
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 526 to 550 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Michael Laschet

    My Concerns about Sizewell C nuclear power station Longterm storage of waste on site * highly toxic radioactive waste kept so close to local people is unacceptable * a dangerous legacy for future... Read more

  • Mick Hart

    I object to the Sizewell C Project progressing further for the following reasons: 1. It is morally unsustainable to condemn planet Earth to the long term hazard and legacy of this Project. 2. Large... Read more

  • Miss Helen Lesley Taylor

    These are my concerns about Sizewell C: Site suitability • Development too large. Two new reactors will double the size of the existing nuclear site. • Coastal location presents flooding risk. Impacts... Read more

  • MR Peter E Cogar

    The proposals for rail infrastructure to accommodate up to 3 freight trains a day in each direction do not include any infrastructure changes on the Ipswich to Lowestoft line. One of the trains is... Read more

  • Mrs Catherine Palmer

    Consultation: Having followed the Sizewell C consultation from the start, many issues had not been addressed adequately or at all when the DCO was submitted. The Inspectorate has accepted the... Read more

  • Olivia Laing

    I have serious concerns about the expansion of Sizewell and the Sizewell C project. This area is at grave risk of flooding as sea levels rise, which makes it a dangerously unsuitable location for a... Read more

  • Paula Kerr

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C: 1. Site Selection • Adverse impact on adjacent internationally designated sites of ecological importance and sites of amenity,... Read more

  • Peter Smith

    Sizewell 'C' will be unsafe, uneconomic, is unecessary & unwanted. The nuclear waste from the site will remain highly radioactive for 200,000+ years. There is still no proven satisfactory disposal... Read more

  • Piers Pool

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Site Selection Site at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding Potential adverse impact on coastal processes Adverse... Read more

  • S Hall

    I wish to register my objection to Sizewell C: 1. Scientists warn that climate change is happening faster than expected. Rising sea levels and more frequent, extreme and unpredictable weather... Read more

  • Sarah May

    As a homeowner along the Suffolk coast as well as an owner of holiday rental I would request to see a robust analysis of the impact of sizewell C on tourism. Environmenta impact in terms of... Read more

  • Simon Kerr

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C: 1. Site Selection • Adverse impact on adjacent internationally designated sites of ecological importance and sites of amenity,... Read more

  • Steel Sculptures Limited (Steel Sculptures Limited )

    As a business we are concerned about; the destructive impacts on the local economy. Tourism brings us clients who will be put Off visiting. the access to our materials deliveries to run the business... Read more

  • Susan Robinson

    I live in London but have enjoyed holidays in Suffolk and have been struck by the magic of the wild landscape which is home to so many species (many of them endangered) at Minsmere, and which has been... Read more

  • The Galpin Family (The Galpin Family)

    We wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. Major damage and disruption to the local communities including increase in traffic, pollution levels, noise and unsightly... Read more

  • William H. Howard

    I am concerned in the following points:- 1. The use of nuclear and the legacy for future generations 2. The maps presented by EDF are I find nearly unreadable 3. As a past local councillor in Leiston... Read more

  • Alan Hargreaves

    I have for a long time had serious concerns about the proposed construction of Sizewell C When first planned the need for and cost of nuclear seemed plausible. Now the need is less and will be met by... Read more

  • Andrew Davis

    I would like to raise the following issues of concern regarding Sizewell C 1. Site Location - vulnerable to climate change, flooding , sea-level rise - impact on delicate coastal processes - possible... Read more

  • Anna George

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: I am opposed to the proposed development on the following grounds: The Site The site identified for Sizewell C is... Read more

  • Anna Wakerley

    I am a home owner in the town of Aldeburgh, I pay council tax there and support many local retail industries and arts organisations in the area. I support green, eco- friendly and renewable agencies... Read more

  • Antony Bowring

    Nuclear power is not environmentally friendly. Apart from the vast destruction and pollution that will take place over the years of building Sizewell C, the technology is flawed in that there is still... Read more

  • Audrey Boyle

    Reasons for concern: 1. Fragmentation and loss of wildlife habitat and disturbance of key BAP species as specified by Suffolk wildlife trust 2. Noise and light pollution again impacting wildlife and... Read more

  • B1122 Action Group on Sizewell (B1122 Action Group on Sizewell)

    Relevant Representations of the B1122 Action Group on Sizewell The B1122 Action Group represents the communities along the B1122 in relation to the issues raised by Sizewell C. It includes parish... Read more

  • Catherine Belsom

    I reject Sizewell C

  • Chadwick Family (Chadwick Family)

    1. Site Selection Sizewell is not the place for two more nuclear reactors when changing technology may make such proposed development obsolete • Too close to, adversely affecting internationally... Read more