
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 226 to 250 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Roderick Macdonald

    I believe another nuclear power station in an area of outstanding natural beauty at a time when science shows us that we are in great danger of losing much of our natural resources will cause great... Read more

  • Steve Nicholls

    I wish to raise the following areas of concern I have about Sizewell C. Noise pollution: Not only due to the main build of Sizewell C, but to the Theberton village bypass road that will be built to... Read more

  • Ufford Parish Council (Ufford Parish Council)

    Ufford Parish Council would like to register their objections to the construction of Sizewell C and to oppose the granting of a Development Consent Order. We have already written during the... Read more

  • Anthony Peter Gdula

    While a few of us (not me, incidentally) may be considered 'experts' in a certain area, no-one is an expert in every area. Therefore, I believe it is imperative that expert opinion is sought to... Read more

  • Blythburgh with Bulcamp and Hinton Parish Council (Blythburgh with Bulcamp and Hinton Parish Council)

    SIZEWELL C: Application for Development Consent Relevant Representation: Blythburgh with Bulcamp and Hinton Parish Council 1. Blythburgh Parish is situated either side of the A12 about seven miles... Read more

  • Bucklesham Parish Council (Bucklesham Parish Council)

    Bucklesham Parish Council have grave concerns over the Freight Management Facility to be built at Seven Hills. Our concerns include: - How will lorries be prevented from using the smaller roads... Read more

  • Christopher Dobson

    Whist I support Sizwell C in principle, I am extremely concerned about the inadequate and injurious infrastructure and transport links, especially in and around Hacheston and Wickham Market.

  • Corinne Lusher

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Project and Economic a. EDF have a poor record in bringing a complex project such as this to conclusion on time and within budget.... Read more

  • Emma Dowley

    I am concerned about many aspects of EDF’s SZC proposal, especially the following: 1. Environment and Pollution - Damaging levels of light, noise, air and traffic pollution arising from building works... Read more

  • Fiona Williams

    1.At this time of Climate Change I am concerned that too much water will be used for the processes of the new Sizewell C plant. Over 1,600m3 mains drinking water may be needed per day. This means... Read more

  • G H Thomas

    Dear Sir/Madam I understand and agree with the need for good clean power for the UK as a whole. I am also very aware of the need for jobs in Suffolk as well as elsewhere. I do feel however, that more... Read more

  • Graham Newman

    Whilst I have no issues about nuclear power per se, I do wish to raise the following issues of concern about the plans for the building of Sizewell C. 1 Site location and its effect on coastal... Read more

  • Grahame Beales

    I wish to raise the following points with regarding to the building of Sizewell C 1)Both the RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife Trust oppose SZC because of concerns about impacts on Minsmere, Sizewell Marshes... Read more

  • Ian Rose

    1. The project is enormous ? too big for the setting and land available. 2. Road transport is totally unsuitable for the level of traffic movements. A12 is single lane and totally unsuitable. Other... Read more

  • Ian Wilson

    I object to the power plant because: It is unnecessary and the energy can be delivered in other way. The benefits have been overplayed and will mostly be going to French and Chinese owners It will... Read more

  • Jeremy Harrold

    I strongly object to Sizewell C being constructed and used as a nuclear power station. for the following reasons. 1. It is in an Area of outstanding natural beauty. It will double the size of the... Read more

  • John Amos

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development. I am opposed to the proposed development on the following grounds: 1) Concept Large scale nuclear power generation... Read more

  • Josephine Cutts

    The proposal will be an unacceptable intrusion on the exceptionally beautiful landscape.

  • Justin Dowley

    I would like to raise issues about Sizewell C under the following headings:- 1. My farming business; the likely demise of that business because of the land take by EDF; the unemployment of my staff... Read more

  • Lesley Bensley

    After initially supporting this project and having been persuaded by the government stance that nuclear energy is necessary, I can no longer support the project because of the misery that the... Read more

  • LJ and EL Dowley Farming Partnership (LJ and EL Dowley Farming Partnership)

    We raise issues about Sizewell C under the following headings- -our farming business will cease to be viable. EDF proposes taking some land for roads/roundabouts etc and some land for borrow pits for... Read more

  • Mark Smith

    I am a regular (monthly) long-term visitor to the Suffolk coast and a homeowner in Aldeburgh, where my wife and I intend to retire. My grandparents and my mother are [Redacted], a stones throw from... Read more

  • Mr Robert Steerwood

    Regarding the proposed development by EDF of a twin nuclear reactor power station and spent nuclear waste storage facilities to be established at Sizewell, Suffolk (Sizewell C); I wish to register my... Read more

  • Neil Mahler

    I am the County Fungus Recorder for Suffolk and am very concerned no fungal survey has been made or even commissioned for any affected areas (new access routes, material storage areas, etc) regarding... Read more

  • Nicholas Malkin

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Site Selection I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place Site at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding... Read more