
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1701 to 1800 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Denise Long

    That the proposed scheme will cause severe, irreparable damage to the environs of Stonehenge to the detriment of its World Heritage status and future generations. It is not just about the henge... Read more

  • Dennis Price

    Dear Sir This is the most important archeological site in Britain. It needs to be treated as such not by having a tunnel that will damage the area during its construction but when built. Whilst not... Read more

  • Derek Flockton

    Stonehenge is unique; hence its UNESCO World Heritage status. There can be no justification in damaging any part of the site just as we would not allow damage to Hyde Park or York Minster. The... Read more

  • Derek Harris

    I find it detrimental to the history of the historic monument that is Sonehenge to interfere with the surrounding area and to build more roads and an underpass. This will destroy one of our oldest... Read more

  • Dilys Guildford

    The area of the A303 Stonehenge, is a World Heritage site, I strongly object to the new duel carriage highway intrusion. It should not go ahead in its present form. There has not been an alternative... Read more

  • Dr Caroline Hawkyard

    Concerns over the following: increased noise and air pollution due to elevation of the road in relation to our property, as well as increased volume and flow of traffic. Effect on the views from our... Read more

  • Dr Dave Buxton

    I believe that the new expressway planned will cause permanent damage to the World Heritage site, a view shared with UNESCO itself.

  • Dr Ian Magrath

    The massive nature of the excavations and the roadworks themselves will dwarf the historic site, while at the same time the tunnel portals will be too close to the stones: a longer tunnel (though... Read more

  • Dr John Collier

    The proposed changes to the A303 are totally unsuitable.

  • Dr Michele Wollstonecroft

    • Irreparable damage to this unique, emblematic and vulnerable site, both the archaeology and setting, which is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ • UNESCO likewise recommends... Read more

  • Dr Tim Marshall

    There are more than sufficient strong reasons for the Inpectorate to recommend refusal of this project. This should be refusal of the whole scheme. If the Examining Inspectors find reasons to... Read more

  • Dr. Lauren McIntyre

    The plans for the Stonehenge Tunnel as they currently stand have serious negative implications for the landscape, archaeology and surrounding environment,as follows : · Irreparable damage to... Read more

  • Duncan Burwood

    1) At a time when greenhouse gas driven climate change is an imminent world crisis, we should not be building more roads which increase the capacity of the road system. 2) Any major roadworks risks... Read more

  • Duncan Cameron McGill

    This site is a World Heritage site and should be preserved as such for future generations and not be endangered by highway expansion. Increased traffic volumes will increase atmospheric pollution and... Read more

  • Edmond Deighton

    The Stonehenge landscape is unique, not only to England but around the world, and should be protected in perpetuity. The proposed works will cause irreparable damage to the surrounding area and are... Read more

  • Elaine Bailey

    I think this scheme desecrates an ancient sacred landscape, the tunnel will further damage important archeological artefacts and the iconic view of Stonehenge from the road will be forever lost.... Read more

  • Eleanor Chandler

    This scheme would cause permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, and no alternative non-damaging options have been offered. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should... Read more

  • Elisabeth Edwards

    The proposed scheme will cause devastating and permanent destruction to a unique and irreplaceable landscape, of world importance for its archaeological contents. UNESCO has advised against the... Read more

  • Elizabeth Hankins

    Stonehenge is one of Britains most important sites, a jewel in our crown and of world importance archeologically. Its natural beauty will be destroyed. It is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape... Read more

  • Elizabeth Lodh

    I am concerned that this road will cause damage to the world heritage site. Why are there no alternatives in the plan, which would not damage or spoil the Stonehenge site? Why has the UNESCO advice... Read more

  • Elton Barker

    The extent and scale of the potential damage to the archaeology and setting of this unique World Heritage Site are poorly understood. We *do* need to listen to experts.

