
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Gorsedd of Bards of Cor Gawr - Gorsedd Beirdd Côr y Cewri (Gorsedd of Bards of Cor Gawr - Gorsedd Beirdd Côr y Cewri)

    We are concerned that the proposal will damage the archaeology of the world heritage site and may interfere in consequence with our current use of the site for ritual purposes. Our submission will be... Read more

  • Greg Richards

    This would cause Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’.

  • Gregory Jotham

    I am concerned that the proposal could cause serious damage to the archaeological record at one of Britain's most significant prehistoric sites. To allow tunnelling on tis scale so close to the site... Read more

  • Hamish Soutar

    The tunnel and associated cuttings and other works will do massive, lasting and unacceptable damage to the landscape of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. The scheme therefore totally fails to meet... Read more

  • Hannah Houghton-Berry

    I am very concerned that damage will be done to the integrity of the wider Stonehenge as a whole and, in particular, to the unique Blick Mead site,, contrary to the advice of leading archaeologists.

  • Harald Rauser

    Hello, as a lover of British and European culture and heritage, I firmly believe it is our duty to safeguard and protect archaeological sites of prominent significance as best we can. One of the... Read more

  • Harry Baker

    I am deeply concerned by the potential for damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage site, raised by UNESCO's international advisers, and by the failure to include alternative options in consultation.

  • Hazel Whitefoot

    There are several good reasons why this scheme should not go ahead but, to keep it short, damage to this internationally valued landscape once it's happened cannot be undone. It's no good saying... Read more

  • Hazel Young

    The Stonehenge site is a designated World Heritage Site, and its setting extends well beyond its immediate environs. I believe the current scheme is damaging to the setting. Furthermore the... Read more

  • Helen Compton

    Given the age and heritage value of the monument, not to mention its religious value to a high percentage of people, development work of any kind should not take place near to this site, let alone on... Read more

  • Helen Hatt

    Damage to sensitive archeology at the world heritage site of Stonehenge. Lack of appropriate and adequate environmental impact assessments for the planned route. Restriction of public right of... Read more

  • Helen Hill

    We are losing the essence of English countryside , through the loss of trees, protected spaces. Incorporating a faster road will bring more traffic to the south west that does not have infra... Read more

  • Rachel Hosier on behalf of Helen Hosier (Helen Hosier)

    Since marrying my husband in 1963 I have devoted my life to supporting him with the farm and fostering a sense of responsibility and guardianship within my children, ensuring they are well placed to... Read more

  • Helen Jennings

    This is an awful proposal for such a historical national monument which is sacred to many.

  • Helen Middleton

    There have been many schemes for the A303 over the years; none of them were satisfactory, and this one, despite years of planning and consultation, does not feel any closer to the solution that is... Read more

  • Helene Williams

    I agree with Arthur pendragon.

  • Hester Schofield

    I wish to object to the A303 Expressway near to stonehenge on the following grounds 1.The expressway will block the view of stonehenge - a unique ancient heritage site and deny future... Read more

  • Humphrey Sherwood

    I am concerned about Highways England's plan for an Expressway past Stonehenge, and especially :- Damage to Stonehenge and its satellite sites; The lack of alternative options that would not damage... Read more

  • Iain Phillips

    I wish to object to the proposed A303 tunnel near Stonehenge, as this will cause irreversible damage to one of the world's most important archaeological sites.

  • Ian Bee

    The tunnel scheme will cause irreparable damage to a unique and important archaeological site. UNESCO have pointed this out. In the future if this scheme goes ahead it will be impossible to see... Read more

  • Ian Bunce

    This project cannot be permitted as it will permanently destroy parts of this iconic & unique UNESCO World Heritage Site. Preliminary exploratory work has already caused damage to the Blick Mead... Read more

  • Ian Forster

    My list is endless but these are some of the main talking points. I am concerned about the permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme... Read more

  • Ian Holloway

    Stonehenge is a vital part of British heritage, history and identity and too precious to be placed in jeopardy by something as ill conceived as a road that will scar an already brutalised landscape... Read more

  • Ian Louis Molnar

    This will cause irreparable harm to one of the World's greatest prehistoric archaeological sites. UNESCO advises that this project should not go ahead in its current form, any attempt to follow... Read more

  • Ian Rawlins

    I oppose the construction of the A303 Stonehenge Express Way This will cause untold damage to the Stonehenge landscape, and destroy archaeological sites - i.e. Blick Mead, Vespasians Camp.... Read more