
Byers Gill Solar

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Showing 326 to 350 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Megan Suffell

    I oppose Byers Gill for the reasons listed below: Cumulative impact in our area. Food Security. Loss of countryside. Loss of farmland. Danger of fires. Ugly battery storage units. Panels damage easily... Read more

  • Paul McTague

    There are a couple of these sites under construction in the local area and they have contributed to: 1) Severe damage to road surfaces to and from the sites. 2) Mud all over the road surface during... Read more

  • Paul Sanderson

    I strongly object to this proposal. It is not hoot for our area or the wildlife. The energy isn’t going to be used to help the local area, it’s going hundreds of miles away.

  • Rebecca Mann

    They are telling people lies this will kill animals and their habitats this will cause damage and destruction to our local area this is wasting local agricultural land and is an outrage this is going... Read more

  • Rebecca Thistle

    Negative impact of this solar farm

  • Roy Stewart

    I consider that this project will devistate the area and ruin the delicate eco system of the area. The local habitat will be changed forever and the wildlife that has come here to make their home will... Read more

  • Sheila Kathleen Tait

    After visiting this area, I feel that a development of this size is totally unacceptable.

  • Shirley Saunders

    I object vehemently to the proposed Byers Gill Solar development, which threatens the quality of life and well-being of residents in Bishopton, Carlton, Redmarshall, Whitton, Stillington, Sadberge,... Read more

  • Stephanie Bell

    I am concerned about the impact a solar farm of such a large scale will have on the local villages and the local infrastructure.

  • Steven Harrower

    I regularly walk my dogs in the area this would not only completely ruin the landscape visually but would destroy wildlife habitats, increase traffic which causes even more implications, terrible... Read more

  • Susan Bramley

    I don't think enough consideration is being given to the environmental impact this will cause in this rural setting

  • Terry warne

    The devastating impact this will have on the local wildlife along with the loss of much needed Arable farming land Resulting in negative impact on local residents

  • Tina Swainston

    I am against the planned solar farm at Byers Gill. I believe there are better sites for solar than our productive farmland. Not only will these have an impact on food security but as has been seen... Read more

  • Tom Lorraine

    I spend a lot of time with my dogs walking with friends in the local community, I am shocked to hear of the proposal and how it will impact on this beautiful place. Not only will this look horrific... Read more


    I object to Byers Gill Solar because I think panels should go on new buildings and factory roofs not on agricultural farm land. There is a requirement for renewable energy but wind is way more... Read more

  • Zachariah kirtley

    Around our village, there is a lovely view and lots of wildlife surrounding our area but if these solar panels come it will all be destroyed and the wildlife will have nowhere to live and every... Read more

  • Alison Gooch

    I strongly object to the development of the Byers Gill solar factory on the grounds that Solar energy is NOT the answer to the climate crisis. The developer in a rush to cash in emphasizes the... Read more

  • Carine Banks

    I strongly disapprove of this development because:- Loss of good agricultural land which could have a significant impact on food production. Also the increase in traffic which could have an impact on... Read more

  • Christopher Stuart Bell

    I want to object to the proposed development of Byers Gill Solar Development. My wife and I moved to Bishopton 20 months ago - to a small rural village with a great community spirit. I was devastated... Read more

  • Deborah Jane Bell

    I wish to wholeheartedly OBJECT to the Byers Gill Solar Development. The development is far too large for the villages it surrounds and will dwarf them leaving very little countryside. As a resident... Read more

  • Dinah kenyon

    The objection Agricultural Preservation and Land Use: The proposal to allocate prime agricultural land for the Byers Gill Solar development neglects the critical importance of preserving these fertile... Read more

  • Frederick Jamieson Stephens

    Large-scale solar farms have transformed the rural landscape, with extensive arrays of solar panels significantly altering its natural character. The addition of security fences and CCTV systems... Read more

  • Gary Stephens

    It is devastating that people would consider using some of the best fertile arable land in the area and turn it into an industrial site, for capital gain and greed. How this is allowed is beyond me.... Read more

  • Jacqueline Little

    I Strongly object to Byers Gill solar farm, the loss of agricultural land especially as the uk farming industry is struggling so much due to weather conditions and already so many government... Read more

  • James Gooch

    I object in the strongest possible terms and am appalled at the proposals to destroy thousands of acres of prime farmland and a rural landscape in the spurious claim that it will somehow combat... Read more