  • Emma Hodgson

    I am familiar with Salisbury Plain, Stonehenge and the A303. I have lived in the area for 12 years. I object to the length of the proposed tunnel being too short and damaging the landscape. I... Read more

  • Emma Summers

    My view is that Stone Henge is Internationally famous. If we build a busy road too close to it there is absolutely no way to guarantee that the famous historical site will not suffer irreparable... Read more

  • Emma Tilbury

    Stonehenge is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Should be Preserved and the area around it by whatever means, Any work around & underneath it could Permanent damage this World Heritage Site, its... Read more

  • Freeths LLP (Freeths LLP) on behalf of English Heritage

    Application by Highways England for an Order Granting Development Consent for the A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down English Heritage relevant representation to Planning Inspectorate 10th January... Read more

  • Esso Petroleum Company, Limited (Esso Petroleum Company, Limited)

    Dear Sirs Esso Petroleum Company, Limited (Esso) and its agents, Fisher German, have been engaging with Highways England (HE) in relation their proposals for the A303 at Stonehenge (the Project)... Read more

  • Ewen Leveroni

    I'm very worried about the destructive effect that this new road will have on both the environment and on the archaeological value of the site. Clearly damage to the rivers is a very serious concern... Read more

  • Frances Green

    My concern is about the longterm effect of this project on the enviroment. The proposed planns will have a severe impact on the local geology. The area represents a point where many old paths/roads... Read more

  • Frances Howard-Gordon

    I am very concerned about the huge amount of permanent damage to the setting and precious archaeology of the Stonehenge World Heritage site and its environs if this proposed scheme is allowed to go... Read more

  • Francis Arthur Edwards

    I am concerned that this proposal will cause irreparable damage to this world heritage site & to the archaeology within it. Also the setting & nature of the whole area will be adversely affected by... Read more

  • Francis Philip James Stoner

    “I OBJECT to this DCO Planning Application." REASONS FOR OBJECTION Viability / Judicial Review. The Treasury, National Infrastructure Commission, Office of Road & Rail and National Audit... Read more

  • Friends of the Earth (Friends of the Earth)

    Relevant Representation from Friends of the Earth The DCO should be rejected because: 1) It fails to meet the tests set out in the National Networks NPS that: “the Secretary of State must... Read more

  • Gaynor Leake

    • Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. • UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. • Concerns about damage to Blick Mead... Read more

  • Gemma Allerton

    I am unhappy about the whole scheme, from the fact that no reasonable alternative was given during the consultation period to the lack of care given to the unique landscape.During the consultation... Read more

  • Gerard Hales

    Stonehenge is an ancient site sacred to many who practice or are interested in the "Old Religion" of the British isles...believers assert that there are subtle energies which permeate and pervade at... Read more

  • Gill Stride

    The site may yet reveal more.

  • Gillian Cockwill

    I just wish to say that this is an Historical Site and any work being done in or around it would lead to earth subsidence or possible damage to the Stones themselves. There is no need to have a road... Read more

  • Gillian McAlister

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers advise against the scheme in its present form. Serious concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site... Read more

  • Graham Downie

    I object to the proposed scheme because I believe that: a) its scale and form will inevitably result in irreparable damage being done to this World Heritage Site, b) it is too easy a solution... Read more

  • Great Bustard Group (Great Bustard Group)

    Great Bustards are listed as Annex 1 birds and designated vulnerable by the IUCN. The birds became extinct in the UK in the mid-1800s, the odd migrant bird has been recorded since. The Great Bustard... Read more

  • Green Lane Association (Wiltshire area) (Green Lane Association (Wiltshire area))

    The Green Lane Association (GLASS) through local representation has been involved with the scheme through all of the Pre-application process and seek to continue involvement through the rest of the... Read more

  • Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement (GLEAM) (Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement (GLEAM))

    Introduction The Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement (GLEAM) was founded in 1995 to campaign for changes in the law of England and Wales to stop off-road drivers damaging or destroying green... Read more

  • Gwyneth Jones

    I am concerned that the proposed expressway will do irreparable damage to the character and the significance of the Stonehenge site, surroundings, and valuable natural environment, simply by the... Read more

  • H. Wright

    The proposal will cause irreparable damage to Stonehenge, a world heritage site, and also to Blick Mead, as well as threatening endangered bird species. In view of the UNESCO status and the advice... Read more

  • Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership (Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership)

    The Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership strongly supports the Department for Transport’s ongoing commitment to improving this vital strategic corridor between London and the South... Read more

  • Heidi Rogers

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Helen Marriott

    object to stonehenge tunnel

  • Helen Taylor

    I object to the A303 Stonehenge scheme going ahead because: 1) There will be permanent damage to a World Heritage Site and UNESCO Advisers (who know what they are talking about) say it should not go... Read more

  • Henry Dashwood

    Don't build it. The land through which the tunnel would go is too precious. Ignore the congestion in the south and improve transport in the north of England. Maybe implement a congestion charge on the... Read more

  • Hilary Greene

    Dear Sirs, I use the A303 frequently and although it is annoying when you reach Stonehenge and it's environs when it has bottle necked and you are slowly having to get through it which can take up... Read more

  • Ian Broom

    This scheme will cause permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. I have concerns about... Read more

  • Ian Clarke

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Ingrid Eglese

    That the proposed works will irreparably damage this unique archeological landscape.

