
East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1 to 50 of 377 representations, newest first.

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  • Ailsa Louise Mole

    Howden and surrounding villages are already at risk of flood and this will only exasperate the situation. Solar power is not necessarily the right way to go at this time, we don’t have the... Read more

  • Amanda Best

    I oppose the project

  • Andrew Clive Belk

    the size and intensity of this application is an obscenity. wind turbine development has already blighted this area of outstanding natural beauty. its wildlife already pressured by this, wildfowl in... Read more

  • Anne Brown

    This project is far too large for the area. It will utilise large swathes of productive agricultural land, used both for crop and beef. East Yorkshire is being inundated with solar projects depleting... Read more

  • Mrs Sally Anne Beckitt on behalf of Beckitt and Macmillan (Beckitt and Macmillan)

    Our homes are not shown on the map boom provided to the inspectorate even though we informed boom on a number of occasions. Our daily view of the rural open countryside will be spoilt. And Wildlife... Read more

  • David Brian Southworth

    The project, whilst supportable in terms of the national infrastructure, is too intense for one community to absorb. It will cover 26.8% of the entire parish area of our village.

  • Denise Browne

    This cannot be allowed to go ahead, I regularly walk at both the Brind site and down Spaldington and both areas are teeming with wildlife!! Every time I see deer, foxes, hares, rabbits and birds of... Read more

  • Elaine Meldrum

    It’s far too big. It will have too big an impact on the community. Wildlife, hedgerows and nature will be disrupted and their habitat damaged or removed. There will be too many trucks on our roads... Read more

  • Elected Ward Councillor East Riding of Yorkshire Council (Elected Ward Councillor East Riding of Yorkshire Council)

    As the Elected Ward Councillor for the area of impact, Howdenshire. The residents I represent have a number of concerns. One of them is the huge size of the area of impact and also close proximity to... Read more

  • Emma Foster

    There are several reasons I would like to be able to comment on these plans and these are; Effect on the rural setting in which we live: We have lived in Gribthorpe for over 15 years and chose our... Read more

  • Emma Humphrey

    This proposed project will destroy numerous villages, communities, destroy the farmland for 40 years +, with the visual impact, the noise, the construction traffic on the narrow country single track... Read more

  • Fiona McHale

    It's taking away the countryside to make way for an eyesore, the majority of fields (albeit classed as brown for some unfathomable reason) have been used for farming produce for decades, what next!?... Read more

  • Florence Taylor

    Adverse affects on hedgerows, trees & wildlife; residential amenity; visual amenity; loss of farmland/food security; traffic/infrastructure; two years of construction; entire villages surrounded by... Read more

  • Gillian Mary Dixon

    I am seriously concerned about the disruption, the noise, the traffic on narrow roads, the mess, the destruction of habitat, the use of productive farmland, the impact on local families, the impact on... Read more

  • Heather Burton

    I strongly object to this as I believe this proposed development is far too big and far too close to residential properties and villages, adversely affecting residential and visual amenity. Entire... Read more

  • Helen Gore

    If this application goes ahead it would change every aspect of living in Gribthorpe. Walking, driving, cycling,bird watching ,nature etc.It will impact visually and mentally on a minute by minute... Read more

  • Helena Ellis

    Food production and security is more important,solar panals should be fitted roofs.Covering the landscape will harm wildlife habitat and the countryside making it all look like industrial landscape

  • Howard Dykes

    Concerned about the disruption, the traffic, noise and destruction to the habitat and the eyesore.

  • Jacqueline Jones

    The size of this proposal is beyond ridiculous. I am not against a smaller option but the scale of this needs to be seriously reconsidered .

  • Jan Wildgoose

    The impact of this proposal on: Food security and loss of farmland, with loss of local farm workers jobs The effects on wildlife, hedgerows, trees and bio diversity Creating an industrial zone where... Read more

  • Jennifer Buckle

    Project far too big for the area,adverse affect on wildlife,noise and battery storage and issue

  • Joan Mary Lunn

    Transport - Single track poorly maintained lanes are unsuitable for the forecasted heavy goods traffic. Two lorries cannot pass so will drive and destroy the verges. Soil- Very heavy clay fields... Read more

  • Joanne Mahoney

    I am utterly appalled that this monstrosity is even being considered let alone going under the guise of environmentaly friendly! It will ruin our surrounding countryside.

