
Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 126 to 150 of 309 representations, newest first.

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  • Sandra Allen

    Building on Green Belt is contrary to national and local planning policies Construction and operational traffic between Horningsea and Fen Ditton Primary School will impact local traffic flow into and... Read more

  • Sophie Hyde

    It is inappropriate to site the sewage works on a greenfield site when the existing site is still adequate.

  • Bruce Marshall

    What a ridiculous waste of resources! There is a perfectly working sewage treatment plant at Milton which is fully working and was last upgraded in 2014. The scheme proposes to move the treatment... Read more

  • Caroline Benstead

    I live within a mile of this site but within the city boundary, I am disturbed to see this proposal as it will create much destruction of my local green area. Currently I can walk out of my home and... Read more

  • David John Adkin

    This proposal will be detrimental to the local Villages, Fens and wildlife.

  • Jayne Neale

    I object to the relocation of the sewage farm in Cambridge. The new location and creation of infrastructure to support it will totally wreck the village of Horningsea. We live at the waterbeach end of... Read more

  • John Benstead

    The proposed project to relocate the existing waste water and sewage treatment plant from Milton to a new green field site in Horningsea is completely unnecessary at the current time for the following... Read more

  • Roger Lemon

    I object to the proposed relocation of the Cambridge Sewage Works to Honey Hill, between the conservation villages of Fen Ditton and Horningsea. • Moving the sewage works approximately one mile down... Read more

  • Trevor Stanley Warnock

    Consultation on the move of the WWTP started with a Webinar. Having no idea what procedure would be followed, I simply followed the instructions. The first was to submit written questions. I submitted... Read more

  • Anna Edge

    The proposed relocation of the sewage works to green belt land is in my opinion wrong. It is not operationally necessary to move the sewage works. And is disingenuous to imply that the proposed new... Read more

  • Cara Griffith

    My parents live close to where Anglian Water want to relocate the sewage work. My objections are that it is unnecessary, and the cost of moving it could be spent on more vital projects required in and... Read more


    The construction will block my cycle route to school. [Redacted]. The digging of the pipeline will make this impossible. I'm concerned children in the village will loose their independence. It will be... Read more

  • Gerald Edward Spraggs

    AW ‘About the Project’ states that storm sewer overflows and CSOs are ‘far less likely to occur’. What will be the new likelihood and risk? Where is the analysis to show minimisation of likelihood and... Read more

  • Hugh Robinson

    I wish to object on the grounds that the project is solely to facilitate the development for housing of the existing site. It does not make financial or environmental sense to move a functioning... Read more

  • Jack lambert

    Complete destruction of important wildlife habitat (greenbelt) already there's been a visible amount of disruption causing animals to flee towards the road and village this will only get worse and... Read more

  • James Barry

    This application is essentially an abuse of process, seeking to obtain hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money to fund the completely unnecessary relocation of a perfectly well-functioning... Read more

  • John Cross

    Object to and request rejection of the proposed location of the site because: - Environmental consequences that will not manifest until after commencement of construction and long after completion of... Read more

  • John wilson

    Re sighting in green belt Unnessary waste of money at a time of economic hard times on an unessary project

  • Mrs J J Conroy

    RR 14-07-2023 Ref Anglian Water – Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Works Introduction The focus of this representation is on the Harm to Green Belt and Very Special Circumstances. The case is made that... Read more

  • Robert King

    I think the project will be a disaster for local wildlife and the effects of pollution will really affect my and my families well being

  • Sphere25 (Sphere25) on behalf of Trinity College Cambridge (Trinity College Cambridge)

    Trinity College Cambridge ( TCC) is the principal owner and custodian of Cambridge Science Park (CSP) located to the west of the Milton Road Wastewater Treatment Works. TCC understands the need to... Read more

  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note... Read more

  • Chris Carter-Chapman

    I strongly oppose the plans to demolish the existing sewage works and relocate it, less than a mile away from the current site, on green belt land. The arable farmland that will be lost is not... Read more

  • Ian Harvey

    My principal objection is that this is building on the Green Belt around Cambridge. All the reasons for preserving a Green Belt apply here: - loss of arable land, especially in an age when 'food... Read more

  • Sean Dixon

    I would like to register my objection to the relocation of the Cambridge Sewage works, and for that relocation to be to the Honey Hill site. I don’t believe that the sewage works needs to be relocated... Read more