
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 301 to 325 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Rodger Molyneux

    This is a WORLD Heritage site and should be shown respect as such. Our country is suffering badly from the current political farce, proceeding with this project will do everlasting damage to the... Read more

  • Roger Galley

    The proposed plans are just too damaging to our heritage.

  • Ronwen Walker

    I would like to urge all concerned to protect this unique piece of our landscape and not to build a tunnel that will harm it. The most straightforward option to improve the flow of traffic is to widen... Read more

  • Rosemary Hanson

    The heritage site of Stonehenge has already been disturbed by tourist facilities. To further destroy its important energetic importance would be a travesty. Please leave well alone any more building... Read more

  • Rosie Chester

    I object to your proposals on ecological, environmental and archaeological grounds.

  • Rupert Penny

    I would like to suggest two points for consideration... 1. I suggest there should be provision for the A360 to be rerouted from Longbarrow junction along (i) the new A303 across the River Till,... Read more

  • Ruth Blaug

    I do object to this sad proposed spoiling of an incomparable site. I appreciate that much money has already been spent on the present proposal, but future generations will look at this development... Read more

  • Ryan Penfold

    This application is for a road to be built atop an area surrounding an ancient monument which should be considered sacred. These monuments are the U.K.'s heritage. We should not be building or... Read more

  • Sally Brown

    I object to the current plan for the A303 around Stonehenge because: (1) It is not far enough away from the extensive site to not cause irrepairable damage to the site itself, the other areas such as... Read more

  • Sally Herriett

    As an archaeologists and university lecturer I Am deeply concerned about the irreparable damage that will be done to Stonehenge and the WHS. Already the immensely important site at Black Mead has been... Read more

  • Sandra Waterton

    Totally support the motion. Unbelievable that this should even be considered.

  • Sara Collins

    I am deeply concerned and troubled by the whole process. The area in and around Stonehenge has so much rich and vital history yet to be uncovered. I’m concerned that authorities are quite happy to... Read more

  • Sara Marlow

    Is made on the grounds that the scheme will plough straight through a world heritage site without understanding the context of the wider, unexplored archaeology. It is also a site sacred to me, and... Read more

  • Sarah Downing

    My concerns about the impact upon a historical and religious site of international importance

  • Sarah Richards

    Stone henge is of such social and historical significance, That it is offensive to suggest that allowing a tunnel to be excavated underneath it is anything other than an insult. Protect our... Read more

  • Seamus O'Connell

    A monument that has been there for thousands of years and, one hopes, will continue to be there for further thousands of years should not be damaged in any way by the actions of this generation of... Read more

  • Sharon Whalley

    Stonehenge is a site of huge importance. Not only to the history of the UK but also to that of the world. This cannot be overstated. The key importance in this is the word "site." It is not simply... Read more

  • Silvia Kogan

    I feel that this Proposal will cause irreparable damage to this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. Please take on board that... Read more

  • Simon Barber

    I am registering my own views on the proposed A303 Stonehenge Expressway .As far as I am concerned, this proposal will result in: • Irreparable damage to Stonehenge, which is a World Heritage... Read more

  • Simon L. Boddie

    Stonehenge is an ancient historical sight and as such should be protected from and all damaging actions. Our history cannot be replaced. Digging in under the sight or in the immediate vacinity... Read more

  • Simon Norton

    1. The proposals include dualling the A303 through the World Heritage Site of which Stonehenge forms a part, which will cause major damage thereto, as has been underlined by a UNESCO report. 2.... Read more

  • Simon Woods

    The entire site should be protected and preserved for visitors and for archaeology - a tunnel is far too intrusive expensive and unnecessary

  • Sonia Davey

    Besides the impact on the setting of the ancient Stonehenge Avenue, I am also concerned about the permanent negative effects to Neolithic and Bronze Age cemeteries, to the Blick Mead Mesolithic site,... Read more

  • Sophia Harris

    It is unbelievable that this investigation is actually going ahead. These historical sites are our heritage and we should be proud to have them in our country. Once any alterations take place it will... Read more

  • Stacey Beard

    I am concerned about any further damage to black Mead. And I am also concerned with disturbing wild birds in the area. This project should not move forward.