Navitus Bay Wind Park

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 1 to 100 of 187 documents, newest first.

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  • View meeting with Navitus Bay Development Limited

    Feedback meeting between Navitus Bay Development Limited and the Planning Inspectorate following the Secretary of State?s decisions on the Navitus Bay Wind Park project.

  • View advice to PCBA

    A number of our Association members have asked whether, in view of the unprecedented interest in this project, in addition to recording on the PINS website that the ExA Report has been sent to SoS, it... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    I should be grateful if you will respond to the following process query concerning the review of the noise issue by ExA. All the evidence so far presented has been on the basis of the ETSU... Read more

  • View advice to Roy Pointer

    The PCBA team and member supporters have raised some questions that I agreed to send to you; I should be glad of your advice. 1. Will you and the PINS team still be able to answer questions after... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Question regarding the time the examination ends, and questions regarding ability to submit further documents after the final deadline today.

  • View advice to PCBA

    I see that this very large number of submissions for Deadline VII, yesterday, have today been placed on the PINS website. They include a huge amount of fresh information, especially from the... Read more

  • View advice to John Sharpe

    Would like to respond to aplicant last submssion, specifically the applicants Appendix 13: Taddiford Gap further clarifications note

  • View advice to Freeths LLP

    See attached letter from Freeths LLP on behalf of Challenge Navitus

  • View advice to Patrick Canavan

    I have been following the debate over the proposed Navitus Bay development very carefully. Not least because when I bought a house in the area recently this proposal came up on the local searches. I... Read more

  • View advice to Roy Pointer

    As the examination has progressed and the ExA has managed to draw more information from the Applicant, our residents? community has experienced a growing concern and interest in what the project might... Read more

  • View advice to Dorset County Council

    Dorset County Council responded to the Rule 17 letter issued by the Examining Authority on the 21 November 2014 requesting: ? A submission on the status and admissibility of the Turbine Area... Read more

  • View advice to PCBA

    As the Examination progresses, we continue to notice the wide disparity in the assessment of the noise implications of the proposal as between the Applicant and PCBA and others. The topic is complex... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Clarification on the provision of documents within the examination timetable.

  • View advice to Bournemouth Borough Council

    We appreciate that in order to expedite the procedure for major infrastructure developments it is important that timetables are set and adhered for the submission of relevant documents and... Read more

  • View advice to Claire Coward

    Wishes to comment on the applicant, although is not an Interested Party.

  • View meeting with Local Authorities and NBDL

    Advice to Local authorities and the applicant involved in the Navitus Bay Wind park project in respect of s106 agreements, following a discussion at the issue specific hearing held 21 January 2015.

  • View advice to John Lambon

    Question regarding the submission of more up to date visuals for the Turbine Area Mitigation Option, and whether the applicant will be asked to submit them.

  • View advice to Angus Walker

    Please could you clarify whether the application now contains both the original turbine area and the turbine area mitigation option, or just the latter. If it contains both options, will the panel be... Read more

  • View advice to Mike Sanderson

    Further to the procedural decision by the Examining Authority can you please clarify the following points: - You have stated in point 1.1 ?the Examining Authority has decided that the Turbine Area... Read more

  • View advice to PCBA

    I am writing to express very considerable surprise that ExA has not invited Challenge Navitus, PCBA or their acoustic consultants to answer the questions set out in the Noise, Vibration and EMF... Read more

  • View advice to Toby Parker

    Query regarding the Mitigation Option submitted by the applicant as Appendix 43 to their Deadline III submission.

  • View advice to Christchurch and East Dorset C

    See attached letter

  • View advice to PCBA

    1. IPs have received the PINS? letter of 21 November twice. Is the second letter a duplicate of the first please? 2. During the discussion towards the end of the hearing on Thursday 20 November, in... Read more

  • View advice to Philip Collins

    See attached letter

  • View advice to PCBA

    I am writing following the recent meeting of PCBA Steering Group after the end of the two weeks of Issue Specific Hearings. Colleagues have become increasingly concerned at the way in which the... Read more

  • View advice to W D Frewing

    How can I make a personal submission to the Navitus Bay enquiry?

  • View advice to John Searle

    Query regarding how and when to submit a document into the examination that is not intended to be a new representation, but is additional information to assist the ExA.

