
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 126 to 150 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • RBL

    Site is not close to the market place it's intended for.

  • Richard Miller

    All aspects of pollution: air, light, noise, with inadequate mitigation Inadequate road infrastructure Loss of leisure facilities Demise of the way of life of the local community

  • Robert Combellack

    I live close to the proposed development I consider the proposed development to be beneficial particularly in relation to the employment opportunities which will be created. Additionally, opening up... Read more

  • Robert Toone

    This proposal would be devastating to the Hinckley area as it is planned to be built on existing green areas as well as having an enormous impact on the already over congested road network. Any... Read more

  • Roderick Alan Neale

    This is more land been taken to build warehouses which we don't need more traffic if we keep building like this where are we growing our food

  • Simon Clark

    The point I would like to make is that adding a rail connection to the recently huge expansion at Magna Park, just down the A5 trunk road, would have huge benefits for the local roads and people who... Read more

  • Simon West

    I am broadly in favour of this development as long as the appropriate infrastructure is also put in place including rail links without level crossings, access to M69 without need to go through... Read more

  • Stephen James

    Environmental damage to an area of outstanding natural beauty and which is a much loved and used public space. The huge increase in traffic flow by predominantly hgv's in an area that is already not... Read more

  • Stephen John Cooper

    I am retired but still Chartered Civil Engineer whose main professional disciplines have been urban highway maintenance and sewerage. I am a railway enthusiast and used to travel between Alton,... Read more

  • Stephen Kay

    I am very concerned about the impact on roads in the area. Leicester Road Sharnford and onto Smockington Hollow junction onto the A5 have become busier each year we have lived in Sharnford. I am very... Read more

  • Tiffany Moore

    The location of the site appears to have been selected as it is within very close proximity to the extant rail network and a junction of the M69. The extant rail network does not have the capacity to... Read more

  • Wilkinson Paul

    If it gives access to and from the M69 to relieve traffic flow in Burbage then I think it is a great idea

  • Andrew David Lee

    The main issues I have with project is on a number of levels. Firstly, it is not required in this area as there is already Daventry (DIRFT) and East Midlands Gateway in the near surrounding region, as... Read more

  • Bob Gibson

    Object to the project on the grounds of lack of necessity, location , disruption to the local area during construction and after.

  • Christina James

    Main issues and impacts:- 1. Impact on the environment. Burbage Common is a public space that is used by residents in the Hinckley and Burbage area and further afield. It is a home to much wildlife... Read more

  • Christopher David Cook

    This will have a major impact on the A5 which is an extremely busy trunk road supporting heavy goods throughout day and night. I have seen no evidence at all that the proposals include any money to... Read more

  • Jan Kirby

    Impact to our local highways, increase in traffic , increase in air, noise and light pollution, increased flooding problems on adjacent Burbage common. Infrastructure impact Environment impact... Read more

  • Jane M Humphries JP

    Firstly, the question of necessity for the project at all - there are numerous similar depots within a small radius and an enormous facility at DIRFT just 16 miles away. Secondly, the enormity of the... Read more

  • Lilias Anne Turner

    I feel I must object hugely to this proposed facility being built by Tritax Symmetry. Traffic on all roads in the area has already reached over capacity. There are already rush hour queues and... Read more

  • Loughborough east community association (Loughborough east community association)

    The main issues to be considered are as follows: a full and comprehensive environmental impact has not been completed. The overall carbon emissions of the project and lifetime carbon assessment have... Read more

  • Lydia Norton

    This would completely ruin the area. The area around burbage common and woods is lovely and a large infrastructure like that would completely ruin the area as already mentioned. People enjoy going to... Read more

  • malcolm wood

    Hinckley bypass has to many cars/lorrys already in this built up area.I live next to the road which will inpact on our lives and make the air quality even worse.Has anyone even looked into this?.The... Read more

  • Mary-Ann Pendlebury

    Building this enormous structure right next to an ancient woodland that appears in the Doomsday book is appalling. The traffic movements per day alone will impact on this precious site, changing it... Read more

  • Michael Heinzerling

    Killing the natural beauty of a local nature reserve

  • Mr Stephen Turner

    I do not agree with the need for this site for the following reasons. There is adequate capacity at other sites within 60 miles, these facilities are not running at full capacity and it would be far... Read more