
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1801 to 1900 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Marija Currell

    I would like to register my issue with the proposed expressway. The ancient history of this area is not fully understood and I am particularly concerned about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site.... Read more

  • Mark Allen

    I do not live near the area but I wish it to remain unspoilt for the people as it is one of the oldest sites and want it left unspoilt for the sake of humanity and of all beliefs. This structure... Read more

  • Mark Byrne

    I am in favour of a tunnel under the Stonehenge site, its about time we treated this iconic, world renowned site with the respect it deserves. However the current proposals fall woefully short of... Read more

  • Mark Hallworth

    I object to the scheme for the following reasons: * Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. * UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Mark Lipski

    The current plan will result in irreparable damage to the Stonehenge and related sites, and UNESCO's advisors have opposed the plan on this basis. There will also be other environmental damage, both... Read more

  • Martin Stephens

    I am against this development because: 1) The only way to view Stonehenge will be to pay to see it, instead of the henge being a part of the publicly visible landscape. 2) UNESCO does not want... Read more

  • Mary Branson

    UNESCO's expert opinion is that this scheme should not go ahead in its present form. I value the opinion of experts. The scheme would not be reversible and would cause permanent damage to this... Read more

  • Matthew DeHaven

    As an American and two time visitor to Stonehenge, I think it is important that you consider opinions from outside the UK. This past September I visited Stonehenge again, the first time being in 2005.... Read more

  • Melanie J Hazen

    Please, please for all of us do not change any of the Stone Henge area. It would totally ruin the whole History of our Earth. There is still too much work the archeologists need to examine, explore,... Read more

  • Michael Blyth

    I am concerned that thee seem to be the situation where public concerns, including those far more knowledgeable than me, are not being addressed by the provision of alternatives. This site is in need... Read more

  • Michael Devlin

    It would be an affront to history and to national pride. Future generations cannot and would not forgive.

  • Michael Emanuel Rosenbloom

    I object to the proposal on the grounds is unnecessary and damaging to archaeological environment.

  • Michael Hinton

    Please do not pursue this crazy idea!

  • Michael Nelson Johnson

    I am a retired architect and for 10 years represented the Council for British Archaeology on Planning matters affecting Listed Buildings in West Lancashire. My concern with this proposal is that... Read more

  • Michele McIntyre

    Please do not destroy an ancient and priceless landscape for the sake of traffic convenience. I frequently travel along A303 and welcome the pause in my hectic life to view Stonehenge from my car.... Read more

  • Mike Tregent

    The whole site comprises a lot more than just the stones, the landscape dates back thousands of years and it is imperative that it is protected (and possibly enhanced), in its whole! This is a... Read more

  • Moira Gomes

    I am one of thousands of members of the public that really resent Highways trying to ignore views and force their plans through. There are very few sites of special significance in England. I... Read more

  • Mr Andrew Bonnet

    This unique World Heritage site, should be protected, NOT impacted upon by any development of any kind. The fact it is being considered is extraordinary in itself. It is morally wrong and shows... Read more

  • Mr James Phethean

    I use the A303 regularly to commute to work and return to Cornwall and I want to be sure that Stonehenge is protected during this road scheme work

  • Mrs Elizabeth Fairweather

    I believe this scheme should not go ahead because it would cause permanent damage to the World Heritage Site. Furthermore, UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form.... Read more

  • Mrs Irene Joan Byrne

    I believe that there will be permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. Also UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. There are... Read more

  • Mrs Joy Shallcross

    The scheme will do irreparable damage to a World Heritage site, you simply cannot be allowed to do this.

  • Mrs Sarah Frances Collins

    Stonehenge is a unique and beautiful place, and there is no justification for intruding upon the site. The road can be built on another route, Stonehenge cannot be moved. It is time we valued... Read more

  • Ms Elizabeth Murfitt

    I disagree with Highways England's proposal to drive a massive dual carriageway through the UNESCO site at Stonehenge. My reasons for objecting are - 1. Permanent damage to the World Heritage... Read more

  • Ms lawrence

    Dear Sir/ Madame, I have already done this, anything that threatens National heritage needs to be stopped. You will not have a country of any distinction if this... Read more

  • Ms Lucia Nixon

    Plans to drive a massive dual carriageway into the UNESCO World Heritage Site around Stonehenge will have negative effects on this precious area.