  • International Council on Monuments and Sites UK (ICOMOS-UK) (International Council on Monuments and Sites UK (ICOMOS-UK))

    Stonehenge A303 Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR010025 ICOMOS-UK wishes to register as an Interested Party for the Examination of the above application for development. ICOMOS-UK is concerned... Read more

  • Isabella Lazlo

    I am concerned about the prosed plans and the permanent damage these would cause to one of England's most Sacred ancient sites, a World Heritage Site, its archaeology and its setting. It is clear this... Read more

  • J Bradley

    I am deeply concerned by this proposal and do not believe it should go ahead.

  • Jack Cox

    I am concerned about the damage and disturbance this would cause to this World Heritage sacred site, including noise pollution.

  • James Gunter

    1. It is applying an old approach to a problem without considering implications of new technology on future transport systems e.g. driverless cars 2. There is much important archaeology e.g.... Read more

  • James Hamer

    I object to the proposed A303 road /tunnel development around the Stonehenge World Heritage site because it will irreparably damage and destroy the important archaeology in the surrounding area. Proof... Read more

  • James Houghton

    For many years I have studied ancient sites and have visited many World Heritage sites across the globe One of the things that I have come to realise is that almost ubiquitously there are signs of... Read more

  • James MacAonghus

    The proposal is insufficiently sensitive to the special requirements of this unique site. The extremely important and rare nature of Stonehenge means we should not go nowhere near any semblance of... Read more

  • James McDonald

    The above plan will, in my view: Cause permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting; ignore UNESCO's advisers who say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Jane Willmore

    I object to the current application on the following grounds: I object to any further disturbance of this incredibly rich and vast area of prehistory I object to the disturbance of any... Read more

  • Jennifer Kreit

    The new expressway could cause extreme damage to an amazing World Heritage Site. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead. There are also a lack of alternative options in... Read more

  • Jennifer Laute

    I am very concerned that this proposed development will harm the environment and potentially risk losing the heritage status.

  • Jilaine M Callison

    All my life I have dreamed of going to Stonehenge. It would be a horrible thing to have it undermined by tunneling on the grounds surrounding it. It would weaken the soil and cause the stones to fall.... Read more

  • Jinny Fisher

    The most important point that I hope the planning Inspectorate will consider is that the proposed scheme will cause permanent damage to the archaeology and setting of a unique World Heritage... Read more

  • Joanna Wright

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead... Read more

  • Joanne Edwards

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, it's archaeology and setting. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead... Read more

  • Joanne Underwood

    I oppose the plan to take the A303 under the plain near Stonehenge. Stonehenge is itself too important a monument to be put at risk by these works. The plan will also risk the disturbance and... Read more

  • John Repsch

    1. With thousands of motor vehicles passing by Stonehenge every day, there would be the risk that: (a) Levels of nitrogen dioxide would increase to such an extent that over decades they would... Read more

  • Jon V Ziemba

    Ruining the Stonehenge World Heritage Site would be a grave, irreparable mistake. Why ruin something that has stood for hundreds of generations? Future generations would be appalled at those who... Read more

  • Jonathan Lambert

    I object to the proposed road scheme because: 1. It will cause irreparable damage to a site not just of national but of global significance. It will also impact the important archaeology of the area... Read more

  • Jonathan Mann

    I am staunchly against this proposal as I believe it to be a desecration of our historical landscape.

