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Oaklands Farm Solar Park

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 150 of 330 representations, newest first.

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  • Sam McKay

    This proposed development will destroy good quality farmland, harm local wildlife and the habitats that it lives in, create significant HGV traffic during construction on roads that are already in an... Read more

  • Steven Christopher Thompson

    I do not want this project to go forward for many reasons. I.e destruction of wild life and country side.

  • Wendy Anne Short

    Having considered the proposals and taken note of both the developers and opposition statements, on balance ,I must register my strong objection to this project. Although being a supporter of "green"... Read more

  • Adrian Round

    This development would detrimentally affect the countryside and bring increased traffic into a rural area that is already underfunded. The land proposed is prime agricultural land with a huge... Read more

  • Carolyn Leech


  • Deborah Hemming

    I completely oppose this application, I travel from Rosliston to Catton daily for work, it is already a journey which affects me by sunlight at the crossroads, close incidents involving HGV and other... Read more

  • Diane Abbott

    Oakland’s Solar – NSIP letter I am strongly opposed to the Oakland’s Farm solar project and wish to have my views heard during the Planning process. I am in favour of new green energy and understand... Read more

  • Frazer Mulley

    1) This area already has a huge flooding problem. The solar panels will need concrete in the ground to stabilise them, which will exacerbate the problem. 2) The infrastructure of roadways is totally... Read more

  • Helen Hopcott

    This proposal is joke, it will ruin the views of the countryside and effect wildlife, as we the locals are the ones that will be effected, would we get free electricity? Why not put the solar panels... Read more

  • Joanne Harris

    Solar farm opposition Over the past 30 years, the local councils have driven to turn the former coal mining area from ‘black to green’ they have done so by investing in the National forest and... Read more

  • John Leech

    My objections to this proposed development are based on the following: Increased traffic on surrounding roads, particularly HGVs Travel; Disruption and increased safety risk on rural roads;... Read more

  • Lee Cammish

    I am against the Solar farm project as we need to ensure food security, creating solar plants on prime agricultural land should be criminal. Arable land in the uk is already lower than any time since... Read more

  • mark selby

    This HUGE development will destroy good quality farm land, harm local wildlife habitats, make it dangerous for drivers on B roads because of the glare, create significant HGV traffic during... Read more

  • Mr Paul Westwood

    Whilst I do support the need for renewable energy but not at a cost of ruining the beautiful British countryside. The National Forest Company with it’s wonderful works, has spent the last 25 years... Read more

  • Nigel Jones

    I think they should be using brown sites and not good farming land. I am concerned about the amount of extra traffic as a result of the solar farm on roads that are already in a bad state of repairs... Read more

  • Olive Clark

    I am objecting on the grounds of the loss of good agricultural land essential for food production and the impact on the environment. There are also health implications as the equipment used in these... Read more

  • Simon Hopcott

    We have already lost to much beautiful country side in this area because of the ridiculous Drakelow development which has somehow had permission passed without the new bridge, hang your heads in... Read more

  • South Derbyshire District Council (South Derbyshire District Council)

    Co-ordination of Habitat Regulations Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Requirements - Whilst the proposal to prepare a shadow Habitat Regulations Assessment is noted, in the view of... Read more

  • Adrian Robinson

    I do not believe this development should be allowed to go ahead. My concerns are that this development will bring an increase in traffic to a rural area, and expedite the deterioration of roads in the... Read more

  • Alan Leslie Collier

    Ruining prime agricultural land in the National Forest. The enormity of this project. The audacity of the planners riding roughshod over homeowners in a beautiful part of the country.

  • Andrew Baker

    I am due to move into the local area of Rosliston in a few days and OPPOSE this proposal for the Oaklands Farm Solar project. The land on which this proposal is planned is high Quality Farmland which... Read more

  • Andrew Wayne Carley

    I have not been fully informed of this project since its inception. We are very close to the site and we got the initial information but I notice there have been changes since this and so I would... Read more

  • Andtew Rogers

    For me, the main issue is about covering vast areas of agricultural land with solar plant just because the company proposing the plan can see they can make a lot of money. What should be happening is... Read more

  • Brian Barner (Brian Barner) on behalf of Brian Barner (Brian Barner)

    I have been diagnosed with [REDACTED] and told to stay away from electric power station, pylons, etc. I am sure that it will be detrimental to my health. Our countryside is slowly being eroded and the... Read more

  • Helen Dartnell

    I object to this application on the grounds that it will destroy 400 acres of prime agricultural land, destroy many different wildlife habitats, destroy trees and hedgerows, permanently change our... Read more

  • Holly Baker

    Please do not approve this application. The beauty of Rosliston and all the surrounding villages in the National Forest area are an escape for many people, and the reason they travel to live there.... Read more

  • Ionela Petronela Ursache

    I would like to vote against this project. This will decrease the value of the houses and will just bring more pollution to our estate.

