
East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 150 of 377 representations, newest first.

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  • Mr PeterBell

    This is where I live, and I consider it to be a very attractive are with interesting flora and fauna. Animals such as Deer and Hare occupy this area. Numerous kinds of birds including Hobby, three... Read more

  • Sally Rylance

    My primary concern relates to the sheer size of the proposed solar farm and the proximity to our village. The scale of the project appears to be disproportionate to the rural location in which it is... Read more

  • William John Haywood

    Hi I am totally against taking agricultural land out of production when as a country we are not self sufficient, and there are plenty of other sites - warehouse roofs, supermarket roofs and house... Read more

  • Guy Bramley

    My quality of life will be destroyed with panels to three sides of my property and hundreds of acres to the north of my house facing south ie straight onto my property. Sheer hell. The Spaldington... Read more

  • Kevin Webb

    We need green energy and, with increasing checks on EU imported foods, we need to grow more of our own food. This means installing large solar farm on good agricultural land makes no sense. We are... Read more

  • Colin Walker

    I find that there are many disadvantages of an industrial size solar farm next to your countryside home and in many cases businesses. No one as yet have explained any advantage at all, for us to put... Read more

  • David Moyles

    Environmental and visual impact on surrounding countryside, hamlets, villages and towns of a very extensive, large and intrusive project. Impact of additional/heavy traffic and vehicles on very... Read more

  • James Green

    I am concerned about the negative impact of this project on the quality of life for the local community.

  • Jonathan Norman Kidd

    I am wholly opposed to the industrialized solar farm proposal. We have already 'done our' bit for renewable energy in our area through multiple wind turbine farms (both within 0.5mile of the proposed... Read more

  • Neil Pearse

    I am a local resident and believe the proposed project will have a significant detrimental effect on the area. Specificially on traffic levels during the construction phase (on roads which are not... Read more

  • Sally Edson

    I’m not against solar farms, I do think there are better places to site this one closer to Drax. I worry about the impact on the wildlife, especially the deer population in this area.

  • Stuart Kerr

    The proposed site is far too large for an area served by very small, already at full stretch roads. Howden is already being subject to thousands of new homes and the roads around already can't cope... Read more

  • Edward John Dunstan

    The proposed development will destroy, indefinitely, the productive farmland on which it would be constructed. This country needs all the farmland it can muster. Why is it even being considered as a... Read more

  • John Andrew Guy

    1. Impact on nature 2. Impact on house prices 3. Industrialisation of the countryside 4. Ruining of a country walk which I regularly use

  • Laura birch

    Please use land that is not already used for farming! We will have solar panels on our house land. But do not use farming land to do this!!


    Leeds City Council forms a neighbouring authority to the development project insofar as the proposed grid connection route and point of connection is located at Drax in Selby. For this reason and... Read more

  • Maureen Webb

    This project will industrialise 3500 acres of high productivity wheat/peas/oilseed rape/beans agricultural land. It will also have a devastating effect on wildlife, including Curlews, Skylarks, Barn... Read more

  • Miss Miriam Anne Salameh

    It will turn prime agricultural land into an industrial estate, some of the best wheat growing farm land in the UK. It will have a negative effect on wildlife and ecosystems. It will also have a huge... Read more

  • Mrs Sarah Oakden

    BOOM claims to be a UK company, however Boom is registered to one British Director Mark Hogan at his UK address plus 2 German Directors resident in Germany (one has recently resigned) and one Italian... Read more

  • Richard Kirby

    I strongly and wholeheartedly disagree with the Plans to have a solar farm situated in what is essentially some of the best agricultural land in our county. Land that would be better off being farmed,... Read more

  • Rosemary Joy Dunstan

    The proposed development will destroy, indefinitely, the productive farmland on which it would be constructed. This country needs all the farmland it can muster. Why is it even being considered as a... Read more

  • Steven Oakden

    Solar panels should be sourced from Britain (a factory in Wales makes them with a 25 yr guarantee) or from Europe, not from China as their materials and steels are inferior. Guarantees must be... Read more

  • Andrew Leverton

    The project will an eysore on a rural location spoiling the views and turing the countryside into an industrial landscape. The wildlife will definatley be adversly affected as there will be no where... Read more

  • Carsten Svensgaard BSC Agriculture (danish) 1959

    No comparison seems to be available between co2 saved by not using fossil fuel and co2 wasted by reducing the sunlight for photosynthesis. Alternate sources - roof tops. Or tide power.

