
Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 125 of 309 representations, newest first.

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  • Amanda Bohun

    I object to unnecessary destruction of areas of outstanding natural beauty or green belt due to the serious impact this has, not only on the plant, insect and wildlife habitat in that area but... Read more

  • Catherine Helen Martin

    1) Inappropriate development on Green Belt – the Proposed Development (PD) would cause permanent harm to the Cambridge Green Belt. The Green Belt here has an important role: it preserves the openness... Read more

  • Friends of Horningsea Church (Friends of Horningsea Church)

    I am writing as Chairman of the Friends of Horningsea Church, a body concerned with the upkeep of the fabric of the church, accessibility to the church and management of the churchyard 1. There has... Read more

  • Geoffrey Alan Forster

    a) I think that the proposal to build a new sewage works on Honey Hill so close to the centre of Cambridge is very short sighted. b) I am very much against building the sewage works on top of a major... Read more

  • Janet Ann Wright

    I strongly object to the sewage works relocation in Fen Ditton for the following reasons: 1) I recently moved to this area and I chose it because it is close to the conservation area of Fen Ditton,... Read more

  • Nasar Aboukhshem

    We are very concerned about the impact of the development on but not limited to the following: Increased traffic: Our house is the first house in the village. There is already considerable traffic... Read more

  • Rosie Cox

    I would like to object to the relocation of the sewage works on a number of grounds. Largely these are environmental and at heart my objection is that, in relocating the sewage works to Honey Hill,... Read more

  • BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP Paribas Real Estate) on behalf of Royal Mail (Royal Mail)

    Royal Mail (RM) does not have an in principle objection to Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant but is seeking to secure mitigations to protect its operations during the construction phase. Under... Read more

  • Veronica Jayne Saunders

    My comments are on the relocation of the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant to Honey Hill. Please consider these initial comments. I would like to make further comments during the process. Green... Read more

  • Angela Harper

    Building on Green Belt The daily impact the construction traffic will have on Grange Farm and the business working from there. Safety issues. The impact on the health of the residence of Grange Farm.... Read more

  • bpha Limited (bpha Limited)

    I'd like to register bpha Limited's interest relating to this application. At this stage we’re showing an interest as a result of the letter received advising that we may have land or buildings... Read more

  • Diana Johnson

    In my view this is looking to use using pristine Green Belt, which exists for the benefit of us all in Cambridge, as a convenient place to get the sewage works out of the way so that the existing site... Read more

  • Hilary Bristow-Smith

    It is not appropriate to move urban works like a sewage works to a rural area on the greenbelt, which is situated within a flat view as the land is on the edge of the fens. The beauty of the area will... Read more

  • Jennie Pratt

    I object fundamentally to the claim that this is an NSIP, to the proposed relocation of the Cambridge WWTP, and to the site selected between Horningsea and Fen Ditton. This is a land grab, effectively... Read more

  • Kwok Wai Cheung

    Objection to the proposed relocation of the waste water treatment plant to Honey Hill I am a new resident of CB5, a district that will be severely and adversely affected by the proposed move. I object... Read more

  • Mark Morris

    Objections to the relocation of Anglian Water’s WasteWater Treatment plant. The process has been flawed from the start. The initial screening process should have excluded the site because of building... Read more

  • Jennie Pratt on behalf of Mary Fishpool (Mary Fishpool)

    I think it is mad to consider demolishing a sewage works which is perfectly good and spend all that money moving it to Honey Hill. Also there is a water aquifer under Honey Hill which it is mad to put... Read more

  • Priya Kalia

    This will impact my day-to-day quality of life, living down the street from this development. I also swim in the Cam in Horningsea and fear this will destroy the water quality and make me ill. This... Read more

  • The British Horse Society (The British Horse Society)

    On behalf of The British Horse Society, I wish to object to the proposals put forward for the rights of way and recreational routes. • The proposed new Bridleway from Low Fen Drove to the existing... Read more

  • Alan Alderson

    The 227 million pound proposed gift of tax payers money to a private company is ethically wrong. To move a fully functional sewage works that has sufficient capacity until 2050 does not make sense in... Read more

  • Elizabeth Caller

    I am concerned about the industrialisation of a green space that provides space for walking and recreation. It is the closest accessible countryside for one of the more deprived wards of Cambridge... Read more

  • Fenella Urmetzer

    I would like to object to the proposed construction of a sewage plant on the Honey Hill sites, for multiple reasons: 1) The site is greenbelt land, and building on green belt land is contrary to... Read more

  • Laurice Suess

    * I object to the plans to relocate the sewage works to Honey Hill. Anglian Water have stated that there is no operational need to move from the current site, the proposed new plant is not... Read more

  • Lindsay Jane Davies

    Representations in relation to the CWWT project I am writing as a resident of Horningsea. 1. I have made written submissions at each stage of the consultation process and attended a significant number... Read more

  • Rev Canon Judith Egar

    There is no operational need for the sewage works to move; the current site was upgraded and future proofed back in 2015 at a cost of over £20 million. The present capacity is adequate to cope with... Read more