  • Myfanwy Lloyd Jones

    I am very concerned about the adverse implications of the proposed development for a unique and important landscape of outstanding archaeological importance.

  • Myfanwy Millward

    I believe that putting a dual carriageway through the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge will be damaging not only to the environment, destroying the habitat of rare bird species and increasing air... Read more

  • Nadine Holt

    The proposed development would undoubtedly cause irreparable damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site and its surroundings. There are many sites of archaeological interest in this area which may... Read more

  • Nigel Parkin

    I wish to register a protest against the desecration of the ground around Stonehenge. We have no idea what is contained in the ground under and surrounding the Monument. The Drilling machines will,... Read more

  • Nigel Wright

    I am very concerned about the proposed dual carriageway expressway past Stonehenge. The potential damage to the World Heritage Site and the associated archaeology and landscape is significant and... Read more

  • Nina Murdoch

    Dear Madam/Sir, I wish to object to this road scheme on the following points. There will be permanent damage to the world heritage site, archeology and setting. The world heritage site’s... Read more

  • Oliver Harwood

    I am a regular user of the A303 for business and pleasure and have always enjoyed the unparalleled view of Stonehenge and its landscape setting as I have passed by, on occasion stopping and enjoying... Read more

  • Open Access to Stonehenge (OAtS) (Open Access to Stonehenge (OAtS))

    Open Access to Stonehenge (OAtS) is a Page and a Group on Facebook. Both are public, and the Group currently has more than 3,500 members, not just from the UK As time is short, I shall submit the... Read more

  • P Addison

    the project should not destroy land in one the most important areas in the world the overwhelming scientific opinion is the tunnel would cause repairable damage to the stonehenge area other... Read more

  • Patrick Duncan, PhD

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’

  • Paul Davis

    I strongly object to this DCO planning application, the tunnel will cause untold damage to archaeology in this area which has been inhabited since the Mesolithic Period, Wildlife in the area which... Read more

  • Paul Gossage

    Please can I strongly object to the proposed Stonehenge A303 Stonehenge tunnel etc for the following reasons: It will seriously damage Blick Mead (BM). The current excavations are smaller than the... Read more

  • Paul Jennings

    The proposed scheme has already damaged the important Mesolithic site at Blick Mead and will undoubtedly cause further damage. It will impede progress on the reintroduction of the Great Bustard to the... Read more

  • Paul Timlett

    My Representation will be based on the benefits this scheme will have for local communities and the threats to those communities if the plans are not delivered. It will detail the damage that is... Read more

  • Paul Woodham

    1. Objection to potential damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site. The site is still poorly understood. The development will destry the very delicate archaeology there. 2. I object to the lack of... Read more

  • Paula e diment

    I would like it known that I strongly protest against this proposal of a road going through or under the site which is a sacred area of Stonehenge I believe this would cause among other things severe... Read more

  • Pauline King

    I believe it is totally inappropriate to build as planned as loss of habitat is for many species irreplaceable, already we are seeing flora and fauna decreasing and the British countryside is rapidly... Read more

  • Peak District Green Lanes Alliance (Peak District Green Lanes Alliance)

    The Peak District Green Lanes Alliance is a co-ordinating body for groups and individuals concerned about the problems posed by using off-road vehicles on unsealed and unsurfaced tracks in the... Read more

  • Peter Crowem

    There should be no development close enough to the site that causes visual or audible damage to the experience of visiting the site

  • peter jones

    totally unnecessary , appalling waste of public money , badly thought out , no alternatives offered or even it would appear considered . The damage to this most important world heritage would be... Read more

  • Phil Manning

    I would like to object to the construction of the tunnel past Stonehenge as I feel this will cause damage to the ancient landscape. I would request that the government consider a bypass well away from... Read more

  • philip matthews

    I wish to object to the proposed tunnel on the A303 at Stonehenge on the grounds that it will destroy archeological remains Philip Matthews [Redacted]

  • Rachel Stott

    I feel very strongly that then proposed tunnel should not go ahead due to the unique importance of the site, both archaeological and natural.