  • John Charles Jessop

    I object to covering valuable farmland with solar panels. From personal experience of a solar panel installation in East Yorkshire I know the power generated in winter when power is needed most is a... Read more

  • Karen Hunt-Brown

    Too large . Need to use brown sites

  • Karen Midgley

    The size of the proposed solar farm is so vast and will impact on the area. And the well being of the residents. The panals are in some cases less than 30 meters away from dwellings. The area is... Read more

  • Krista McLeod

    Loss of agricultural land Time lag between installation of panels and connection to grid Lack of information about recyclability of panels once end of productive life reached Loss of habitats Impact... Read more

  • Lisa Bastiman

    I am seriously concerned about the disruption, the noise, the traffic on narrow roads, the mess, the destruction of habitat, the use of productive farmland, the impact on local families, the impact on... Read more

  • Mark Nickolay

    As a country we are struggling to feed our UK citizens, this land is prime farming land and should remain so. I also like to understand its purpose being that the UK grid infrastructure can not take... Read more

  • Matt Sharp

    Solar is the way forward and should be embraced, I think everyone would much rather have a clean energy solution than an alternative power plant nearby

  • Matthew Humphrey

    This development will destroy the local community,landscape,wildlife and residents quality of life. To take decent farmland out of production and replace it with an industrial eyesore is completely... Read more

  • Michael Glew

    Impact on wildlife, the environment and the impact on farming in the area. Safety risk and highways impact. House prices

  • Neil Foster

    This proposal will ruin the surrounding countryside. The impact this will have on the people who will be living next door to this proposal can not be ignored, let alone the impact this will have on... Read more

  • Nick Beech

    This proposal is completely unacceptable. The area is excellent farmland which we all need for food security. The countryside will be forever ruined and never return to its natural state which will... Read more

  • Nikkola Glew

    As a resident of a village that will be drastically affected by this proposed development I would like to oppose the application due to the negative impact on the environment, house prices,... Read more

  • Paul Anthony Swain

    My initial view of this project is that although valuable to our sustainable energy requirements it is using too much valuable farmland which is surely part of our essential food needs as a country.... Read more

  • Paul Roddison

    I live adjacent to one of the fields proposed and have asked boom about noise…. They couldn’t answer my question. I’m also concerned re devaluation of my property been soo close To name a few concerns... Read more

  • Paul Wade

    We don’t want this, it will ruin our countryside

  • S Dykes

    Concerned about the traffic, the eyesore and the effect in this very special unspoilt area of land not to mention the effectiveness of solar panels in winter in our area

  • Tara Kidd

    My family and I moved here 17 years ago to bring up our children within the countryside. Whilst I understand each and every one of us needs to embrace ‘going green’ in every way I feel strongly when... Read more

  • Andrew Pickersgill

    Happy about the plan to proceed

  • Chris Elliott

    The impact of this project will be enormous and transformative of the local area which is a crucial agricultural area. Along with farmland, the local environment encourages wildlife including Roe... Read more

  • David Greenwood

    We have had acres of factories built in Goole and Howden in the last few years with more to come. They are as close to the National Grid as this monstrosity and not one has solar panels fitted on the... Read more

  • Dawn Levitt

    I see no benefits to the local community at all other than occupying good fertile land that could be growing good local food in bad need instead of importing food in . Also we are a rural area and... Read more

  • Donald Breach

    My particular interest is the proposed access route from Newsholme, Reference your letter dated 25/01/2024, ref.EYSF-S56-039 , enclosed map access point 16/87 and 16/86. After registering my... Read more

  • Elizabeth booth

    - environmental impact and affect on the rural area

  • Gina Walker

    You are turning the a lush farming area in to a Solar panel savannah. In particular reference to the land in Eastrington on your plan ref Block 14 or 2G but also the whole application. I am very... Read more

  • Jennifer Tulip

    Although I advocate sustainer ways of generating electricity, I don’t agree with green belt countryside land being used for solar farms. I believe urban areas with existing building to house the... Read more

  • Joy Scott

    1. I am very concerned about the loss of valuable arable land particularly the effect that losing land will have upon the sustainability of the country. 2. I am concerned that if this project goes... Read more

  • Julie Dimmack

    Absolutely devastated about the development and the harm this will cause the wildlife. The growling concern over the rainfall in our area and drainage is becoming a problem on our roads and fields. I... Read more