
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1051 to 1075 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Norton Rose Fulbright LLP (Norton Rose Fulbright LLP) on behalf of Heveningham Hall Estate (Heveningham Hall Estate)

    1. The Heveningham Hall Estate (HHE) OBJECTS to NNB Generation Company (SZC) Limited’s (Promoter’s) application for development consent for the Sizewell C project (the Project). 2. Part of HHE is... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) is better known as Historic England, and we are the Government’s adviser on all aspects of the historic environment in England -... Read more

  • Holly Scholfield

    The Suffolk coast is a beautiful place. I believe this is the wrong project in the wrong place. The impacts on local communities - severance, traffic, significant increases in noise, light pollution... Read more

  • Howard Nash

    I oppose the Sizewell C development and urge the Inspector to REFUSE permission. There are numerous individual grounds for doing so, each of them sufficient in itself to justify withholding consent,... Read more

  • Iain Brown

    I am registering to object to building a twin nuclear reactor, Sizewell C, adjacent to Sizewell A & B I also endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, the RSPB, Suffolk... Read more

  • Ian Culf

    Cumulative impact of this project alongside the multiple Energy NSIP’s coming forward on this coast requires consideration as the current plans would result in chaos. An early overview from the... Read more

  • Ian Gordon

    The scheme as proposed should be rejected. The local issues which particularly concern me include the following: (1) road transport disruption. The road network cannot reasonably support the volume of... Read more

  • Ian Taylor

    1. Renewables are cheaper and have been quicker to bring online than nuclear. 2. Renewables provide far more jobs than nuclear 3. Whilst nuclear power produces less green house gases than solar, the... Read more

  • Ibby Alcraft

    I am raising the following points of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Impact on Environment and Landscape - Minsmere is a flagship destination of national importance, recognised by many environment... Read more

  • J Buckland

    Issues of concern I wish to raise about Sizewell C. 1. Suitability / risks of Sizewell as a site: The area suffers coastal erosion, project will further impact this - sea landing site likely to cause... Read more

  • J Chanay

    EN010012 Relevant Representation: Sizewell C New Nuclear Power Station DCO Application CONTENTS 1. Representation resource capacity: gross asymmetry 2. Radioactive waste 2.1 APP-192 para.7.7.20: Low... Read more

  • Jacqueline Bridgeman

    I wish to register my concerns about the proposed construction of Sizewell C. 1.I am very concerned about the way it will wreck this lovely part of the Suffolk coast. I frequently visit Dunwich cliff... Read more

  • Olivia Snowden on behalf of Jan Snowden (Jan Snowden )

    I wish to raise the following concerns regarding Sizewell C: I wish to raise concern regarding the radioactive waste and furthermore the storage of said waste. I wish to raise to concern about the... Read more

  • Jane Anderson

    This is copied from a template because I have no time to re-word it. I mean every word from the bottom of my heart and trust that is understood. I wish to raise the following issues of concern about... Read more

  • Jane Eade

    I object to Sizewell C because the 10 year construction is going to cause irreversible damage to the environment and species depending on it, including rare bats and mammals such as otters. I don’t... Read more

  • Jane MacFarlane

    1). EDF state that Sizewell C will be an environmentally friendly way to provide electricity. It fails to mention that it will generate a waste product, spent fuel rods, which will have to be stored... Read more

  • Jane Mason

    I do not believe that this development should go ahead. This is because of: 1. Direct damage to an area with the highest level of designated protection (SSSI). Sizewell Marshes SSSI supports rare... Read more

  • Jane Tempest

    Have taught in Lewiston and community suffered considerably for many years after the exodus of workforce who built previous plant. Leiston had very high social needs as a result The site is beautiful... Read more

  • Jane Williams

    Jobs/Traffic/Pollution There will not be quality jobs for local people, despite local educational establishments’ promotions. At Yoxford Village Hall, an EDF representative said most skilled jobs will... Read more

  • Janet Laurie

    Not only will it spoil a beautiful area of theSuffolk coast but will mean a terrific upheaval in terms of road building, housing for the workers etc so a huge area will be ruined. Why choose such a... Read more

  • Janice Frost

    I object to this development on the following grounds: • The damage that it will do the local environment. The construction process will impact on the local drainage which feeds into the nearby... Read more

  • Jeanette Elizabeth Collins

    I wish to raise the following concerns in relation to EDF’s Sizewell C DCO Application; 1. The site is too small for two nuclear reactors, being only 32 hectares, whereas Hinkley Point C is 45... Read more

  • Jeff Redgrave

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Site Selection I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place Site at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding... Read more

  • Jennifer Pearson

    I live in the area that would be affected by the building of Sizewell C however my objections are not totally parochial. This particular area of East Suffolk was originally a sleepy fishing village.... Read more

  • Jenny Morris Bradshaw

    I am registering my opposition to the proposed Sizewell C development. My reasons include The site is coastal land which is currently being eroded to such an extent that it will be flooded within... Read more