
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 776 to 800 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Martin Eales

    Hi, I can not understand how the Railway line runs from Nuneaton to Felixstowe on looking at railway maps I can not see the link, but as in Tritax plans it states it does. I can not understand why is... Read more

  • Matthew King

    In its quarterly review, the Office of Rail and Road has revealed statistics highlighting the impact of the UK’s economic position on freight rail usage and performance from January to March 2023. The... Read more

  • Melanie Newcombe

    The proposed location for HNRFI is in an area that is already saturated with rail and road freight locations. DIRFT (Daventry) is very close and so is the enormous new site at East Midlands Airport.... Read more

  • Michael Edwards

    A totally unnecessary development that will devastate an area of local beauty and bring a significant increase in traffic both heavy and domestic to the local area.

  • Neil Fussell

    This project will concrete over hundreds of Hectares of farm and green belt land and abut up to a local community area, being Burbage Common Woods and will no doubt spoil the enjoyment of the peace &... Read more

  • Rachel Dean

    Burbage Common is an important environmental asset for the surrounding community. Going ahead with this plan would destroy it both from a social point of view, but also from an environmental... Read more

  • Rebecca Roper

    My major concerns are as follows: • The immediate and overbearing proximity to both Elmesthorpe residents and the bordering SSSI, would suggest that the site chosen is not suitable for such a proposal... Read more

  • Residents of 6 Wortley Cottages (Residents of 6 Wortley Cottages) on behalf of Residents of 6 Wortley Cottages (Residents of 6 Wortley Cottages)

    1) No Requirement for HNRFI 1.1) Government policy is that “It is important that SRFIs are located “near the business markets they will serve (NPS paragraph 2.56)” and with the existing nine... Read more

  • Rich Hayne

    Do we have to have it because it’s government policy? No - Government policy is to build a national network of strategic rail freight interchanges (SRFls) BUT the regulations stipulate that they... Read more

  • robin bloodworth

    1 Not convinced we need another rail freight terminal when there are others in the area ( reported 7 within 40mile radius). 2 Despite the mitigation measures proposed the terminal will still have an... Read more

  • Rosemary Ann May

    I believe that this totally unnecessary huge development will seriously affect the quality of life of the thousands of people who will be affected by the pollution that will be generated by it 24/7.... Read more

  • Scott Gibbens

    Traffic problems Lack of adequate consultation Impact on neighbouring woods and common Air pollution No capacity of railway line Evasive in answers at consultations with different answers given to the... Read more

  • Sharron Elizabeth Jeannette Brown

    Freight will need to use the roads to access this freight terminal, some might come via M69, but most will be through the surrounding villages, especially Stoney Stanton and Sapcote. It will cause... Read more

  • Shelley Jackson

    Burbage common and woods - The effect on local wildlife and environment. Impact on environment due to Increased traffic and traffic pollution. Road infrastructure not fit for purpose. Impact on the... Read more

  • Stefan Georges

    Living in Stoney Stanton, the traffic levels are too high for the roads. This warehousing will increase the traffic levels, both from HGVs and workings going to and from the warehousing. Most... Read more

  • Sylvia Soden

    I strongly object to the proposed HNRFI for the following reasons:- Destruction of our countryside, wildlife, and agricultural land is escalating at an alarming rate and at a time when we should be... Read more

  • Teresa Lees

    I am very concerned about the impact this will have on the area. This is so near our common which many people use for the physical and mental health benefits. The wildlife will be badly affected and... Read more

  • A Wilson

    Firmly believe that the proposed development will have adverse effects on the surrounding environment, residents and local businesses. Environmental concerns; the rail freight interchange poses a... Read more

  • Aaron Thomas

    Once I am able to understand more about this project following the required registration I would like to make further comment's.

  • Adrian Devine

    The project has no benefits for the area and is not necessary (There are already a number of freight terminals within striking distance). The associated "road enhancements" are only to enable access... Read more

  • Adrian Huckle

    My comments relate to the loss of our countryside, along with the increase traffic that the hub will cause in and around Hinckley, our roads and infrastructure will not and cannot cope.

  • Alan Sutton

    This project will provide jobs, help boost rail goods traffic whilst reducing overall heavy road traffic. It'll also help put the area 'on the map', making it more attractive to live here with respect... Read more

  • Alan Taylor

    This scheme is put forward as Rail connectivity and therefore is considered National Importance. These schemes never deliver what they say regarding Rail. They do the bare minimum to connect with the... Read more

  • Alan Waters

    The entire project seems to be so unnecessary as there is an existing International Rail Freight Terminal being developed just down the road at Daventry and goes under the name of DIRFT! Additionally,... Read more

  • Andrea Bradford

    Major concerns about the impact on the environment, wildlife, volumes of traffic & impact on the roads, the volume of warehousing already in the area, whether the proposals re the warehousing are in... Read more