  • Joshua Knowles

    As an individual and a citizen of the British Isles I am shocked and concerned by the proposals around the Stonehenge site. This landmark is a true and irreplaceable representation of our nation's... Read more

  • Julie Louise Wilkinson

    I am registering my interest in this application as I personally feel if the plans go ahead as they stand, the impact on the site in terms of the permanent damage to the archaeology that will be... Read more

  • Julie Trevellick

    As someone who has recently completed an extended diploma in wildlife conservation my chief concern regarding the proposed dual carriageway at Stonehenge is the detrimental impact it would have on all... Read more

  • Juliet Chaplin

    I first visited Stonehenge in 1958 and have always loved the site, so I am very concerned that the plan regarding the A303 Expressway would cause huge and irreparable damage. Indeed the site might... Read more

  • K Bastin

    This is a UNESCO world heritage site. The whole landscape around it is part of the site - as time goes on more is being discovered about the site and the wider area, how it was accessed and how it was... Read more

  • Karen Meager

    I agree with UNESCO that this is a place of special interest and so should be protected for future generations. Personally I feel spiritualy connected to this space and would like to record my... Read more

  • Kate Forwood

    As someone who frequently uses the A303 to travel between Kent and Devon, I have, over the years, resigned myself to a slow journey on this particular stretch of road. However, I would rather the... Read more

  • Kate Simpson

    I OBJECT to this DCO Planning Application."  REASONS FOR OBJECTION  Viability / Judicial Review. The Treasury, National Infrastructure Commission, Office of Road & Rail and National Audit... Read more

  • Katharine Thomas

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Katherine Challis

    I oppose the current plans surrounding the highways around Stone Henge for the following reasons: Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. •UNESCO's advisers say... Read more

  • Kim Adoue

    I am concerned with the obvious and possible irreversible damage to archaeology of this unique site. The loss of view of the site. Stonehenge is an important visual antiquity on the landscape of... Read more

  • Kim Iannucci

    This is our heritage, once destroyed that's it. Please use sense and don't be known as the thing that destroyed the Stonehenge landscape.

  • Kirsten Espensen

    This is a unique World Heritage Site and should be protected as such. The road is not required and should most definitely not be built. Stonehenge has stood for many hundreds of years and this road,... Read more

  • Lara Williams

    I object to the scheme for the following reasons: It will cause permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its... Read more

  • Layla Fowler

    To whom this Representation may concern I object to the proposed A303 Highway proposal as a citizen of the world and as one of billions of people of our time who are the inheritors of the ancient... Read more

  • leaynn swateridge

    We need a moment of self reflection here, Why is there a need for a damaging highway to be put on this site? Because we have lost ourselves to impatience, anger, instant gratifictation..feeling like... Read more

  • Les Cloutman

    This scheme will do irreparable damage to a whole landscape that has some of the most iconic prehistoric sites in the world. Many of which we are only now beginning to appreciate and understand. We... Read more

  • Laws and Fiennes (Laws and Fiennes) on behalf of Lincoln College

    On behalf of our client, Lincoln College, I wish to register an objection to the Development Consent Order based on the issues outlined below. The College owns land north and south of the A303 to the... Read more

  • Lionel Welch

    While I fully understand the problems on the A303 past Stonehenge, I do not accept that a diversion round the site cannot be made, with the A303 at that point should only be used by those who are... Read more

  • Lisette MacKenzie

    It is inappropriate to take a busy road through this unesco world heritage site. It will increase traffic and air pollution, noise and damage to the site! Absolute philistines to even consider this to... Read more

  • Lois Fry

    The site is a sacred site and has been known as such for hundreds of years. Just because you are unaware of the properties of a site or it's connections to the earth and the energy surrounding it... Read more

  • Louise Hobson

    Stone henge is a NATIONAL treasure, no one 'owns' it, there are simply guardianships of it. You cannot own what you did not create nor purchase. Therefore no road should be allowed to be built in the... Read more

  • Madeleine Atkinson

    I support the Council for British Archaeology's statement regarding the Stonehenge Tunnel, which they describe as "will cause considerable damage to the surviving archaeological remains within the WHS... Read more

  • Marcus Stafford

    1. It's a World Heritage Site and any works will cause damage to both the site and the wildlife around it. 2. It will no longer be visible from the road for free. It belongs to all of us and... Read more

  • Marguerite McGinty

    I am convinced that the planning propsal TRO20025 will cause detrimental effects to the national monument of Stone Henge and the surrounding natural environment; I therefore wish to register my... Read more

  • Maria Edge

    I [redacted], WRT Edge vehemently against the building of this tunnel *It destroys archeological remains of unique historical importance and value * it is too expensive, while many alternatives have... Read more