
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 1351 to 1375 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Robyn Bailey-West

    Highways will destroy important Archeology already found and in the future.

  • Roger Clarke

    I have been visiting the Stonehenge site since I was a child, indeed was one of the last generations to be able to interact freely with the stones. I wrote a project on Stonehenge as a child. What I... Read more

  • Roger Gwynn

    Stonehenge (including the whole landscape around the main site) is a unique and priceless part of our national heritage and it is of course also a World Heritage Site. I am concerned that the plan for... Read more

  • Rose Broderick

    Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. Lack of alternative options in consultation that would not damage the World Heritage Site. Loss of the view from the road... Read more

  • Roy Barlow


  • Ruth Parkin

    How can we seriously consider a major road building project on a world heritage site in such a way that will render its surrounding archaeological heritage compromised. It sets a dangerous precedent... Read more

  • SallyAnn Simpson

    These plans for an expressway so close to Stonehenge will create irreparable damage to this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, and described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’.... Read more

  • Samuel Lane

    Public access to stonehenge is being constantly attacked and withdrawn. I have a right of access along an ancient trackway now called the A303. This Road has been a public right of way since long... Read more

  • Sandie Clifford

    I wish to object to the building oif the tunnel on the A303 as it destroy areas of historical interest and it change the lsurrounding ladscape of the Stonehenge site for ever in a way that is... Read more

  • Sara Stagg

    I disagree with the proposal to tunnel under or near Stonehenge.

  • Sarah Elliott

    This proposal would irreparably damage an UNESCO heritage sight. Even UNESCO stand against it. The plans would totally dwarf Stonehenge and ruin the impact of viewing it first from the roads around.... Read more

  • Sarah Rooke

    I am concerned about the proposals: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • Satch Norton

    Stonehenge and the land around it is a very important Public asset and is far more important than cutting a few minutes off a car journey. We need to be cutting car journeys, not encouraging more... Read more

  • Rob Tanner on behalf of SEA Oxford (SEA Oxford )

    SEA Oxford have been running tours to Stonehenge for nearly 20 years. The recent archaeological discoveries in the area, turning the site from a stone circle to one of the most important historical... Read more

  • Sean Gannon

    I am objecting to the 303 tunnel on the potential destruction of environment and archeology in the world heritage site

  • Sean Martin

    I object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Stonehenge 'expressway'. I have seen no evidence of congestion on the A303 from either personal experience or in comments and videos posted... Read more

  • Sharon Hall

    Irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site Damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting Disturbance of rare bird species (Stone Curlew and Great Bustard)

  • Shelagh Weeks

    Firstly, I am appalled that in a time of climate melt-down, major huge roads are being still being planned. Secondly, I believe that the planned road will have a hugely detrimental impact on a site of... Read more

  • Simon Aylward

    The Stonehenge expressway proposal is an attempt to save money at the expense of our National Heritage. That which will be damaged is priceless, irreplaceable archaeological evidence of the history of... Read more

  • Spencer John Mulholland

    The main reasons for my objections for this project are; The immeasurable damage it will inevitably cause to this World Heritage Site, the damage it will cause to the rare wildlife that inhabits the... Read more

  • Stella Westmacott

    I wish to make the following points against the planning application:- It will result in irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • Stephanie Carn

    I'm opposed to the road scheme on many grounds, the most important being the damage to a world heritage site, disturbance to birds and other wildlife, the inevitable increase in traffic that will... Read more

  • Stephen McDonald

    I object to this proposal because; 1. This is an iconic Landscape which must at all costs be preserved for future generations. Driving a significantly larger road through this area will of course... Read more

  • Stuart Lawrence

    My chief concern about the proposals for the re-touting of the A303 around the area of Stonehenge is the impact that it may have on the heritage surrounding countryside. I strongly feel that it is... Read more

  • Sue Woodley

    I am very concerned about the impact of the A303 Expressway on the Stronehenge World heritage site because of the damage it will cause to this archaeological site which will be irreparable, even... Read more