
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 4701 to 4725 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Robert Alan Ashdown

    I believe this will bring in many jobs, further destinations and enable gatwick to operate much more efficiently than it currently does. As long as the proposed plans are followed and the area of... Read more

  • Robert Andrew

    I’m in support of this proposal as it will drive employment and investment into the area. Having worked at senior levels within the Travel Industry for over 25 years I have seen the benefits of such... Read more

  • Robert Burge

    I believe the environmental impact has not been correctly considered. The additional aircraft will by definition create more noise than if there we no additional flights. The argument in the... Read more

  • Robert Clayton

    Can you consider the following: Flight Time there should be a watershed of no flights 12:30 am to 5:30 am and introduce a kpi fine that would be imposed should the watershed be breached. These fines... Read more

  • Robert Hescott

    I think they should be in North Runway because planes are always queueing up to get onto the original runway

  • Robert Lee McCabe

    Gatwick Airport should have the planning permission approved for the Northern runway as it will help grow the community and create jobs in and around the local area which has to be a bonus.

  • Robert Ramagge

    Unreasonable added aircraft activity over residential towns

  • Robert Townsend

    I feel it will bring an increase in economic growth to the surrounding areas

  • Robert Wells

    I would like to see Gatwick improve with more routes employing more people

  • Robyn Morgan

    We should not be building any new commercial airport capacity, including new runways because this will enable and encourage more flying when we are facing a crisis in our climate.

  • Rod Easthill

    Ground noise emanating from the airport can often be continuous. Engine noise on approach, low frequency reverse thrust noise, engine noise exiting the runway and positioning to stand. Immediately,... Read more

  • Rohit Gupta

    I support the plans to use the 2nd runway at gatwick

  • Roland John Beaven

    I object to this proposal on the basis of: climate change, air pollution and harm to health, increase risk of flooding, noise pollution from increased air traffic, severe objection to increased night... Read more

  • Ron Snashfold

    Great idea

  • Rosa Dennis

    Adverse impact on the environment particularly increased motor vehicle traffic and emissions from the additional planes. Water neutrality- what are the plans to meet the requirements that the rest of... Read more

  • Rosalind Clayton

    I am appalled that expansion of the airport is being proposed when the government has pledged to cut carbon emissions.

  • Rosanna Pearson

    I am opposed to this application on many grounds, but most especially because it would bust the carbon budget that we have left. There are currently no proven technologies for reducing aviation... Read more

  • Roy Barraclough

    Long awaited and overdue. UK needs to improve European transport hub connectivity for economic growth Accepting local protests but airport there long before them and aircraft getting steadily cleaner... Read more

  • S Gordon

    The number of potential flights from Gatwick due to this proposal is frightening. The potential expansion does NOT help the Uk meet its climate goals. The airport itself is situated in the wrong part... Read more

  • S OHare

    I am concerned the runways are too close together causing wake turbulence drift problems in windy conditions. Also the ils is dedicated to the main runway so in low visability conditions could cause... Read more

  • Sabine Coldrey

    oppose expansion

  • Montagu Evans (Montagu Evans) on behalf of Sackville UK Property Select IV (GP) No.1 Limited (Sackville UK Property Select IV (GP) No.1 Limited)

    We act on behalf of Sackville UK Property Select IV (GP) No.1 Limited, a subsidiary of Columbia Threadneedle Invest-ments, in respect of their freehold ownership of land and buildings at [Redacted]... Read more

  • Saeed Ahmed

    Yes please we want new runway for jobs and appurtenances and good and easy for any on travelling a broad.

  • Sally Weston

    I feel that an additional runway and increased volume of air traffic at Gatwick will severely impact Sussex and Surrey, and particularly the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The main... Read more

  • Sam Bowden

    The main issues are increased noise and environmental damage to local residents. A lack of demand in shoulder periods of the day means Gatwick is not full, they only want to be able to sell expensive... Read more