  • Denis William Duggan

    The UK currently imports 40% of food consumed. Approving permission for Solar Farms will only increase this amount and make the country more vulnerable. Self sufficiency in food has fallen since 1995... Read more

  • Elizabeth Hayes

    This project is taking valuable farming land out of commission for up to 40 years. As much of the land is clay, I dispute BOOM's suggestion that sheep may graze between the panels, as they will get... Read more

  • Lawrence Beaumont-Hayes

    Restriction of agricultural land to produce local food and produce. Impact on rural amenity and countryside that supports many species and biodiversity. Unsightly structures impacting properties and... Read more

  • Carole Ann Lee

    I strongly object to,this solar farm. The proposed site is far too big/huge. It is taking up agriculture land and we need to grow as much of our own produce as possible rather than import. All these... Read more

  • Catherine Fisher

    I oppose I don’t want industrialisation in the area

  • David John Burton

    I write in relation to the Boom proposal's for the East Yorkshire Solar Farm. I fully understand and support the need for infrastructure to support a diverse alternative energy plan and understand the... Read more

  • Elaine Ward

    This project will destroy the wild life in the area , deer badgers kites bees small animals and wood land. Taking down hedges that have been there over 100 years and wanting to replace them with... Read more

  • Mary Elizabeth Brown

    Concerned about the initial consultation process undertaken by Boom -our family have neighbouring land and dwellings adjacent to the project and we’re not consulted . Maps used were inaccurate and... Read more

  • Mr James Naismith

    Object to the proposed project. This will impact on wildlife . My wellbeing. My homes overhaul price. Noise pollution from the building and erecting of piles into ground. I moved to the area for the... Read more

  • Nigel Wilkinson

    Accept that we need solar energy but small villages are being surrounded and become industrialised. Larger buffer zones for habitations need to be protected.

  • Antony Wood

    I believe this project to be to big. The loss of food producing land and habitat is of great concern.

  • Charles David alden

    Not good for countryside or wildlife

  • David Berry

    I'd like to object to this proposal not going ahead

  • Elaine alden

    Don't agree with solar panels will ruin cou tryside

  • Elizabeth Breach

    Most of the roads in the area are single track roads which are not suitable for construction traffic. The Hamlet of Newsholme is designated as unsuitable for for heavy goods vehicles, Newsholme and... Read more

  • Helen Alison Rhodes

    have many concerns about the siting of the Solar Farm on productive grade 3 farmland in a time when we are already having global issues with food shortages currently most of the fields are growing... Read more

  • Jane Motherdale

    I am worried about the amount of home grown crops that will lost, I feel that Ukraine and Russia have shown us how import this is, also the impact on wildlife, we love to watch the barn owls and red... Read more

  • John Plant

    Too big, too much take of land very suitable for crop growing

  • Louise Henderson

    Concerns regarding construction traffic on narrow roads Reducing natural landscape Additional noise during construction Traffic through spaldington where the road is narrow & there are no street... Read more

  • Lyndsy Benton

    This is a very large industrial development in a rural landscape which will negatively impact on local communities, wildlife and food production.

  • Robert.Edward Alden on behalf of Robert Edward alden (Robert Edward alden)

    Panels are homes and. Habitatiom

  • Shirley Anne Jones

    You are taking up farming land ,what about the wild life in the area and the woodland around the area ?

  • Steven Wigglesworth

    1. The developer's environmental impact assessments are inadequate / incomplete. 2. Road safety will be hugely compromised. 3. Increased noise. 4. Visual blight. 5. Disproportionately gross... Read more

  • Terry Hayes

    The size and scale of the project is far too big, there is a place for solar but not on this scale, it will industrialise a large swathe of countryside which should be used for growing crops. The UK... Read more

  • Gillian Mary Craven

    The village of Gribthorpe will be suffocated by the extent of the solar panels around ,they will be out of proportion and will cause suffering and considerable depression to us all. Our rare wildlife... Read more

  • Gillian Woodcock

    The sheer scale of the solar farm, need to take into consideration the amount of wind turbines we already have in the area. Position next to properties, no consideration for the effect it will have on... Read more