you can’t... Read more

  • Neil Sumner

    Increased, noise and air pollution increasing the potential risk of harm to human health and the environment.

  • Nick Ryan

    Living here near Penshurst we are constantly subject to aircraft noise from and to Gatwick. Aircraft passing over us are making their final preparations for landing and therefore are 2,500 - 3,000... Read more