  • Rhidian Stoddart

    UNESCO have provided funds to help preserve this site and a lot of its heritage. Much of that heritage is still uncovered. Unless we are prepared to pay those monies back we shouldn’t take UNESCO’s... Read more

  • Richard L Sweetnam

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Richard Lilley

    Because of the irreparable damage to the important archeological remains at Blick Mead. The objection of so many distinguished and thoughtful people knowledgable in the field has entirely changed... Read more

  • Richard Roberts

    Iam greatly disturbed by the plans for a tunnel under what is a sacred monument. The loss of the iconic and free view is unacceptable,as is the damage to the nature and countryside with what is a... Read more

  • Rob Donovan

    I submit that not enough attention is being given to the opinions of international bodies that have an interest in preserving the character of this historic site.

  • Robert Canner

    I wish to register as an Interested Party with respect to the proposed changes to the A303 in the vicinity of Stonehenge. I am a British Citizen and resident of the South West, wishing to represent my... Read more

  • Robert Hunt-Grubbe

    The sight of Stonehenge as it comes into view from the east is unforgettable at all times. With the sun setting overhead it is truly magical. This monument was given to the nation by Sir Cecil... Read more

  • Robert Wakefield

    I would dislike seeing Stonehenge encroached upon.

  • Roberta Brockman

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead... Read more

  • Robin Bainton

    • Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. • UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. • Concerns about damage to Blick Mead... Read more

  • Robin Wrigley

    I am opposed to the building of a tunnel for several basic reasons. 1. The huge cost at a time when the country simply cannot afford it. 2. The simple building of another lane on the A303 would... Read more

  • Rod Archard

    The proposed short tunnel will compromise the area around Stonehenge. The tunnel portals are much too close to the stones so their environment will be noisy rather than tranquil. The scheme fails to... Read more

  • Roger Plenty

    Damage has already been done by driving a bore hole through a Mesolithic platform. If this happens even before work gets under way, what damage can we expect when contractors with heavy plant are on... Read more

  • Rosalind Daws

    I object to the current proposal for several reasons. Firstly there will be permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go... Read more

  • BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP Paribas Real Estate) on behalf of Royal Mail Group Limited

    Under section 35 of the Postal Services Act 2011 (the “Act”), Royal Mail has been designated by Ofcom as a provider of the Universal Postal Service. Royal Mail is the only such provider in the United... Read more

  • Ruth Lerew

    I believe from the evidence I have seen that the plans will have a detrimental affect on Stonehenge. This listed site needs to be protected. Not enough has been done to look at alternatives. I... Read more

  • S Slater

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Samantha Cutlan

    I have so many concerns about this....but in brief -Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. -UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Sandra Alexander

    I believe construction regarding the road widening of the A303, Stonehenge will be irrevocably damaging to this ancient site, which should be considered as a whole, even extending to its horizons and... Read more

  • Sandra White

    I am extremely concerned that this Stonehenge should be preserved in its entirety. I visit the stones often and my time there is extremely precious. I also drive past the site and the current view... Read more

  • Sara Bryant

    1) I believe that the proposed work will cause permanent damage to this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, making impossible much overdue work to explore it in greater depth than ever... Read more

  • Sarah Bowles

    This World Hertitage site should be preserved for future generations, intact, unspoiled undamaged.

  • Sarah Rapley

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Sean Barclay

    Stonehenge is a unique and treasured National Monument of great scientific and other valueror some it still has religious significance and we have a duty as a nation to guaranteee protection of all... Read more

  • Sheila Gale

    I believe the current application will damage the World heritage Site, both its archaeology and its setting. UNESCO has said that it should not go ahead in its present form. The traffic flow will be... Read more

  • Sian Griffiths

    My representation is my concern for Stonehenge as a World Heritage Site, any planning application should not jeopardise this status. Stonehenge is an ancient monument which is visited by thousands of... Read more

  • Simon Larn

    I have monitored this proposal since it was first suggested, and from my point of view as an amateur archaeologist (but with some hands on professional experience), I am firmly opposed to this plan... Read more

  • Simon Marshall

    I am writing to express serious objection to the plans to build a dual carriageway through the UNESCO World Heritage Site around Stonehenge. The area is one of unique archaeological and ritual... Read more

