
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 326 to 350 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Caroline Lowe

    I object to this application for a variety of reasons. They are as follows:- 1. Environmental impact and the affects of climate change. 2. Noise pollution to the area with increased traffic. 3. Impact... Read more

  • Dirk Marinus Johannes van Schie

    Increasing the number of flights inevitably will make it more difficult to control climate change, which clearly is already having disastrous effects around the world. For me personally, it seems... Read more

  • Gareth Huntley

    I fully support the proposal to bring the 2nd runway at Gatwick into regular use. I genuinely believe there will be benefits for the local communities. Aircraft will only continue to become greener so... Read more

  • Gary Upton

    The noise from over head planes (to and from Gatwick) is already at an unacceptable level and a second runway at Gatwick will only worsen the problem.

  • Gatwick Hotel Association (Gatwick Hotel Association)

    I am writing on behalf of the Gatwick Hotel Association to express our enthusiastic support for Gatwick Airport's Northern Runway. Our association, comprised of various local hotels, has a vested... Read more

  • Jason Tracey

    I believe the increased runway capacity will lower the value of our home due to the increased noise. we have already been affected by the flight path move in recent year which now means aircraft fly... Read more

  • Joanna Chelimala

    Creating additional runway and essentially 24/7 traffic will generate unbearable noise for the residents in my area, the current traffic is already too heavy, Gatwick Airport is not positioned to be... Read more

  • Julie Louise Upton

    The noise from overhead planes leaving and landing at Gatwick is already intolerable particularly at night. I have lived at the current address for 30 years and the noise form the planes had got... Read more

  • Margaret Elias

    1huge increase in noise.2huge increase in emissions.3the first two items will severely impact on the quality of lives.4we are constantly being told to embrace net zero policies and reduce consumption... Read more

  • Mark Francis

    Additional flights at Gatwick will increase emissions, and therefore impact Climate Change. There is no logical reason to further impact the lives of millions by having additional flights at Gatwick.... Read more

  • Mrs Marion PA Forrest

    Environmental issues Rural area with insufficient road infrastructure and narrow roads to cope with increased traffic Noise pollution Huge increase in aircraft traffic and noise during last three... Read more

  • Olivia Tracey

    We already experience an increased noise level due to the changes in the flight path in recent years, whereas when we first bought our property in 2017, planes were much higher in altitude, they now... Read more

  • Peter Lydiard

    I oppose the development of increased capacity at Gatwick and all other UK airports as it is currently incompatible with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Increased airport capacity will... Read more

  • Peter Toogood

    Need to approve northern runway ASAP. Need to release all airport reserved land south of the airport for development ASAP. I approve of the relocation and use of the northern runway as proposed.... Read more

  • Robert Carmichael

    I support the plan. Gatwick airport is well positioned to serve the South by being near to most of the population, near to the M25 and realively close to London by train. It is also not too close to... Read more

  • Sue Elizabeth Noblett

    Too much pollution no to another runaway

  • Trevor Stevens

    The operation of this new runway will significantly increase noise pollution where I live ( and also many other house holders in Smallfield and Horley) as the flight path will be much closer to my... Read more

  • William Elias

    1.increased volume of aircraft movements 2.use of the northern runway will bring arriving/departing aircraft over more properties.3.increased aircraft movements will bring more emissions.4more... Read more

  • Alison Littlewood

    Concerns are, living under the take off flight path we are noticing the plans getting lower. With so many more planes taking off with an extra runway we are being exposed to a greater degree of noise... Read more

  • Annette Poultney

    Concerned about increased noise from aeroplanes and airport infrastructure, environment damage, traffic congestion and further airport expansion at a later date.

  • Belinda Gray

    The current volume of flights into Gatwick is causing excessive noise and pollution. Any increase in flights should be balanced against the impact on those under the flight paths. We already suffer... Read more

  • Belinda Hard

    I am totally against it. The airport keeps trying to get this through. Using the safety runway as an additional runway. More noise from the aircraft. How can planes be net zero? This is rubbish. There... Read more

  • Cary Charman

    With this new runway, Gatwick seeks over 101,000 extra flights a year (285,000 to 386,000), with 76m passengers (from 46.6m in 2019) travelling on the M23 and residential roads, and one of the worst... Read more

  • Daniel Westlake

    Any airport expansion that increases overall emissions could be incompatible with the UK's legal commitments to reduce pollution. We have a global CO2e budget that is non-negotiable. Exceeding this... Read more

  • Derek Godden

    Before any extension takes place, Gatwick Airport authorities, along with local councils (Borough or County level) should make an effort to improve the existing airport and surrounding environs. The... Read more