
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Ian Mitchell

    A303 Stonehenge Amesbury to Berwick Down The Issues – Travel versus Amenity, Values and Assumptions Stonehenge is unique. It is the highlight of the World Heritage Site (WHS). The A303 runs... Read more

  • J. Capell

    I can't see that just building more and wider roads will relieve congestion. The proposed scheme is completely out of place here.

  • Jan Hobbs

    I am surprised that a scheme of this type is even being considered at such a unique and special site & one which has been attracting visitors from all around the globe for many decades. This is a... Read more

  • Jane Callaghan

    I am a British person, so Stonehenge and its surrounding area is part of my own heritage and an heirloom for the future. Stonehenge itself is at risk of damage by the A303 development and would be... Read more

  • Jerry Elsmore

    It will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme... Read more

  • John Colin Gill

    I object to the A303 Stonehenge proposal because of the serious damage it would inflict on a most important World Heritage Site (WHS). Much of the damage would be visual: although close to... Read more

  • Juliana Freeman

    I urge you to reconsider this tunnel and road plan. Stonehenge is a world reknowned site of historical interest that brings thousands of tourists into the country every year. We must preserve it... Read more

  • Karen Marshall

    Concerns about surrounding ancient site and wild life Loss of view of stones and surrounding landscape and having to pay for any view at all. Being turned from a place of beauty and wonder, a WHS to... Read more

  • Karoline Smith

    My objections to the proposed tunnel are concerned primarily with the Portals and the close proximity to sites of Scientific (Archaeology) and Spiritual (Burial Mounds) significance; And to the... Read more

  • Kelly Green

    I dont believe that a sufficient number of viable alternative options have been considered in addition to the proposed scheme for the expressway. I think that more time should be spent as there are... Read more

  • Lesley Kahney

    * Roadworkers have already been accused of damaging part of the Stonehenge site as part of the preparation for the tunnel. * UNESCO said a gunnel would have an adverse impact on the WHS. * Rare,... Read more

  • Linda Mallett

    I feel very strongly that the landscape around Stonehenge sheds light on the monument's context and is part of the whole heritage of the world famous earthworks itself. To build the proposed dual... Read more

  • Llinos Belcher

    I'm concerned about the effect on the monument and of the wildlife conservation n and around the area. Also I am concerned that the people will not be able to see their monument from the road and... Read more

  • Lorraine D'Cunha

    To tunnel under Stonehenge is a ridiculous idea. The place is steeped in history and you are running the risk of destroying it. Plus the laylines run there.

  • Madeleine Bamfield-Dillon

    This scheme will cause irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site. Stonehenge is not just a NATIONAL TREASURE BUT AN INTERNATIONAL TREASURE, and as such should be protected by any means. UNESCO... Read more

  • Maggie Tallerman

    I am convinced that the proposed road scheme will cause irreparable damage to our leading UK World Heritage site; UNESCO are the experts here and they do not support the scheme, and therefore must be... Read more

  • Marchia Pratt

    Irreparable damage to the site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Marion Smylie

    I am against the proposals due to the irreparable damage it will cause to the site and to wildlife.

  • Mark Charlwood

    I object strongly to the proposed development of the infrastructure surrounding the UNESCO Worl Heritage Site at Stonehenge. This is a dreadful and poorly conceived plan, that will cause huge damage... Read more

  • Mary Black

    I am objecting to the proposals for the A303 Expressway and the impact that it will have on the Stonehenge World Heritage site. New areas of interest within the site are continuing to emerge, such as... Read more

  • Mary Milne

    Stonehenge has stood for 1000s of years and is visited by many local people and tourists from all over the world every year and is a World Heritage Site. The construction planned would result in... Read more

  • Mary Whiting

    This scheme sounds appallingly insensitive. It is especially shocking since this site is probably the most famous WHS in the world, described by UNESCO as a 'landscape without parallel'. Indeed,... Read more

  • Mavis Linstrum

    The damage to an important World Heritage Site, in addition to being avoidable, would be irrevocable. It is our duty to preserve and conserve important historical, architectural and archeological... Read more

  • Maxine Alexander

    This site is of huge historical and spiritual significance to thousands of people both locally and internationally building this road would have unbelievable consequences for those that regularly... Read more

  • Melvyn Brown

    I holiday in the south west of England and would lose sight of Stonehenge by the routing suggested. I object most strongly to this. It is the way to start a holiday. Yes the traffic needs attention... Read more