
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1001 to 1025 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Sebastian Hollis-rathbone

    Too close to bosworth common. Too much traffic traffic bad already.

  • simon stubbs

    It shouldn’t be allowed as it result in destroying green spaces and wildlife.

  • Simon Wayne Cox

    My key concerns about the proposed project are: - The effect of the increased road traffic on the surrounding roads, specifically increased HGV traffic through the villages. This will be exacerbated... Read more

  • Sport England (Sport England)

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, Thank you for consulting Sport England on the above application. Unfortunately the on-line service for submitting consultation response is unavailable. Can you please... Read more

  • Stephen Hicks

    Where are all the vehicles going to be travelling in and out of Burbage?

  • Steve Jackson

    The impact of this project will be catastrophic for the entire community, Due to a multitude of factors including the local infrastructure does not support such a gain in traffic to and from the site.... Read more

  • Steven Brown

    Grid Locked Local Roads and more noise We already have the massive Magna Park extension along the A5 underway near Lutterworth, Hinckley Park near M69/A5 and large 'out of town' housing estates also... Read more

  • Stewart Morris

    I am concerned about the impact on Hinckley of increased freight road traffic. The roads around Hinckley are already chronically busy during early morning and late afternoon. This will impact on... Read more

  • Stewart Muscutt

    This project should not go ahead and should be rejected outright. There are plenty of other sites more applicable. This is a blot on the landscape for Hinckley. Go back to the distribution centre at... Read more

  • Stoney Stanton Action Group (Stoney Stanton Action Group)

    This representation is from the Stoney Stanton Action Group (SSAG). The SSAG is a local community led group whose remit is to investigate and raise local awareness of issues that might affect Stoney... Read more

  • Stuart Bray

    I am the Leader of Hinckley and Bosworth Council and the County Councillor for St Marys electoral division which covers parts of Hinckley and Burbage. I support the comprehensive comments submitted by... Read more

  • Stuart Reid Corrie

    The effect on the environment/wildlife but also major traffic concerns in an area where the traffic is horrendous already!

  • Susan Elizabeth Kirtley

    This is a totally unsuitable location for this huge development as the M69 has constant traffic problems anyway at both the M1 and M6 junctions and this has been totally ignored by the development... Read more

  • Susan Gilberthorpe

    I have seen the area , two large fields where the building will take place. Burbage common is an open space for families, dog walkers, horse riders to enjoy . There has been enough houses being built... Read more

  • Susan May Williams

    Will leave us with no green fields. Will take up some of the common ground. Yes it will create jiobs but the infrastructure around Hinckley, Barwell & Earl Shilton is just not good enough to support... Read more

  • T Tyler

    Initially my main concern is the intrusion into local green space and train sidings are traditionally noisy environments, so noise pollution

  • Teresa Parbery

    Impact on the environment and health Increase in traffic Not equipped for increase in demands in the area Local businesses impacted

  • Helen Sandra Athey on behalf of The Athey family (The Athey family)

    Sapcote, where we live, has a constricted road in terms of the width and the lack of clear visibility with bends through the village centre in the vicinity of the Co-op shop. Which also happens to be... Read more

  • The Courtyard (Outwoods Burbage) Ltd (The Courtyard (Outwoods Burbage) Ltd)

    It overlooks our property and as an organisation we have concerns about the negative environmental impact to the Burbage Common and Woods nature reserve that is adjacent to, along with noise, light... Read more

  • Geoffrey Robert Herbert on behalf of THE HERBERT FAMILY (THE HERBERT FAMILY)

    Do we really need all of these warehouses in the local area - we already have Magna Park being expanded alongside other warehouses along the A5. Do we really need all of this "stuff" - what is being... Read more

  • John rushin on behalf of The rushin family (The rushin family)

    1) the HNRFI is not situated in Hinckley it is in the elemesthorpe village. 2) It will be situated on a natural flood plain which flood's on a regular basis. 3) the total size of the proposed project... Read more

  • Tim Pullen

    This project will cause, when complete: 1. More road traffic around where we live, and particularly on the perimeter road/bypass around Hinckley. 2. More noise from lorries and trains - we can hear... Read more

  • Timothy LOWE

    Whilst the very necessary requirements to transfer freight to Rail is important the preservation of vital green space in an area already scheduled for thousands of new houses is equally important. I... Read more

  • Tina Law

    I am concerned about the potentially detrimental impact of building a rail freight interchange, so close to the beautiful and natural environment of Burbage Common. I am also very concerned about the... Read more

  • Tom Needham

    I am against this