
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Helen Denning

    I am deeply concerned about the impact of the expansion of the A303 on Stonehenge, it being such an incredible historic monument. It brings people to Britain so is good for the economy, but it is so... Read more

  • Henry Lowther

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Hilary Douglas-Wood

    I am deeply concerned about the evironmental and aesthetic impact of this development. The importance of getting this right is immeasurable. Stonehenge is just the most important historical sight in... Read more

  • Hilary Hampton

    I am concerned about the proposals as a resident of Wiltshire but also as someone who appreciates archaeology. The main issues for me are: - the number of experts who have objections to the... Read more

  • Hugh Williamson

    Having until recently lived in the Amesbury area for 4 years, I passed Stonehenge and its related Neolithic remains in the World Heritage Site on many occasions, a superbly uplifting experience, and... Read more

  • Ian Bendle

    This will be so wrong if it is allowed as it will destroy a place of beautie and of historical interest I am against the plan to put a bypass through the Stonehenge site as it would create more... Read more

  • Ian Brodrick

    I object to the form and concept of the Stonehenge Tunnel. That is on the basis of extensive experience in infrastructure and as a qualified archaeologist. The locale and setting of the monument... Read more

  • Isabelle Vinet

    I strongly object to the 303 Stonehenge expressway because it will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. In fact,... Read more

  • Ivan Clowsley

    These road works will damage a unique site of historical interest and future generations will not forgive us it must be stopped.

  • Jacqueline Heraty

    Stonehenge is both archaeological and spiritual importance. The site is both deeper and wider than previously thought, and excavations to alter access will destroy parts recently dicovered, and have... Read more

  • James Blake

    Stonehenge lies in a complex and unique archaeological landscape, recognised as being of world-class importance. It shoould be fully protected, as a matter of highest priority. The A303 Stonehenge... Read more

  • James Davies

    I am against this proposal, it would cause terrible impacts to the heritage sites in the area, and untold damage to the local environment and wildlife.

  • James Rodwell

    I feel that the scheme should not go ahead in its current form as I believe the entrances to the tunnels should not be within the World Heritage Site boundaries and that the current plan goes against... Read more

  • Janet Hicks

    Stonehenge is an immensely important archeological site, acknowledged as being the most important in Europe. In my opinion to even consider a shortcut for traffic to be a viable reason for risking... Read more

  • Jason Hargreaves

    I am concerned about the following areas in particular: Significant dame to the UNESCO WHS caused by the proposal, despite UNESCO's advice not to proceed The damage that will be caused to Blick... Read more

  • Jessica Potter

    I don’t believe this is a necessary risk of what is unnown historical relevance. That land is a time capsule to the past and it will be destroyed!

  • Jill Kempshall

    As a member of the public I consider that the proposed road will cause untold damage to: the heritage assets represented by the stones and the Blick Mead mesolithic site; the unique landscape in... Read more

  • Jillian Head

    The Stoneheenge site is an iconic landscape known and appreciated accross the world. Hence its World Heritage status. Unesco describs it as a 'Landscape without parallel.' Future generations will see... Read more

  • Jim Fisher

    1. Damage to the World Heritage Site 2. In the consultation, no alternative given which would not do such damage 3. Conflict between such road proposals and the government's stated policy of acting... Read more

  • Joan Osborne

    I am concerned that irreparable damage will be caused to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’, particularly given that UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Joan Smith

    Stonehenge is an almost unparalleled site of archaeological importance, recognised by historians and UNESCO. Preserving it for future generations is far more important than a risky and misconceived... Read more

  • Joanna Millett

    I am very concerned about the proposed scheme which would do damage to our past and to a world heritage site of great significance to this country. Construction will destroy archeology and cause... Read more

  • John Ashton

    I am very concerned about what is proposed for the area around Stonehenge and would like to be kept informed.

  • John Brown

    UNESCO’s international advisers believe the scheme will be detrimental to what is a world heritage site. Large amounts of archaeology will be destroyed by the scheme.

  • John Davis

    The wanton destruction of archeology yet to be discovered, both inside the WHS andbearing in mind that although the WHS is defined nobody knows the full extent of the archeology, outside the area... Read more