  • View advice to Graeme Crouch

    I would like to ask a few questions about the Navitus Bay Examination. 1) When making submissions for the 5th November deadline is it acceptable to mix the category of submission within one document... Read more

  • View advice to Challenge Navitus

    There has been an exceptional response to Deadline II, not least from the applicant, including new information that we would have expected to have been available pre-application when there was more... Read more

  • View advice to PCBA

    On behalf of PCBA I am writing to note the substantial volume of material that you have received by way of Written Reps. Our early review suggests this is an unprecedented volume with substantial... Read more

  • View advice to Gerald Austin

    When the Jurassic Coast was given World Heritage status, by UNESCO the UK govt was charged with ensuring its status in perpetuity against massive industrial development. The proposed Wind Farm in... Read more

  • View advice to John Searle

    Could you clarify 3 points for me: a) I am already registered as an Interested Party. Does this allow me to attend the hearing scheduled for 22 January 2015 on Compulsory Acquisition ? b) ... Read more

  • View advice to Bournemouth Borough Council

    Query regarding the Issue Specific Hearings and how people can request to attend or speak. Ms Corrie also queried how people would know that they needed to submit a Written Representation or make a... Read more

  • View advice to P Dewhurst

    Query relating to a newspaper article.

  • View advice to Clarissa Kindred

    Query regarding how to become an Interested Party.

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    We have received from the Applicant a draft SOCG that is under consideration. Since there is the question of compulsory powers to consider, am I right in thinking this would be a suitable matter to... Read more

  • View advice to Alan Rayner

    Query relating to the use of Section 106 Agreements.

  • View advice to Peter Fenning

    I have noted in your letter of 31st July that the Panel has decided to accept the submission of the technical annexes and has set a deadline of 6th October Would you please advise if within these... Read more

  • View advice to Roy Pointer

    PCBA has reviewed its approach to the Examination in light of your procedure letter dated 31 July. In that letter you request submissions before 1 September and I am sending you this note to cover... Read more

  • View advice to Challenge Navitus

    As we mentioned at our previous meeting, we will have video evidence to submit to the ExA during the Navitus Bay examination. This will require some fairly standard hardware, but it must be "High... Read more

  • View advice to Donia Gray

    Has information about this project been put on Face Book which would inform young 18 to 30 year old adults

  • View advice to New Forest District council

    In accordance with the requirements of the relevant legislation NFDC have worked hard with NBDL and others, notably the other landside LPA?s, to maximise common ground and deliver a mechanism that... Read more

  • View advice to New Forest District Council

    Request for submission of the LIR on 10 October rather than the deadline of 6 October as stated in the Rule 6 letter, this is due to timings around committee meetings and availability of key members.

  • View advice to Richard Malton

    Please see attached TO correspondence

  • View advice to PCBA

    I am now writing as arranged with some queries and requests in order that we can contribute to smooth running of the Examination ? 1. One of the headings in Annex H of the Rule 6 letter for SOCG... Read more

  • View advice to David Law

    Query enquiring when further comments will be requested to be submitted

  • View advice to Challenge Navitus

    In preparation for written representations on the Navitus Bay wind farm, please would you tell me on what media you will accept large data files. It is impractical to email large files, so we may... Read more

  • View advice to Poole & Christchurch Bay Assoc

    Query relating to the submission of Written Representations, and to how they will know what sort of information to bring to any hearings.

  • View advice to Bournemouth Airport

    If the CAA are a statutory consultee does ODPM 01/2003 not apply which would result in Bournemouth Airport being a statutory consultee as that circular took the responsibility for safeguarding from... Read more

  • View advice to Alan Gray

    Query relating to whether The Planning Inspectorate can legally request that a Local Authority gets involved in the examination.

  • View advice to Ian Mihell

    Correspondence relating to the application.

  • View advice to Susan Massey

    Query relating to the next stages of the process following the close of the relevant representations period

  • View advice to A Christchurch Resident

    Query relating to the next stages of the process following the close of the relevant representations period, specifically querying at what stage Local Impact Reports and Written Representations will... Read more

  • View advice to Joint Councils

    Query from West Dorset District Council and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council requesting amendments of relevant representations

  • View advice to Elizabeth Wood

    Queries regarding the examination process

  • View advice to Margaret Manning

    Query regarding submitting comments

  • View advice to Roy Pointer

    On ploughing through the Application it seems there may be information on which a Written Rep. should be made notwithstanding that the topic was not specifically identified and therefore mentioned at... Read more

  • View advice to Colin Merritt

    Please see attached TO correspondance letter

  • View advice to Challenge Navitus

    Unfortunately, I cannot find annexes A, B or C referenced in the ES Cat 6 Vol B Appendices [ 16.1.pdf] which is the navigation risk assessment. I presume these annexes should... Read more

  • View advice to Navitus Bay Development Ltd

    We understand that three Annexes to the technical appendix of Chapter 16 (Shipping and Navigation), Volume B of the Environmental Statement were erroneously omitted from Navitus Bay's electronic... Read more

  • View advice to Mark Watts

    Questions regarding the process for making represenations and queries regarding taking part in the examination process

  • View advice to Bournemouth Borough Council

    Query regarding the potential date for and preliminary meeting and other queries regarding submission of Local Impact reports and written represenations.

