
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 2101 to 2125 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Independent Festival and Event Assessor (Independent Festival and Event Assessor )

    Why haven't Wiltshire cc but traffic lights on longbarrow round about in conjunction with Amesbury round about .no need for a tunnel very simple .

  • Ingrid ODonnell

    I am concerned that unexcavated archaeology within the landscape surrounding Stonehenge may be permanently destroyed theeby removing the best chance that we and future generations have to understood... Read more

  • Isabel Adomakoh Young

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Ivan Gosling

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ leading to the possible loss of its WHS status. UNESCO’s international advisers say... Read more

  • J Pope

    I am concerned about these changes to such a special and unique site. The damage that will be done to the Stonehenge landscape, including Blick Mead, does not appear to have been given sufficient... Read more

  • J Stedman

    My main concerns about the project are detailed below. Firstly, the great risk of permanent damage to the World Heritage Site and its archaeology and setting. The UNESCO's advisers have... Read more

  • J Yeates

    I am very concerned by the plans for the development of the A303 in Wiltshire. Should such a scheme be completed, it would result in immense environmental damage to the world heritage site of Stone... Read more

  • Fowler Fortescue (Fowler Fortescue) on behalf of J&M Turner and Son

    J&M TURNER & SON Manor Farm, Winterbourne Stoke. DCO Registration of Interested Parties. We wish to make full written and oral representations on many aspects of the scheme (an outline of the... Read more

  • Fowler Fortescue (Fowler Fortescue) on behalf of J.M Stratton & Co (J.M Stratton & Co)

    This registration is made by : J M Stratton and Co, East Farm, Codford Summary of Representation: The proposals seek to create a new restricted byway to connect byway SLAN3 to byway BSJA3A. The... Read more

  • J.M. Doude van Troostwijk

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’

  • Jack wheeler

    We need to protect our heritage

  • Jackie Whitelaw

    The plan to build approach road cuttings, flyovers and other elements for a tunnel /expressway through the world heritage site are appalling. Not only will they cause permanent damage to the WHS,... Read more

  • Jacqueline Milton

    Please listen to to rejections you have received I srand by them all.

  • Jacqui Selby

    I feel the Western portal is too close to the ancient burial mounds and the Eastern too close to 'Blickmead' Archaeological site, and that there are issues with light pollution to the west and water... Read more

  • Jade overington

    Such a bad idea should never happen

  • Jake Townson

    Stonehenge is our history. Allowing it to be violated bit by bit enables, eventually, all of our history to be destroyed.

  • James Burns

    I am above all concerned about the potential damage constructing the Stonehenge Tunnel to Neolithic sites not fully excavated yet. Such sites are comparatively rare, and so it would be an act of... Read more

  • James Butcher

    The tunnel will deprive people of the chance to see this world heritage site unless they pay to do so - it’s an extraordinary landmark on the way to the south west. We shouldn’t be making it harder... Read more

  • James Mackay

    The proposed construction would cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site. Many alternative options in that would not damage the World Heritage Site have not been considered or evaluated... Read more

  • James Nye

    The scheme does not take into account the disturbance it will create for rare bird species such as Great Bustards and Stone Curlews, nor the increase in noise and pollution to the area. The propsed... Read more

  • James P Knowles

    “I OBJECT to this DCO Planning Application." REASONS FOR OBJECTION Viability / Judicial Review. The Treasury, National Infrastructure Commission, Office of Road & Rail and National Audit... Read more

  • James Rann

    Permanent damage to a World Heritage and UNESCO site including Blick Mead,which UNESCO say shouldn’t go ahead in its form. Disturbance of rare bird species. Increased faster traffic and noise.

  • Andy Rhind-Tutt on behalf of James Rhind-Tutt (James Rhind-Tutt)

    I am a retired Councillor and former Mayor of Wilton. I was a councillor for 60 years and have witnessed all of the previous applications and discussions relating to Stonehenge. I wish to object to... Read more

  • James Rodgers

    This is a historical site, and this damage would be irreparable. Once it has been done it cannot be undone. This would be tragic.

  • James Sundquist

    While I recognise that the 303 is an important traffic corridor to the SW of England (which I avoid as much as possible), this attempted solution does not seem to be proceeding with due consideration... Read more