  • Sion Elis Williams

    This scheme is completely flawed. If it goes ahead it will jeopardise the World Heritage Site (WHS) designation of Stonehenge WHS. It also has a number of negative environmental impacts, and my... Read more

  • Society of Antiquaries of London (Society of Antiquaries of London)

    We have previously responded to Highways England's consultations on the proposals for improving the A303 past Stonehenge. Several of our concerns about the impact of the scheme on the archaeological... Read more

  • Sonia Miller

    I am very against your proposal for many reasons Further pollution in an area which is of outstanding historical heritage and interest! Interfering with lay lines surrounding the henge and... Read more

  • Sophie Latter

    Unbelievable that such an ancient site of importance to our ancestors thousands of years ago and linking our history through to who we are today, the people of Britain, that we can put the land and... Read more

  • Steph Bell

    I object due to the following reasons, permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Steve Hill

    Improve the route to the M5 as a large amount of traffic is going north via the A358 this will reduce the majority of the haulage traffic from the south coast ports.

  • Steve Thomas

    I am very concerned that the planning proposal will restrict public access and enjoyment of this important UNESCO heritage site. Also concerns me greatly that the roadworks could damage millennia-old... Read more

  • Stuart John Wilford

    I'm against the road is it will destroy our most ancient and historic world heritage site. I feel the proposed road is a deliberate act to try and remove the last pieces of our indigenous heritage and... Read more

  • Sue Marcus

    Stonehenge is irreplaceable. The proposal will definitely adversely affect the World Heritage site, it’s archaeology, landscape and it’s setting in perpetuity. UNESCO has stated its objections to the... Read more

  • Sue O'Sullivan

    I believe that Stonehenge and the surrounding areas, the whole world heritage site is totally unique and very special. It should be cherished and treated with the utmost caution and respect. Not just... Read more

  • Sue Shepherd-Cross

    I wish to support the Stone Aliances objections to this application.

  • Susan Cullip

    I amvery concerned about the destruction of a most important archaelogical site. I understand that UNESCO are against the proposed plan too. Also I am very against the loss of the view from the road,... Read more

  • Susan Graney

    As a local resident who also works as a tour guide at Stonehenge, I am concerned of the implications on local residents of the proposed Stonehenge Tunnel and I also worry about the disturbance of the... Read more

  • Susan Marshall

    It will ruin Stonehenge and change the sight u see from the road plus’s the damage that could happen to stonehenge

  • Susan Sutton

    The environment, wildlife and heritage are all important to my life. I believe these plans will damage all of these. Endangered wildlife in the area will be even more at risk. The World Heritage... Read more

  • Tanya Wills

    Stonehenge is an historical, archaeological, and spiritual site of international renown and importance. Major excavation in the proposed proximity to the site will risk damage to the site in ways that... Read more

  • Terry Sessford

    I wish to object to the proposed A303 'expressway' in the vicinity of Stonehenge, primarily on the grounds of: - Damage to the Stonehenge UNESCO World Heritage Site, its archaeology and surrounding... Read more

  • Thames Crossing Action Group (Thames Crossing Action Group)

    As an action group opposed to the proposed Lower Thames Crossing we have learn about many other destructive Highways England schemes including this one. We have serious concerns over the way that HE... Read more

  • Susan Rogers (Hon Secretary) on behalf of The Avebury Society

    The Avebury Society, founded as a civic society in 1994, with interests in the Avebury part of the World Heritage Site (WHS), now has c.60 members. A series of inappropriate Avebury planning proposals... Read more

  • The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England)

    Introduction Historic England is the government’s statutory adviser on all matters relating to the historic environment, including world heritage. It is our duty under the provisions of the... Read more

  • The Stonehenge Alliance (The Stonehenge Alliance)

    The Stonehenge Alliance is a group of five national NGOs: Ancient Sacred Landscape Network, Campaign for Better Transport, Campaign to Protect Rural England, Friends of the Earth and Rescue: The... Read more

  • Theresa Waterhouse

    Stonehenge is unique - as we all know, and its designation as a World Heritage Site shows that the utmost care needs to be taken with this site, it is vital that proper consultation takes place... Read more

  • Thomas Bachrach

    The proposed works at Stonehenge are dangerous to the archaeological integrity of the world heritage site. As a historian, I feel I have the duty to stand up for this piece of English... Read more