  • View advice to Alison Hunt

    Correspondence relating to the application.

  • View advice to David Gerry

    Query regarding the application.

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Enquiry about Best Available Technology Not Entailing Excessive Cost (BATNEEC). "I should be grateful to know where this method or its equivalent for National Infrastructure is covered in the... Read more

  • View advice to David Gerry

    Query regarding the application.

  • View advice to David Gerry

    Query regarding submitting comments.

  • View advice to Christopher Monckton

    Query regarding on what grounds it is possible to object to an application, specifically the following points: 1. Is it legitimate, as a ground of objection, to challenge the development's... Read more

  • View advice to Christopher Monckton

    Query regarding content of representation

  • View advice to New Forest NP Authority

    The National Park Authority is a statutory consultee on the application. As a statutory consultee, is the Authority still required to formally ?register? as an interested party to take part in the... Read more

  • View advice to Gay Napier

    Phone call enquiring about the process involved for the application of the Navitus Bay Wind Park

  • View advice to Richard Erlebach

    Mr Erlebach has already registered as an Interested Party by making a representation on-line, but would like to know when he can submit more information?

  • View advice to Mary Sparks

    Ms Sparks queried what it means to register her interest and also queried what type of information the form should contain. As she is a Clerk to a Parish Council, she also wanted to know how to submit... Read more

  • View advice to Jilly Duff

    Query regarding last day of submission of paper form and query regarding photocopying of forms

  • View advice to Poole & Christchurch Bays Assoc

    Query in regards to the decision to accept the Navitus Bay Wind Park application for examination

  • View advice to David Nock

    Mr Nock requested to register as an interested party in regards to Navitus Bay Wind Park development

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Query in regards to potential content of a relevant representation

  • View advice to Graeme Crouch

    I have been looking at the extensive application documents for the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park project. It seems that it is not possible to highlight or cut and paste elements of the application... Read more

  • View advice to Friends of Durlston Committee

    Query in regards to application documentation

  • View advice to J H Smith

    Query regarding the outreach event on 22 May, and the location of future hearings.

  • View advice to Samar Taha

    Query in regards to registering as an interested party for the Navitus Bay Wind Park

  • View advice to Sharpe

    Query relating to when various issues raised will be examined. What is the process?

  • View advice to Hampshire County Council

    Query in regards to the next stages in the process for the Navitus Bay Wind Park application

  • View advice to John Sharpe

    Correspondence recieved during acceptance regarding consultation process

  • View advice to Michael Stebbings

    Mr Stebbings requested to register with the Planning Inspectorate as an interested party.

  • View advice to Navitus Bay Development Limited

    Please see attached advice issued at acceptance

  • View advice to Hurn Parish Council

    Correspondence recieved during acceptance regarding consultation process

  • View advice to Ian Mateer

    Query on how to become involved in the process for the Navitus Bay Wind Park application, and when.

  • View advice to Sophie Jephcote

    Query on how to become involved with the process for the Navitus Bay Wind Park Application, and when.

  • View advice to DCMS

    Emai receivieved from Department of Culture, Media and Sport, enclosing correspondence from UNESCO

  • View advice to Carole Hamburger

    Query regarding the Navitus Bay Wind Park development

  • View advice to Danny Alexander

    Could you please tell me how I may access information on how many formal objections have currently been recieved in opposition to the project and also if possible the nature of these objections.

  • View advice to William Hoodless

    Query during acceptance regarding access to documentation.

  • View advice to Mr Rigler

    Query on how to become involved with the process for the Navitus Bay Wind Park application

  • View advice to T Harwood

    Query regarding the Navitus Bay Wind Park development

  • View advice to Waverley District Council

    Query from a Local Authority as to why they are being invited to comment on a proposal for on offshore wind farm off the Hampshire/Dorset coast.

  • View advice to BAHA

    Query regarding applicant pre- application consultation and request to become an interested person

  • View advice to Nicola Shaw

    Query regarding applicant pre application consultation

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Phone call received from Mr hoodless regarding noise matters relating to the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park development

  • View advice to Navitus Bay Development Ltd

    Query regarding Adequacy of consultation reports