
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 776 to 800 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Margaret Price

    Having lived in Wiltshire for 40 years I care passionately about its historic sites and its beautiful landscapes, and their significance in providing us with evidence of how past generations from long... Read more

  • Michael Wells

    The proposed A303 Expressway under Stonehenge is unacceptable from an environmental point of view. Build a new road somewhere else. You will never be able to repair the damage done to the site and the... Read more

  • Miss Iris Neel

    I am concerned that the length of the proposed tunnel is too short and because of this the present scheme wifi damage the World Heritage Site. I am also concerned that he present proposal is not... Read more

  • Mr I Mack

    I do not agree with the proposed route of the A303 primarily because of the damage that will be caused to StoneHenge and its surrounding areas. The loss of so much of our heritage is at stake,... Read more

  • Olga Grapsas

    I am extremely concerned about the ongoing highway construction works and planning upon the Stonehenge landscape. It risks immense damage to the preservation of the surrounding area, wildlife... Read more

  • Raven De Bonaire

    This is utterly ludicrous. This unique & irreplaceable ancient monument is being damaged, compromised & endangered because of road “improvements”. It is madness to jeapodise Stonehenge in any way.... Read more

  • Robin Heywood

    The proposed route WILL encroach upon the accepted extent of the World Heritage Site and therefore irreparably damage the site itself I am very concerned that the UNESCO advisers are very unhappy... Read more

  • Rosemary Jones

    My representation is that only those personally experiencing or having extensive knowledge of the spiritual culture of these islands should decide what should happen and not happen to the sacred sites... Read more

  • Sacred Sites International Foundation (Sacred Sites International Foundation)

    Sacred Sites International Foundation believes that this proposed road development would have an adverse effect on Stonehenge, a remarkable, sacred, UNESCO World Heritage Site and its surrounding... Read more

  • Sonia Ashby

    I am very concerned about road building proposals at the Stonehenge WH site and I want to be kept informed of developments.

  • Teresa Seabrook

    I strongly feel that the intrusion and possible damage to this unique Mesolithic site would be beyond repair if changes and mistakes are made to this area.This is an important World Heritage site that... Read more

  • The 1805 Club (The 1805 Club)

    The 1805 Club’s interest is in the history of the Georgian Royal Navy at the time of Lord Nelson. The Nile Clumps were planted soon after the Battle of the Nile in 1798 and there is a risk of... Read more

  • Tony Saggers

    • Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ • UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Wendy E. Morrison

    I am worried about potential irreparable harm to a global treasure of historical significance to everyone on the planet.

  • Alan Stephen Wood

    That the merits of building a tunnel in the vicinity of the Stonehenge site rather than a cutting have not been adequately financially or environmentally assessed. The cost of building a tunnel is... Read more

  • Alexandra Veres

    No further damage should be done to the archaeological landscape of Stonehenge. Road widening should not be at the expense of England’s most iconic World Heritage Site. If A303 widening at... Read more

  • Andy Mackenzie

    Damage to the World Heritage Site is not acceptable. Priority needs to be given to the site, not to vehicles.

  • Christina Stynes

    I think that Stonehenge is under threat from the planned road scheme for the following reasons; Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • Graham Wickham

    I understand the need to improve the A303 but I think the cost of constructing a tunnel is unjustified. There are alternatives which will be cheaper, cause less damage to historic remains and be a... Read more

  • James Booth

    I have two primary concerns. I am deeply worried about the inevitable disturbance of the habitats of stone curlews and recently reintroduced Great Bustards which this development will entail. Secondly... Read more

  • Justin Ayres

    The planned tunnel through the UNESCO world heritage site of Stonehenge should not go ahead. A world heritage site should not be destroyed it should be protected. The destruction of the platform is a... Read more

  • Karen O'Heare

    Having lived in Wiltshire for many years from the 1970s, I enjoyed the opportunities to visit Stonehenge and give my children an interest in history. Sadly, over the years, access to Stonehenge became... Read more

  • Kate Eldridge

    I object to A303 Stonehenge Expressway. In particular I am concerned about the increased traffic and the noise and air pollution this will cause, and damage to the World Heritage Site and Blick Mead... Read more

  • L Foster

    I believe that the proposed changes to the A303 will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge as well as placing the World Heritage Site status in jeopardy.

  • Lyn Brayshaw

    The World Heritage Site needs to be properly protected. Damage to the World Heritage Site is not acceptable.