  • Mrs irene Stanley on behalf of Irene stanley (Irene stanley)

    Concern lack of good farming land In these uncertain times feel we should produce more local food Noise flooding Traffic disruption country lanes Complete eyesore

  • Jacqueline Shirley Bott

    The significant loss of best & most versatile agricultural land (BMV) Inadequate proposed decommissioning activity to enable affected land to be returned to BMV at the end of the stated project life... Read more

  • Jayne Parker

    Rosliston and surrounding area as been promoted extensively for over the last 25 years as being a key part of the new National Forest and sits centrally within the heart of this still developing mass... Read more

  • Jennie Baker

    I write to oppose the Oaklands Farm Solar application. This application will blot the landscape for decades, cause the loss of important food production land, and damage, and cause traffic congestion... Read more

  • Judith Beresford-Clarke

    We need our farmland to grow our crops and feed ourselves and our animals. Sheep, cattle and wild flowers to sustain insect life and pollination will not thrive under solar panels. Our country lanes... Read more

  • Leicestershire County Council (Leicestershire County Council)

    Leicestershire County Council (LCC) has reviewed the submission for the above Application. It is noted from the Environmental Statement (APP-155) that Abnormal Load movements are proposed to use the... Read more

  • Lisbeth Dring-Fern

    (1) Some solar thermal systems can leak hazardous fluids into the environment i.e. soil. (2) Even low level smoke from the panels can contain toxic metals and be inhaled by the community causing harm... Read more

  • Mary Shaw

    Traffic problems for the village. Loss of good farmland. Flooding issues.

  • Matthew Orford

    Changing farm land into power. Much industrial units in local area with limited or no solar panels, seems a better use of space to use their roofs as opposed to farm land

  • Michael Robert Harris

    Why use 400 acres of good agricultural land for a solar farm when there large areas of poor land available. It would harm wildlife habitats. The HGV traffic (on small badly maintained - pot holed... Read more

  • Mr David Michael Brown

    No Solar on the Best and Most Versatile Land (BMV) runing the countryside, put solar on rooftops not on good agricultural land in our stunnign countryside.

  • Nicholas Graham

    The scale of the development is completely out of character with the rural location and small size of adjacent villages. Good quality farmland should not be sacrificed for solar farms that could be... Read more

  • Ormond James Hooper

    With an increasing focus on domestic food production, and given international food security concerns and global warming trends, the proposal to use productive farm land for a solar energy facility... Read more

  • Overseal Parish Council (Overseal Parish Council)

    A large proportion of the proposed site is Best and Most Versatile Land and use of agricultural land of this quality should be wholly retained for food production. It is highly unlikely that the land... Read more

  • Rachel Suzanne Brown

    Detrimental Landscape and Visual Impact on the rural character of the area from solar arrays, containers and 3m high fencing with security cameras – increasing urbanisation of a rural area with... Read more

  • Rachel Thorpe

    I wish to register to have my say about Oakland’s Farm Solar Project NSIP. I am concerned about the loss of the farmland in the area that is due to be removed by the Solar Project. Not only does this... Read more

  • Sheila Ann Barner

    It will be using good agricultural land. It is taking away our countryside and will be harmful to our wildlife. Our way of life will be dramatically changed for the worse. Please leave our countryside... Read more

  • Susan Lynne Rolls

    Concerned about removal of good agricultural land. Damage to natural habitat. Construction traffic coming through small village.

  • Leslie Charles whitten on behalf of Whitten (Whitten)

    Taking up valuable farmland in a country that is unsustainably reliant on food imports and why is it not planning to be built on existing brownfield, ex-power station land at the old Drakelow-C site... Read more

  • Caroline Cartwright

    Travel disruption with 2 years of construction traffic on already awful road surfaces and country lanes full of potholes. Traffic is already high through Walton with no set date for the new bridge to... Read more

  • Josephine belfield

    Extra traffic Bridge over trent Flooding agricultural loss we need more food

  • Kevin Cartwright

    High pitched sound, roads are not designed for this, travel disruption, flooding, changes to landscape farm land loss

  • Lindsey Marguerite Davis

    I live opposite Oakland’s Farm and fear that our property will be blighted by this development and our lives will be ruined during its construction process because of the proximity of the construction... Read more